HomeEschatologyWhat John Nelson Darby Taught About Daniel 9 vs. Prominent Bible Commentators


What John Nelson Darby Taught About Daniel 9 vs. Prominent Bible Commentators — 41 Comments

  1. James,

    One clarification I would make.

    Daniel 9:26 “And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off [killed], but not for Himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.”

    Note the use of the word ‘and’ after “but not for Himself:” (a reference to the Messiah). This means a different person. The ‘people of the prince’ were the army of Vespasian the Roman Emperor who came and conquered Judaea. Under Christ’s sovereign will, General Titus pulled apart the Temple in 70 A.D., the Jews were sent into exile and hence the temple worship was terminated. And the land was ravaged by wars. This was still the Messiah’s doing, even though he used the Romans.

    Daniel 9:27a “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:”

    ‘He’ here refers to Jesus the Messiah, not the AntiChrist. The Hebrew grammar requires it be the Messiah, who is the subject of the preceding verse (v.26). He, Jesus, confirms the covenant (Galatians 3:17) — fulfilling the Law (Romans 10:4) — with many, but not all, in Israel.

    It is important to distinguish the other ‘prince’, who is not ‘prince of the covenant’, that is Christ.

    • John,

      I appreciated the clarity of your interpretation (and agree with most of it). You seem to attribute “the prince” in the prophecy regarding “the people of the prince” to Vespasian. It might be helpful to read the accusation against Stephen in Acts 6. He was accused of teaching that “Jesus” would come and destroy the temple. Luke said they were “false witnesses” but like the “false witnesses” against Jesus were false not because they reported wrongly against Jesus (and Stephen). He did say, “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” They were “false” because they did not believe it! Likewise the witnesses against Stephen were false because they did not believe his testimony. They would have believed Stephen if they “knew” that Jesus was the God of the Old Testament. In order to see the fulfillment of Stephen’s word (if you would were living then) you would have had to know that Jesus was not only the risen Savior but that he also was the Judge of all the earth. The “people of the Prince” is a reference to the apostolic witness of the church in repeating the witness of Jesus against the city of Jerusalem. (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) To understand this clearly read Jeremiah the first chapter and the mission Jesus gave to Jeremiah several hundred years before. Like Nebuchadnezzar, Vespasian was only the instrument Jesus used to fulfill his predictive Word in the coming destruction! Well I hope this is helpful and…

  2. One more thought. We are told that the Temple in Jesus time (under Herod the Great, therefore the 2nd Temple) took 46 years to build (John 2:20) but this is not mentioned in the text in Daniel 9:25. But it may be the reason some have interpreted the 7 week period (7 × 7 years = 49 years) as a reconstruction of the city including the Temple. Could be the reason?

  3. James Japan,

    I hope you are well. I would like to share some thoughts with you.

    The “he” in Dan 9:27, that confirms the covenant, is the “prince that shall come”. The word, prince, is translated from Strong’s #H5046 and is translated plural in 6 or 7 places – look it up. The parties of the covenant are the Roman leader and the Arab Jerusalem leader of today. They are the people groups that destroyed the city in 70AD. Those two leaders (Pope Francis and Mahmoud Abbas) made a treaty in 2015 (Look up Vatican Palestine Treaty). It was confirmed by many in September, 2015, when the Vatican and Palestinian flags were both flown, as non-member STATES, for the first time ever, at the U.N. Headquarters in NY and Geneva.

    Seven years = 84 months. In the midst of the 70th week (84 month span/2 = 42 months) HE (the prince that shall come) shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease.

    (The Abomination of Desolation is Satan appearing on Earth. That happens 42 months prior to the consummation of time at Jesus’ return. Neither Satan or Jesus is here on Earth to confirm a covenant with many for the start of the 70th week – 84 month period.)

    Catholics, and Protestants as of 31 October, 2017, participate in their daily Holy Communion. They refer to that as the sacrifice and oblation. The Pope has the authority over them to call to an end of communion, in the midst of the 70th week, because Satan has appeared claiming to be God. (Jesus said, “Do this in remembrance of me.”, remember? What could be more abominable and desolate than Christians not having communion and worshiping Satan?

    There is so much more. I have a son that traveled around Japan this summer. I asked him to share this but I suspect he didn’t as much as he could have. He is only 19 and taught himself to speak Japanese a couple of years ago. The Watchman’s warning must be sounded! The servants of our God must be sealed!

    God Bless

    • Peter, I covered in detail with several articles on this website http://www.jamesjpn.net/?s=daniel+9%3A27 why I believe that the 70th Week of Daniel was fulfilled by the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He was the Prince that shall come! And I believe the Covenant of Daniel 9:27 is the same Covenant of Daniel 9:4, meaning the Covenant of grace God made with Abraham! Jesus confirmed it! Daniel 9:27 KJV
      And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:…
      The KJV makes it clear the Covenant existed before hand and not something made or entered into at the beginning of the 70th Week. Daniel 9:27 is a Messianic prophecy! Bible teachers in the beginning of the Protestant Reformation used to teach it as such. The Jesuits twisted the interpretation to a covenant made by a future Antichrist so the Protestants would stop looking at the Popes as the Antichrist. They sure did a bang up job, didn’t they? Unless you study the history of the doctrine you are sharing with me, you won’t find the truth.

  4. I should add:

    In Dan 9:27, the abomination and desolation lasts “even until the consummation,” and is part of the final week. There is no way to say the 70th week is already done because it ends with the consummation.

    I look forward to sharing more with you, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.

    God Bless

    • If you compare Matthew 24:15 with Luke 21:20, you will know what the abomination desolation is! Luke clearly says “Jerusalem compassed with armies” It was fulfilled 70 AD. The Great Tribulation was THEN, and will not happen again. Jesus said so in Matthew 24! That chapter is all about the End of Israel, and NOT the Endtime!
      People tend to reject doctrines that are contrary to what they have learned over the years. I did too but then I found out the doctrines you are teaching are not what the early Protestants believed. Hence I started study the history of these doctrines and found out they were planted in the Church by Roman Catholic Jesuits! Please see http://christianitybeliefs.org/end-times-deceptions/the-great-tribulation-of-matthew-24/

  5. Seriously James?

    I thought, “Any comments about this article are appreciated. (As long as you agree with me. :))” was said tongue in cheek.


  6. James,

    I will look at the works in the link you provided. Will you please look at the following?
    The word “prince” in Dan 9:26 is translated from the Hebrew word “nagiyd”. It is H5046 in the Strong’s Concordance. Please look it up. I’ll expound on that below.
    The word “confirm” in Dan 9:27 is translated from the Hebrew word “gabar”. In the definition of gabar in the Strong’s Concordance, words such as pride, insolent, and contumacious are used (I had to look that last word up!). Those are not characteristics of my Jesus!
    The word “many” is translated from the Hebrew word “rab”. These “many” are not common folk!

    I do agree, the covenant existed before the 70th Week started.

    The prophecies given to Daniel were sealed until the time of the end. I put little value on doctrines from centuries ago. I was born and raised in the Catholic Church. I understand the Jesuits. The Protestants are part of the Beast as well. The prince that shall come is mentioned in Rev 17 as well: Rev 17:10, “And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.”

    Please consider Jesus’ response to his disciples question in Matt 24:3, “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” Jesus said, in Matt 24:15, ” When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)”. That abomination of desolation is there right at the end. Dan 9:27, “…and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation…” Consummation means we are done with this age.

    I’d like to share more with you. Please e-mail me!

    God Bless,

    • Peter, I am not interested in watching videos based the thr Futurist school of interpretation. It seems to me you didn’t even read this article. And I have more on this site that explain my views about the 70th Week in detail.


      Why should I repeat them again here? If you don’t read what I have already written, why should I write more? You can either take the points I submitted, or leave them. I know it’s a major paradigm shift to see the Week of Daniel 9:27 fulfilled by Jesus the first half and the Apostles the second half, and the Abomination of Desolation fulfilled by the Roman Army 40 years later, but this is the Historist view all the Protestants held until Darby picked false Jesuit doctrines in the beginning of the 19th century and screwed up popular eschatology to this very day! I reject it all as FALSE! And I think I stand in much better company with the views of the godly men of the past compared to the corrupt money minded Bible teachers of the present.

      • James,

        The video is only a few minutes long.

        I did read those two articles. I don’t agree with them, nor do I agree with either the SDA or Catholic/Protestant eschatology.

        I do not have a website set up to share my research. Maybe that is what I need to do? I only share them by hard copy and by e-mail.

        I believe we are almost two years into the final seven.

  7. James,

    I looked over what you referenced and I agree with your view points on the Roman Catholic Church, and see things in the “Historic” prophecy perspective.

    I have to reiterate: In Matt 24:3, “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” I don’t see Matthew 24 as an end of Israel. Jesus is describing what will be the sign of His coming, and of the end of the world. World is “ion” in the Greek, which may have been better translated to “age”. This age has not been consummated. We are still in it.

    Also, I do not see the 70th Week being connected to the first 69. The first 69 are counted “from the decree” to return and rebuild, but the 70th starts with the “confirming of the covenant with many”.

    I should add, I am not a scholar. At least, I do not have any credentials as one. I don’t even have a BS degree. Many years ago, my prayer to our Father was simply, “I’m not understanding this. Just show me what you want me to do and I’ll do it. I want to serve You.” That’s when He started to make things happen. My opinions are not in complete alignment with any denomination or doctrine. They do, however, align with the Word and events of the world, both historic and current.

    I’m looking forward to your EMAIL! 🙂


    • Peter,The proper context of the Olivet Discourse is not the end times, but rather about Messiah’s proclamation that the temple in Jerusalem would be destroyed.

      The disciples understood the prophecy in Daniel 9, and they were inquiring about when the Messiah would cause the temple and city to be destroyed, thus ending the latter days of the Jews, who Messiah had just berated in Matthew 23.

      Matthew is the only one who wrote about the end of the age, Luke and Mark did not. The King James says the end of the world, but it should be rendered as ‘age‘ as it points to the latter days of the Jews, from when they were released from Babylon, until the temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.

      Daniel 9:26 warned the Jews that the temple and city would be desolated. Daniel understood that to mean that because the Jews would deliver the Messiah up to be killed, they would be desolated. This is why Daniel was so distraught.

      The reason you don’t see the 70th Week attached to the first 69 is because you were taught it wasn’t. That’s what I was taught too and believed for 40 years, just like you, brother. About 10 years ago a SDA friend told me there is no legitimate or sane reason why the final week should be in the future. I rejected the notion then. And why? Because it came from a SDA! But years later I learned it’s not SDA only doctrine but what all the early Protestants used to believe! The eschatology I used to follow came from a Jesuit priest to mislead Protestantism!! And it worked. Unless you see the Jesuit hand in it through your own research, there is nothing I can tell you that will change your mindset

  8. James,

    I just lost about 30 minutes worth of thoughts re-loading this page.

    You need to re-read Matthew 24. Jesus brought up the destruction of the buildings, not His Disciples contemplating the meaning and fulfillment of Daniel chapter 9. Maybe, these thoughts you have come from you listening to men’s teachings without checking them specifically out in the Word of God?

    Matt 24:14-15, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:” “Preached” is “heralded”. That was not done by the time Jesus paid the price on the cross, nor was it done by 70 AD. I believe it has been done now. Some believe it will be done when God servants are delivered up to the Synagogue of Satan and the Holy Spirit speaks through them. God knows.

    I see the end of the age in all four Gospels.

    The city and temple was destroyed by “the people of the prince that shall come”. “He” shall confirm a covenant with many leaders. I’ve covered this already with you.

    The reason I don’t see the 70th attached to the first 69 is because it is not in the Word of God. Also, if it was successive, it would not stretch past 70 AD (Remember: In the midst of the week, he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease?). While the destruction of the city is mentioned in the prophecy, it was not done within the confines of the weeks that are determined by the prophecy. The 70th starts with the event: He shall confirm the covenant with many for one week.”

    You should be careful who you identify with as Godly men. The Protestants are just as much a part of the Beast system as the Roman Catholic Church. You should read Exodus 12. We are instructed to keep the Passover FOREVER, not just until some guy named Constantine re-invents the Pagan holiday of Easter. (BTW, Easter is on the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the spring equinox. That is not Passover, or three days later.) If the Protestants were so Godly, they would not have kept the Pagan elements of the RCC.

    I have to get to work.

    I’d love to get a chance to visit with you someday! I’m sure you’ve had an interesting life in Japan. I know my son would appreciate learning from your experience.

    I look forward to you sending an e-mail!


    • Pete, you are continuing to repeat things that I and the early Protestants have clearly shown to be based on a Jesuit misinterpretation of Daniel 9:27! Everything you shared is not what you yourself got directly from the Bible, but what others have taught you. Come on, admit it! I was taught the same and believed like you do for 40 years! I’ve been there, done that, and used to teach it too. Now I see things in an entirely different light, Bible light, from the Word. For example, where in the Bible does it say the Temple of Solomon will be rebuilt in the Endtime? You cannot give me a single verse of scripture. You can only give me speculation. I can’t go on speculation anymore.
      I can’t write in detail because I am on the road with only a smartphone now.
      Please come to Japan and visit me!
      Your son is welcome too.
      God bless you!
      Bye for now.

  9. James,

    You have not been paying attention! You can afford to pay attention! (That’s a joke.)

    This is my last comment. Here after you will need to e-mail me.

    In regards to your example, you are right, a third temple will not be built. I’ve been saying this to Protestants for years. I do not believe that another temple will be built.
    1. Protestants say the temple has to be built for the sacrifice and oblation to start so it can cease. I say (now I’m repeating myself) that the sacrifice and oblation that will cease is Holy Communion!
    2. In Rev 11, when John is told to measure the temple, Protestants say there must be a temple for John to measure! But,he is given a shepherd’s staff, not a yard stick. The shepherd’s staff is used to separate those (goats) that don’t belong in the temple (i.e. in communion with God). AND, the Holy City is tread under foot by the ETHNOS 42 months (i.e. 3 1/2 years) I say since Pentecost the temple is the body of the believers.
    3. Satan sits on the side of the North. Protestants say there has to be a temple to be on the north side of it. I say Satan takes a position of authority over the people.

    You have my email address.

    I’m still praying for you to be sealed.

    Our Father’s Kingdom Come and Will be DONE!


    • “that the sacrifice and oblation that will cease is Holy Communion!”
      This is reading into Scripture something that is not there!!! The sacrifice refers to the animal sacrifices God had Moses institute. Jesus ended that with His ultimate sacrifice on the Cross. This is the Gospel!!

      I have giving you much information on this website, and you have rejected it in favor of teaching which Darby brought to the Protestants, Pete. And yet you expect me to listen to YOU? We can only agree to disagree.

  10. James,
    I believed the wrong interpretation of Daniel 9:27 for almost 40 years. You are correct. The Hebrew is clear and cannot be refuted.
    I asked many people why God would blaspheme Christ & build a third Temple. No one gave a coherent answer.
    Thanks for this article!

  11. John,
    Thank you for your comments. I think that’s a great question to ask Christians who are expecting a third Temple! I’ve also been telling them a third Temple would be further rejection of Jesus the Messiah, blasphemy, an abomination to God, and therefore could not be the “holy place” of Matthew 24:15. So far nobody has even tried to argue against that statement.

    You might also like my comparison of the true interpretation of Daniel 9:27 to the Futurist one: https://www.jamesjpn.net/eschatology/daniel-927-the-most-misinterpreted-prophecy-in-the-bible/

    • James,
      Thanks for the second article too!
      I recently came to this irrefutable conclusion that Jesus returned between the writing of II Thessalonians and 71 AD. I was deeply saddened by this realization. Knowing truth is great but now what?
      Do you have any ideas as to what & why the Evil One would bring this odd deception upon the saints? I have a weak theory. I don’t want to post it publicly without solid evidence.
      Also, the Messiah is “cut off.” So where in your timeline is that?

      • John, if I understand you correctly, you are asking me why much of Matthew 24 and all of Daniel 9:27 has been interpreted as future events. The answer is to deflect blame away from the Popes of Rome as the biblical Antichrist. Evangelicals today are always guessing who the Antichrist might be while ignoring the antichrist Pope who calls himself the “Vicar of Christ”. “Vicar” in Latin has the same meaning as “anti” in Greek! Anti can also mean, “in substitution of”. An “antipope” was somebody who claimed to be pope when another pope was on the thrown. It was Jesuits of the Counter-Reformation who invented those false doctrines. They also lead to the “Christian-Zionism” heresy. Please see https://www.jamesjpn.net/eschatology/the-origins-of-dispensational-futurist-theology-the-jesuit-connection/


    Daniel 12:4, ‘many shall rush to & fro & knowledge will be increased’ sounds futuristic to me.

    In Isaiah 46:9-10 we read, ‘I am God… declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done ’ — again futuristic

    Old testament prophets (Ezekiel for instance) seemed to have known about the slow precession of the equinoxes. Ditto Luke 22:10 which could be construed as a cryptic reference to the transition from the age of Pisces (the end of the age?) to the dawn of Aquarius (the end-times?).

    Although I don’t doubt that John Darby, Cyrus Scofield et al, were ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’…Although I don’t doubt that Christianity has been led astray by Jesuit apostates (who were also the driving force behind the Spanish Inquisition), most notably by crypto-Jew Ignatius of Loyola…

    … I agree with Peter that Matt 24:14 ‘the preaching of the gospel to all nations’, had NOT been fulfilled in Jesus’ time…Not even close…

    The Olivet prophecy, inclusive of rampant apostasy, aka ‘a falling away’ likewise anticipated by the apostle Paul is futuristic…

    These are THE END-TIMES!

    • Yes, Daniel 12:4, ‘many shall rush to & fro & knowledge will be increased’ does sound futuristic, but it may mean knowledge of the Gospel being increased by many evangelists rushing around to and fro!

      • With all due respect, I think you’re reaching here. To me, your answer smacks of ‘confirmation bias’. The bible isn’t simply the work of human hands; it’s also a supernatural book. Even leaving room for Man’s free will, it isn’t such a stretch to suggest that the Creator of Time, KNOWS THE END…from THE BEGINNING…


    Daniel 12:4, ‘many shall rush to & fro & knowledge will be increased’ sounds futuristic to me.

    In Isaiah 46:9-10 we read, ‘I am God… declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done ’ — again futuristic

    Old testament prophets (Ezekiel for instance) seemed to have known about the slow precession of the equinoxes. Ditto Luke 22:10 which could be construed as a cryptic reference to the transition from the age of Pisces (the end of the age?) to the dawn of Aquarius (the end-times?).

    Although I don’t doubt that John Darby, Cyrus Scofield et al, were ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’…Although I don’t doubt that Christianity has been led astray by Jesuit apostates (who were also the driving force behind the Spanish Inquisition), most notably by crypto-Jew Ignatius of Loyola…

    … I agree with Peter that Matt 24:14 ‘the preaching of the gospel to all nations’, had NOT been fulfilled in Jesus’ time…Not even close… The Olivet prophecy, inclusive of rampant apostasy, aka ‘a falling away’ likewise anticipated by the apostle Paul is futuristic…

    These are THE END-TIMES!

  14. RE: Daniel 12:4… With all due respect JJ, I think you’re reaching here. To me, your answer smacks of ‘confirmation bias’. The bible isn’t simply the work of human hands; it’s also a supernatural book. Even leaving room for Man’s free will, it isn’t such a stretch to suggest that the Creator of Time, KNOWS THE END…from THE BEGINNING…

    • Mr. Scott, all I am doing in the article is making comparisons to John Nelson Darby’s teachings to what was considered orthodox eschatology by the Protestant Reformers up to the end of the 18th century. That’s “confirmation bias”?? Yes, I am biased against Darby because I think he led the evangelical world astray, especially the Baptists who should know known better than to listen to him. Presbyterian Bible scholars still teach what Protestants used to teach about Daniel 9:24-27. Thank God for them!!

    • Is it confirmation bias to share what famous Bible commentators and the preponderance of the men of God of the Protestant Reformation, including the Baptists, used to teach about Daniel 9? I think not.

  15. @James…I’m not a fan of Darby, Scofield, the Jesuit General & his murderous, cypto-Jewish mob, masquerading as, ‘the Society of Jesus’, either… Those who preach a Pre-Tribulation Rapture — aside from lulling Christians into a false sense of security/ complacency, which seems to be what our genocidal ‘Babylonian Talmudist’ overlords were hoping for, from the getgo – are what the ancients used to call, ‘WRONG’…

    That said, bible prophecy is often fulfilled in successive stages – sometimes separated by many centuries… Daniel’s prophecies, from his decoding of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to his End Time visions (as per Daniel 12:4) fall into this category.

    Try as you might… you can’t squeeze Daniel, much less the Olivet prophecy, into a prophetic time frame fully fulfilled in biblical times, (aka by 70 AD). To do so, not only smacks of ‘confirmation bias’ …
    It makes you, what I like to call, ‘WRONG’ 😉

    • Is it confirmation bias to share what famous Bible commentators and the preponderance of the men of God of the Protestant Reformation, including the Baptists, used to teach about Daniel 9? I think not.

  16. Just a further word in regards to the above discussion. I am in full agreement with James in regards to the Daniel 9 finding it’s full fulfillment in the events of the life, ministry, death, resurrection of our Lord Jesus. The anointing of the Most Holy he does not dwell on (and Matthew 24 does not either). However, when Jesus said “destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up again” he was declaring himself to be the temple. It was “anointed” when Jesus rose from the grave. He (Jesus) was what the temple in the wilderness, Solomon’s temple, and even Herod’s reconstruction all was a “pattern” of. One of the theme’s of especially the apostle Paul’s writings is being “in Christ.” If you are in Christ you, as David said in the Psalms, dwell in the temple of God. In 1 Corinthians 3 Paul even elaborates in comparing the believers as being precious stones in the temple (the body of Christ). If Christians today only believed that truth about the temple, they would not be confused about some future reconstruction of the temple at Jerusalem for the Jews. The temple (as James has implied from his comments on Revelation 11) is the body of Christ visible in this world through true believers i.e. the church. Richard Hirst

  17. This timeline is wrong and so is David Nikao. James Ussher proved beyond any reasonable doubt in his book titled “Annals” that the final 7 years was AD29 through AD26. 3.5 years before Jesus’ crucifixion in AD33 and 3.5 years after his crucifixion made up the final 7 years of Daniel. Nikao got the dates close, but Nikeo thinks Revelation was written after AD70 which is utter nonsense. Revelation was written in AD66 and Kenneth Gentry did a PhD thesis on it and turned it into a book titled “Before Jerusalem Fell” in which he debunks the lie that Revelation was written after AD70. Matthew Henry also said in his unedited version of his commentaries that he believed Revelation was written before AD70 and was almost entirely about Jesus Christ coming in judgment upon the Mother of Harlots which was oral law Judaism because they along with their cohorts the pagan Roman Caesars were persecuting Christ’s new bride the believing church because Christ had divorced the harlot once and for ALL TIME!!!!

  18. James, your timeline is right on. The 457 b.c. date is in accordance with archeology, Artaxerxes and his seventh year is 457, and the time frame was the autumn of that year. That puts Christ’s crucifixion at 31 a.d. when you add a year for the b.c.-a.d. transition year. And you are right about the last week of years starting in 27 a.d. 34 a.d. probably marked the stoning of Stephen/conversion of Paul. Also, the Daniel 8:14 prophecy springboards off the same 457 b.c. year and ends in 1844 when the heavenly sanctuary began to be cleansed in accordance with the O.T. ceremony detailed in Leviticus 16 and mentioned in Leviticus 23:26-32, also anti-typically fulfilled in Revelation 14:7.

    But i think Matthew Henry was wrong about Christ being the prince that would come to destroy the temple and the nation. true God oversees the events on earth, but Satan was called the prince of Persia that Gabriel fought, and the prince of Grecia, and the prince of Babylon, and prince of Tyrus. Satan was also responsible for destroying the holy city (which was the apostolic church that apostatizes into Catholicism) and attacking the two witnesses who guarded the temple (the church in the wilderness) for 1,260 years in Revelation 11.

    Blessings, brother.

    • Thank you, David. I also wondered about Matthew Henry’s comment on Daniel 9:26. I always taught the prince was General Titus and it was his people who destroyed the city and the sanctuary, meaning the temple.

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James Japan