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The Flat Earth Psyop — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you for standing against this flat earth operation. It’s terrible how many have been diverted into spending most of their time and energy in pushing this fraudulent theory rather than being led to the truth in Jesus Christ and what His Word says about the state of the world.

    Another psy op that might not be as big any more is the Mandela Effect. It’s the belief that reality is being altered supernaturally either by technology that the secret societies like the Illuminati or Jesuits have or by spiritual entities, but that our memories remain intact. For example, I have a family member who thinks the Bible has been changed supernaturally so that we don’t know what it really says due to this Mandela Effect. She claims to remember a certain Bible passage (Isaiah 11:6) saying that the lion shall lie with the lamb instead of the wolf dwelling with the lamb, so that means it’s been altered supernaturally. I believe that’s the real purpose of the psy op, to discredit the Bible by claiming its been changed supernaturally so there is no use in reading it. This family member isn’t saved but I believe this gives them a huge excuse to avoid the pain of facing that they are a sinner as the Bible says and repenting. After all, how do we know the Bible really says all that about sin and reptentance when it could’ve been magically altered? It’s a huge case of “hath God said” from the serpent to me where the person can’t be reasoned with because they have these false memories in their head that they believe are real and refuse to admit they just remember something wrong.

    In any case, God bless!

    • Matthew, thank you so much for your good comments, encouraging words, and helpful insights!

      The Flat Earth psyop is certainly an attack of Satan on the Church. I’ve lost friends over it, people who I considered to be good and faithful brethren in the Lord. My scientist friend and brother in Christ, Dr. John Gideon Hartnett, 7 years ago, did not think it was worth his time to even debate the subject with my Flat earth friends, but now it’s became so widespread among the brethren, he made a seminar to refute it!

      Years ago a friend tried to convince me that the Mandela Effect was real but I never linked it to an attack on the Word of God like you did! That’s very interesting and something I will not forget. Satan casting doubt on the Word of God with the “hath God said” question, is the very subject I have been preparing to teach the next Bible study fellowship! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Many blessings to you in Christ Jesus!

      • You’re welcome, brother! I’ll take a look at the seminar your friend produced about Satan’s flat earth lie. I know David Nikao Wilcoxson wrote an entire book that’s available as a PDF refuting flat earth and promoting Geocentrism (I know you’re familiar with him because I believe he’s the one that exposed the deception behind the 70th Week of Daniel to you from what I’ve read here on your site). I don’t think I read through his book all the way, but perhaps I should go back and take a second try at reading through it. I haven’t lost any friends over this flat earth deception so far, but it’s a shame to hear it’s had that sort of negative impact on your relationships.

        I hope your teaching goes well with your fellowship, James! It’s always important to counter the attacks on the Word to keep our brothers and sisters strong in the faith. As I said, I’m not sure if the Mandela Effect is big anymore, but it is definitely something to keep in mind if you do run across it again. Praise the Lord indeed!

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James Japan