HomeConspiracyThe Georgia Guidestones – the 10 commandments of the Antichrist?


The Georgia Guidestones – the 10 commandments of the Antichrist? — 4 Comments

  1. Perhaps I’m being superstitious, but I have been struggling with my faith in the Christian God. After reading this, however, I am almost certain that he exists. Because as good at these commandments sound, I highly doubt that they came from our true God. God would never allow people to die needlessly! He wouldn’t allow that many people to be killed!

  2. It’s not trying to act like it came from God, or anything. Just in case the unthinkable happens, people in the future can learn from our mistakes. That’s the idea anyway.

    We know that the resources we use are limited but we don’t care. So eventually things we take for granted will run out. That’s all the harmony with nature and carrying capacity thing is about. I hope people will be more responsible in the future and not look for the easy way out by saying “God will save us anyway, so we can do whatever we want.”

  3. In my opinion having read Orwell and doublespeak; understanding those who speak and make platitudes of some Utopia which lacks ALL specifics, ALL individual participation and outright creating a vast matrix that to create these platitudes would be best served LOCALLY by the people themselves affected to create as we see fit in the service of those we choose to associate with. The level of kumbaya in the Guide Stones is moronic as who are the adjudicators who came up with this drivel? Who makes the decisions? How is truth meted out? How is truth defined? How much access to information might we pleebs have to determine any truth at any level and for or against who or what and to what end if they hold all seats of power? I could go on but generalities as anything means too many backdoors to serious trouble.

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James Japan