Roman Catholicism By Lorraine Boettner Chapter I Introduction

Roman Catholicism By Lorraine Boettner Chapter I Introduction

This is a highly recommended book to share with your Catholic relatives and friends. Because the PDF file is easy to read from a PDF reader, I thought to embed the PDF file in this article to save time and make it a single article. But when I looked at it from my phone the next day, I found it hard to read. I am therefore converting it into text and dividing it into one chapter per article like I did with the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms.

If you want to print this book out, you should do it directly from the PDF file I got the text from. It’s 402 pages in all.

According to researcher and ex-military intelligence officer, Darryl Eberhart, whose interview is in my previous post, Loraine Boettner‘s book, Roman Catholicism, is,

“…the best book to give to a Roman Catholic to witness to them as to the unbiblical, unscriptural doctrines and practices in the church. Loraine Boettner, just runs comparisons. This is what the Bible says. This is what the Catholic church does or practices or says. “

About the author

Lorraine Boettner

Lorraine Boettner

Loraine Boettner (/ˈbɛtnər/; March 7, 1901 – January 3, 1990) was an American theologian, teacher, and author in the Reformed tradition. He is best known for his works on predestination, Roman Catholicism, and postmillennial eschatology. Read more of Lorraine Boettner’s bio.

ROMAN CATHOLICISM By Lorraine Boettner


1 Historical Background

In our twentieth century America few among us seem to realize what a priceless heritage we possess in the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly that is an integral part of our everyday life. Nor are many aware of the bitter and prolonged struggles our forefathers went through at the time of the Reformation and later to secure these freedoms. Instead it is quite the common thing to take these for granted and to assume that they are the natural rights of all men. But truly those of us who call ourselves Protestants are the inheritors of a great tradition. And in a country such as the United States our Roman Catholic friends also share these freedoms, little realizing what it means to live under a clerical dictatorship such as their church imposes wherever it has the power.

Roman Catholics often attempt to represent Protestantism as something comparatively new, as having originated with Martin Luther and John Calvin in the 16th century. We do indeed owe a great debt to those leaders and to the Reformation movement that swept over Europe at that time. But the basic principles and the common system of doctrine taught by those Reformers and by the evangelical churches ever since go back to the New Testament and to the first century Christian church. Protestantism as it emerged in the 16th century was not the beginning of something new, but a return to Bible Christianity and to the simplicity of the Apostolic church from which the Roman Church had long since departed.

The positive and formal principle of this system is that the Bible is the Word of God and therefore the authoritative rule of faith and practice. Its negative principle is that any element of doctrine or practice in the church which cannot be traced back to the New Testament is no essential part of Christianity.

The basic features of Protestant belief therefore are:

  1. The supremacy of the Bible in all matters of faith and practice.
  2. Justification by faith, not by works, although works have their necessary and logical place as the fruits and proof of true faith.
  3. The right of the individual to go directly to God in prayer apart from the mediation of any priest or other human intermediary.
  4. Individual freedom of conscience and worship, within the authority of the Bible.

For more than a thousand years before the Reformation the popes had controlled Europe and had said that there was only one way to worship God. That period is appropriately known as the “Dark Ages.” In the church and, to a considerable extent, in the state, too, the priests held the power. They suppressed the laity until practically all their rights were taken away. They constantly pried into private affairs, interfering even between husband and wife and between parents and children by means of the confessional. All marriage was in their hands. They interfered in the administration of public affairs, in the proceedings of the courts, and in the disposition of estates. The revenues of the state built new churches and paid the salaries of the priests in much the same manner as in present day Spain. Anyone who dared resist ran the risk of losing his job, his property, and even his life. Life under such tyranny was intolerable. From that condition the Reformation brought deliverance.

One of the first and most important results of the Reformation was that the Bible was given to the people in their own languages. Previously the Bible had been kept from them, on the pretext that only the church speaking through the priest could interpret it correctly. Luther translated the Bible into his native German, and edition followed edition in rapid succession. Similar translations were made in England, France, Holland, and other countries.

Protestants of our day who have not been called upon to suffer or to make any sacrifices to secure this rich heritage are inclined to hold these blessings lightly. But the advances that Romanism is making today in this nation and in other parts of the world should cause even the most careless to stop and think. It seems that as Protestants we have forgotten how to protest against those same religious and political abuses that were common before the Reformation. We need to acquaint ourselves with and to teach the principles of our faith if we are not to be overwhelmed by a religious despotism that, if it gains the upper hand, will be as cruel and oppressive as ever it was in Germany, Italy, France, or Spain.

Our American freedoms are being threatened today by two totalitarian systems, Communism and Roman Catholicism. And of the two in our country Romanism is growing faster than is Communism and is the more dangerous since it covers its real nature with a cloak of religion. This nation has been well alerted to the dangers of Communism, and it is generally opposed by the radio, the press, and the churches. But Romanism has the support of these to a considerable extent, and even the Protestant churches in many places take a conciliatory and cooperative attitude toward it. Most people have only a very hazy notion as to what is involved in the Roman system. And yet the one consuming purpose of the Vatican is to convert the entire world, not to Christianity, but to Roman Catholicism. Its influence is being applied vigorously at every level of our local, state, and federal government. It is particularly significant that in this country the hierarchy has taken as its slogan, not, “Make America Christian,” but, “Make America Catholic.” And in that slogan are the strong overtones of a full scale attack upon our Protestant heritage and those precious rights of freedom of religion, freedom of conscience, and freedom of speech.

We cannot adequately understand this problem unless we realize that the kind of Roman Catholicism that we see in the United States is, for the most part, not real Roman Catholicism at all, that is, not Roman Catholicism as it exists where it is the dominant force in the life of a nation, but a modified and compromised form that has adjusted itself to life with a Protestant majority. Here it is comparatively reticent about asserting its claims to be the only true church, the only church that has a right to conduct public religious services, its right to suppress all other forms of religion, its superiority to all national and state governments, its control over all marriage, its right to direct all education, and the obligation of the state to support its churches and schools with tax money. That this is no visionary list of charges, but a cold and realistic appraisal, is shown by the fact that in Spain, which is governed under the terms of a concordat with the Vatican, and which is often praised by Roman Catholic spokesmen as the ideal Catholic state, the Roman Church is now exercising most of these so-called “rights” or privileges.

In order to see clearly what Roman Catholicism really is, we must see it as it was during the Middle Ages, or as it has continued to be in certain countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, France, Southern Ireland, and Latin America, where it has had political as well as ecclesiastical control. In those countries where it has been dominant for centuries with little or no opposition from Protestantism, we see the true fruits of the system in the lives of the people, with all of their poverty, ignorance, superstition, and low moral standards. In each of those countries a dominant pattern is discernible. Spain is a particularly good example, for it is the most Roman Catholic country in Europe, yet it has the lowest standard of living of any nation in Europe. The Latin American nations have been predominantly Roman Catholic for four centuries, and today the illiteracy rate ranges from 30 to 70 percent. The veteran radio political analyst, Howard K. Smith, recently reported that “The average per capita income in the United States is eight times that of any country in South America” (March 3, 1960). The average per capita income in South America is $280, one ninth that in the United States.

But even in those countries we do not see the ultimate fruits of the system. For over a period of years they have been influenced to some extent by Protestantism and they have been receiving assistance from the Protestant nations, particularly from the United States and England, so that their present condition, economic, social, political, and religious, is not nearly as bad as it would have been had they been left to themselves. Substantial aid has been given since the close of the First World War. American foreign aid, economic and military, granted to other nations since the Second World War through 1977, amounted to $200 billion (Statistical Abstract of the U.S., 1978). And probably $50 billion more has been granted since that time, making a total of approximately $250 billion. The Roman Catholic nations of Europe and Latin America have profited greatly through this assistance.

American Catholicism, so different on the surface from that found in Spain, Italy, and Latin America, is, nevertheless, all a part of the same church, all run from Rome and by the same man who is the absolute ruler over all of the branches and who has the authority to change policy in any of those branches as he deems it safe or expedient. If he chose to give his subjects in Spain or Colombia relatively more freedom and better schools, such as are enjoyed by those in the United States, he could readily do so by directing his priests and financial resources to that end. Undoubtedly Romanism in the United States would be much the same as that found in other countries were it not for the influence of evangelical Christianity as set forth by the Protestant churches.

2 Roman Catholicism a Poor Defense against Communism

We have no hesitation in saying that most of the Roman Catholic nations, had they been left to themselves, long ago would have fallen victims of Communism. In all probability both Italy and France would have turned Communist at the close of the Second World War had it not been for American aid and all of the political influence that our government could lawfully exert toward those nations, and even then the result was in doubt for some considerable time. The Vatican had supported Mussolini’s Fascist and military policies, including the conquest of Ethiopia (which conquest had been condemned by the League of Nations and by practically all of the civilized world), his open and extensive support of Franco in Spain with troops and arms, and his invasion of Albania and Greece. After Italy entered the war on the side of Nazi Germany the Roman Church supported the Italian war effort, which meant, of course, that our work of carrying the war to a successful conclusion was made just that much harder. During the war Pope Pius XII gave his blessing to large numbers of Italian and German troops who appeared before him in uniform. With the defeat of Germany and Italy those policies caused strong popular resentment. It is probable that, in the turmoil that followed the ignominious fall of Mussolini, the Roman Catholic Church would have been overthrown in much the same way that the Orthodox Catholic Church in Russia was overthrown when the Czarist regime fell at the end of the First World War, had not American military forces then in Italy preserved order. In Russia a dead, formalistic church had lost the respect of the people and had become identified with the despotic rule of the Czar since he was the head of both the state and the church. When the people rose up in anger and threw out the political government, they threw out the church with it and turned to the other extreme, atheism. That has often been the case where the people have known only one church. When that became corrupt they had no alternative but to turn against religion altogether.

In the critical Italian election held after the war, in April, 1948, the Communists made a strong effort to gain control of the government, but a coalition of other parties managed to gain the majority. Today the biggest Communist party outside of Russia and Red China is found in Roman Catholic Italy, seat of the papacy, precisely where, if Roman Catholicism is the effective defense against Communism that it claims to be, we should find the least Communism. Approximately one third of the voters in Italy today are Communist, as are approximately one fourth of those in France.

Roman Catholicism opposes Communism, of course, as one totalitarian system opposes another. And for propaganda purposes she even attempts to present herself as the chief opponent of, and the chief bulwark against, Communism. But the fact is that during the past fifteen years Communism has made its greatest gains in Roman Catholic nations, both in Europe and in Latin America, while the Protestant nations, the United States, Britain, Canada, Holland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, have been its most effective opponents. It is in reality only a short step from a totalitarian church to a totalitarian state, since the people have been trained to accept authority as it is imposed upon them rather than to think for themselves and to manage their own affairs.

In his very informative book, American Freedom and Catholic Power, Paul Blanshard, American sociologist and journalist who has written extensively on church-state relations, says:

“In several great crises in Europe the Vatican has, through passive and active collaboration with fascism, thrown the balance of power against democracy. … It has aligned itself with the most reactionary forces in Europe and Latin America. Surely it is not by accident that the two most fascist nations in the world today—Spain and Portugal—are Catholic nations whose dictators have been blessed by the pope and are conspicuously loyal to him! The Vatican’s affinity with fascism is neither accidental nor incidental. Catholicism conditions its people to accept censorship, thought control, and ultimately dictatorship” (Rev. ed., 1958, p. 291; Beacon Press, Boston).

And Count Coudenhove-Kalergi, a former Roman Catholic, says:

“Catholicism is the fascist form of Christianity of which Calvinism represents its democratic wing. The Catholic hierarchy rests fully and securely on the leadership principle with the infallible pope in supreme command for a lifetime. … Like the Fascist party, its priesthood becomes a medium for an undemocratic minority rule by a hierarchy. … Catholic nations follow fascist doctrines more willingly than Protestant nations, which are the main strongholds of democracy. Democracy lays its stress on personal conscience; fascism on authority and obedience” (Crusade for Pan-Europe, p. 173 ).

If the United States should become Roman Catholic, the result undoubtedly would be the rapid conquest of this country and the rest of the world by Russian Communism. In view of the weak defense that the Roman Catholic countries are able to put up intellectually, morally, or militarily, we are safe in saying that one of the surest ways to turn this nation Communist would be to turn it first to Roman Catholicism. We have acted as a strong restraint in keeping Roman Catholic nations from going Communist. But who would restrain this nation? There would be no other to serve that purpose, and our descent would be sure and swift.

The fact is that much of the popular support that the puppet governments behind the Iron Curtain have received has been given because they have forbidden the Roman Catholic Church to take any part in political affairs or to control the schools. In several countries, both in Europe and in Latin America, the only choice the people have is either Romanism or Communism. Protestantism, as an alternative choice, is practically non-existent. Those people have been taught hatred for Protestantism from childhood, and few of them would try it. Many vote Communist, not because they believe in the program, but because it is the only effective instrument they have to oppose Roman Catholicism.

On the other hand, to see what the effect of Protestantism is upon a people we turn to the United States, where with complete separation of church and state the Reformation has made its greatest advance, and to Britain and the other nations where Protestantism has long been the dominant religion. These we find are unquestionably the most enlightened and advanced nations of the world; and in the main it is from these nations, where the people are accustomed to think and act for themselves and to govern themselves in both church and state, that the opposition to Communism has come.

3 Romanism an Age-Long Development

One of the first things that we want to point out in this study is that the Roman Catholic Church has not always been what it is today. Rather, it has reached its present state as the result of along, slow process of development as through the centuries one new doctrine, or ritual, or custom after another has been added. Even a superficial reading of the following list will make clear that most of the distinctive features of the system were unknown to Apostolic Christianity, and that one can hardly recognize in present day Romanism the original Christian doctrines. Not all dates can be given with exactness since some doctrines and rituals were debated or practiced over a period of time before their formal acceptance.

SOME ROMAN CATHOLIC HERESIES AND INVENTIONS and the dates of their adoption over a period of 1,650 years

1. Prayers for the dead: began about A.D. 300.

2. Making the sign of the cross: A.D. 300.

3. Wax candles: about A.D. 320.

4. Veneration of angels and dead saints, and use of images: A.D. 375.

5. The Mass, as a daily celebration: A.D. 394.

6. Beginning of the exaltation of Mary, the term “Mother of God” first applied to her by the Council of Ephesus: A.D. 431.

7. Priests began to dress differently from laymen: A.D. 500.

8. Extreme Unction: A.D. 526.

9. The doctrine of Purgatory, established by Gregory I: A.D. 593.

10. Latin language, used in prayer and worship, imposed by Gregory I: A.D. 600.

11. Prayers directed to Mary, dead saints, and angels: about A.D. 600.

12. Title of pope, or universal bishop, given to Boniface III by emperor Phocas: A.D. 607.

13. Kissing the pope’s foot, began with Pope Constantine: A.D. 709.

14. Temporal power of the popes, conferred by Pepin, king of the Franks: A.D. 750.

15. Worship of the cross, images, and relics: authorized in A.D. 786.

16. Holy water, mixed with a pinch of salt and blessed by a priest: A.D. 850.

17. Worship of St. Joseph: A.D. 890.

18. College of Cardinals established: A.D. 927.

19. Baptism of bells, instituted by pope John XIII: A.D. 965.

20. Canonization of dead saints, first by Pope John XV: A.D. 995.

21. Fasting on Fridays and during Lent: A.D. 998.

22. The Mass, developed gradually as a sacrifice, attendance made obligatory in the 11th century.

23. Celibacy of the priesthood, decreed by pope Gregory VII (Hildebrand): A.D. 1079.

24. The Rosary, mechanical praying with beads, invented by Peter the Hermit: A.D. 1090.

25. The Inquisition, instituted by the Council of Verona: A.D. 1184.

26. Sale of Indulgences: A.D. 1190.

27. Transubstantiation, proclaimed by Pope Innocent III: A.D. 1215.

28. Auricular Confession of sins to a priest instead of to God, instituted by Pope Innocent III, in Lateran Council: A.D. 1215.

29. Adoration of the wafer (Host), decreed by Pope Honorius III: A.D. 1220.

30. Bible forbidden to laymen, placed on the Index of Forbidden Books by the Council of Toulouse: A.D. 1229.

31. The Scapular, invented by Simon Stock, an English monk: A.D. 1251.

32. Cup forbidden to the people at communion by Council of Constance: A.D. 1414.

33. Purgatory proclaimed as a dogma by the Council of Florence: A.D. 1439.

34. The doctrine of Seven Sacraments affirmed: A.D. 1439.

35. The Ave Maria (part of the last half was completed 50 years later and approved by Pope Sixtus V at the end of the 16th century): A.D. 1508.

36. Jesuit order founded by Loyola: A.D. 1534.

37. Tradition declared of equal authority with the Bible by the Council of Trent: A.D. 1545.

38. Apocryphal books added to the Bible by the Council of Trent: A.D. 1546.

39. Creed of pope Pius IV imposed as the official creed: A.D. 1560.

40. Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX: A.D. 1854.

41. Syllabus of Errors, proclaimed by Pope Pius IX and ratified by the Vatican Council; condemned freedom of religion, conscience, speech, press, and scientific discoveries which are disapproved by the Roman Church; asserted the pope’s temporal authority over all civil rulers: A.D. 1864.

42. Infallibility of the pope in matters of faith and morals, proclaimed by the Vatican Council: A.D. 1870.

43. Public Schools condemned by Pope Pius XI: A.D. 1930.

44. Assumption of the Virgin Mary (bodily ascension into heaven shortly after her death), proclaimed by Pope Pius XII: A.D. 1950.

45. Mary proclaimed Mother of the Church by Pope Paul VI: A.D. 1965.

Add to these many others: monks, nuns, monasteries, convents, forty days Lent, holy week, Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday, All Saints day, Candlemas day, fish day, meat days, incense, holy oil, holy palms, Christopher medals, charms, novenas, and still others.

There you have it—the melancholy evidence of Rome’s steadily increasing departure from the simplicity of the Gospel, a departure so radical and far-reaching at the present time that it has produced a drastically anti-evangelical church. It is clear beyond possibility of doubt that the Roman Catholic religion as now practiced is the outgrowth of centuries of error. Human inventions have been substituted for Bible truth and practice. Intolerance and arrogance have replaced the love and kindness and tolerance that were the distinguishing qualities of the first century Christians, so that now in Roman Catholic countries Protestants and others who are sincere believers in Christ but who do not acknowledge the authority of the pope are subject to all kinds of restrictions and in some cases even forbidden to practice their religion. The distinctive attitude of the present day Roman Church was fixed largely by the Council of Trent (1545-1563), with its more than 100 anathemas or curses pronounced against all who then or in the future would dare to differ with its decisions.

Think what all of this means! Each of the above doctrines or practices can be pin-pointed to the exact or approximate date at which it became a part of the system. And no single one of them became a part of the system until centuries after the time of Christ! Most of these doctrines and practices are binding on all Roman Catholics, for they have been proclaimed by a supposedly infallible pope or church council. To deny any doctrine or practice so proclaimed involves one in mortal sin.

What will be next? Indications are that it will be another proclamation concerning Mary. Two new doctrines are under discussion: Mary as Mediatrix, and Mary as Co-redemptrix. Important Roman Catholic authorities have already indicated that these will be the next doctrines officially proclaimed. Mary is being presented in current Roman teaching as a Mediator along with Christ. She is said to be the “Mediatrix of all graces,” and the people are being told that the way to approach Christ is through His mother. “To Christ through Mary,” is the slogan. Her images outnumber those of Christ, and more prayer is offered to her than to Christ.

It is also being said that Mary’s sufferings, particularly those at the cross, were redemptive in the same sense that Christ’s sufferings were redemptive. It would seem that these two doctrines, if adopted, would in effect place Mary as a fourth member of the Godhead, along with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And presumably these doctrines, if adopted, will be officially announced by the pope, for he was proclaimed infallible in this regard in 1870 and therefore no longer needs the authority of an ecumenical council.

And still the Roman Church boasts that she never changes or teaches new doctrines! Semper idem—“Always the same”—is her motto! The fact that not one of the doctrines in the above list has any support in the Bible disproves conclusively the claim of the priests that their religion is the same as that taught by Christ and that the popes have been the faithful custodians of that truth.

The fact is that many of the above listed rites and ceremonies were taken directly from paganism or from Old Testament Judaism. Some scholars say that as much as 75 percent of the Roman ritual is of pagan origin. John Henry Newman, later cardinal, in his book, The Development of the Christian Religion, admits that “Temples, incense, oil lamps, votive offerings, holy water, holy days and seasons of devotion, processions, blessings of fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure (of priests, monks, and nuns), images, etc., are all of pagan origin” (p. 359).

While the Roman Church has been so free to hurl the name “heretic” at all who differ with her, the above list shows that the real heretics are the Roman Catholics themselves, and that the true orthodox are the evangelical Christians. Says the Scripture:

“But in vain do they worship me, teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men. … Making void the word of God by your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things ye do” (Mark 7:7,13).

“To the law and to the testimony! if they speak not according to this word, surely there is no morning for them” (Isaiah 8:20).

Surely the Apostle Paul knew the human tendency to add to the Word of God when he gave this warning to the early church:

“I know that after my departing grievous wolves shall enter in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after them” (Acts 20:29-30). And even more strongly: “But though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach unto you any gospel other than that which we preached unto you, let him be anathema” (Galatians 1:8).

4 Protestantism and First Century Christianity

Ever since New Testament times there have been people who accepted the basic principles now set forth in Protestantism. That is, they took the Bible as their authoritative standard of belief and practice. They were not called Protestants. Neither were they called Roman Catholics. They were simply called Christians. During the first three centuries they continued to base their faith solely on the Bible. They often faced persecution, sometimes from the Jews, sometimes from the pagans of the Roman empire. But early in the fourth century the emperor Constantine, who was the ruler in the West, began to favor Christianity, and then in the year 324, after he had become ruler of all of the empire, made Christianity the official religion. The result was that thousands of people who still were pagans pressed into the church in order to gain the special advantages and favors that went with such membership. They came in far greater numbers than could be instructed or assimilated. Having been used to the more elaborate pagan rituals, they were not satisfied with the simple Christian worship but began to introduce their heathen beliefs and practices. Gradually, through the neglect of the Bible and the ignorance of the people, more and more heathen ideas were introduced until the church became more heathen than Christian. Many of the heathen temples were taken over by the church and re-dedicated as Christian churches.

Thus in time there was found in the church a sacrificing and gorgeously appareled priesthood, an elaborate ritual, images, holy water, incense, monks and nuns, the doctrine of purgatory, and in general a belief that salvation was to be achieved by works rather than by grace. The church in Rome, and in general the churches throughout the empire, ceased to be the apostolic Christian church, and became for the most part a religious monstrosity.

There remained, however, some groups, small in numbers, usually in isolated places, and later primarily in the mountains of northern Italy, who maintained the Christian faith in reasonable purity. There were also individuals throughout the church in all ages, usually more or less independent of the church at large, who continued to hold quite correct ideas concerning the Christian faith. But the half paganized condition continued through the Middle Ages and on into the 16th century when the religious revival in the West, known as the Reformation, shook the church to its foundations. At that time some scholars bean to study Bible manuscripts that had been brought to light by the forced flight of eastern monks from their monasteries as the Mohammedan invasions extended into Europe, and these scholars saw how far the church had departed from its original Scriptures.

First there came the Renaissance, which was primarily a revival of learning, followed shortly by the Reformation. Some of the scholars in the church were called “Reformers.” They called the people back to the Bible, and there they saw how wrong and contrary to Scripture was the use of images, holy water, priests saying mass, and church services in Latin which the people could not understand. The Reformers strongly attacked the ignorance and superstition that had become such a large part of the church program, and gave the people a service in their own language with preaching based on the Word of God. Protestantism, therefore, was not a new religion, but a return to the faith of the early church. It was Christianity cleaned up, with all the rubbish that had collected during the Middle Ages thrown out.

The Reformation, under Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, and Knox, was literally a “back-to-the-Bible” movement, a return to apostolic Christianity. Evangelical Christianity has established itself as the historic faith of the first century, which came down through the ante-Nicene Fathers and Augustine, which was largely obscured during the Middle Ages, but which burst forth again in all its glory in the Reformation, and which has continued to grow and increase down to our own time.

The very name “Protestant,” first applied to those Reformers who protested against the decrees issued by the Diet of Spires, implies in its broader sense that the churches led by the Reformers “protested” against the false doctrines and practices that were contrary to the teachings of the New Testament. They demanded a return to the purity and simplicity of New Testament Christianity. Protestantism did not begin with Luther and Calvin. It began with the Gospel, with the life and death and resurrection of Christ. It teaches what the New Testament teaches, nothing more and nothing less. It was not founded on the writings of Luther, or Calvin, or any of the later writers, although those writings proved helpful in the work of the church. Evangelical Protestantism cannot change greatly, for it is founded on an unchanging Book, completed in the first century and declared in the creeds of all evangelical churches to be the Word of God. The names of Protestant churches are not very old, and the denominations differ in regard to some doctrines; but the churches are in quite close agreement concerning the essentials of the faith, each attempting to hold in its purity the teachings of Christ and the apostles. The disagreement and conflict which Rome attempts to picture as existing between Protestant denominations is for the most part exaggeration, and is due largely to Rome’s failure to understand what Protestantism really is.

How, then, do we know whether or not any particular system sets forth true Christianity? By comparing it with a recognized standard, especially with the Bible which is the ultimate authority. Judged by that standard, evangelical Protestantism is the same system of truth that was set forth in the New Testament and practiced by the first century Christians. All accretions, such as purgatory, the authority of tradition, the priesthood, the papacy, the worship of the Virgin Mary and the saints, the veneration of relics, auricular confession (“auricular”—pertaining to the ear—auricular confession, therefore, means confession in the ear of a priest), penance, etc., are totally without Scriptural basis and should be branded as false.

5 Contrast Between Protestant and Roman Catholic Countries

It is a fact beyond challenge that the Protestant countries of Europe and the Americas have been comparatively strong, progressive, enlightened, and free, while the Roman Catholic countries have remained relatively stationary or have stagnated and have had to be aided economically and politically by the Protestant nations. The Middle Ages were dark because Romanism was dominant and unchallenged. The light that we enjoy, which was first manifested in Europe and then in America, we owe to the Protestant Reformation. How appropriate the inscription on the Reformation monument in Geneva—Post tenebris lux, “After the darkness, light”!

The lesson of history is that Romanism means the loss of religious liberty and the arrest of national progress. If after living in the United States one who was not aware of the contrast between Protestant and Roman Catholic cultures were to visit some Roman Catholic countries in Europe or Latin America, not merely to see places that have been fixed up to attract tourists but to live for some time among the common people, it would make him sick at heart to see the ignorance, poverty, superstition, illiteracy, suppression of religious freedom, and legalized prostitution which particularly in Latin America is found in practically every town of any size, a fairly consistent pattern in all of those areas—characteristics of heathenism, characteristics of Romanism.

In Latin America, where the Roman Church has been dominant for four centuries with practically no competition from Protestantism, it has had ample opportunity to bring forth the true fruits of the system. And there, as a church, it has failed miserably. About 90 percent of the people have been baptized in the Roman Catholic Church, but probably not more than 10, or at most 15, percent are practicing Roman Catholics. The present writer is in receipt of a letter from a missionary in Bolivia who writes: “The Roman Catholic Church in Bolivia is not a Christian church at all but an unholy device for keeping the people in ignorance and poverty.” He added that Romanism the world over is one unified system, all under the control of the pope in Rome, and that it probably would be as bad in the United States if it were not for the restraining influence of the evangelical churches. Strong words those, but he was writing of a situation concerning which we know but little in this country.

Governments in Roman Catholic countries have been extremely unsteady. Repeatedly the people shoot up their governments or overthrow them. Practically all of those countries have been ruled by dictators at various times, and sometimes for long periods of time. Since the Second World War France has had repeated governmental crises, until a more stable situation was reached making General de Gaulle president and giving him dictatorial powers. Italy has had 32 governmental crises in 25 years, usually, as in France, characterized by resignation of the government, followed by a period of uncertainty and paralysis until a new election was held or a new alignment of parties was worked out. Spain, which is often pointed to as the model Catholic state, is governed under a concordat with the Vatican, has only one political party, the clerical-fascist party of General Franco, and has been under the dictatorship of Franco since 1938. Portugal, too, is a clerical-fascist state, under dictator Antonio Salazar. In that country the fall of the monarchy in 1910 was followed by a period of economic and political chaos, with 40 governmental changes in 18 years, until Salazar became minister of finance in 1928 and prime minister with dictatorial powers in 1932, which position he has held ever since.1 In the Latin American nations the overthrow of national governments, followed by periods of dictatorship, has occurred repeatedly during the past 15 years—those in Argentina, Brazil, Columbia, Venezuela, Peru, Cuba, Chile, and Nicaragua having been the most recent.

1 Salazar’s dictatorship ended in 1968, and Franco’s ended in 1975.

It cannot be passed off as mere chance that governments in Protestant countries, such as the United States, Britain, Canada, Holland, and the Scandinavian countries, have been so stable over long periods of time while those in the Roman Catholic countries have been so unstable. The result follows in part at least because of the contrasting doctrines of the relation that should exist between church and state. Protestantism holds that the church and the state are each of divine origin, that each is supreme in its own sphere and independent of the other. Romanism holds that power comes to the state through the church, that the church and state should be united with the church holding the superior position, that the pope as God’s representative on earth is above all temporal rulers, above all kings, presidents, and governors, that it is the duty of the state to maintain a political atmosphere favorable to the Roman Catholic Church, supporting it with public money while placing restrictions on all other churches, and that the state should do the bidding of the church in punishing heretics. Such doctrines undermine governments by weakening the confidence of the people in them, while the Protestant doctrines strengthen and support them.

Throughout history the Roman Church has sought to gain power from the state, but has never willingly relinquished power to the state. It has always resented paying taxes to the state, even on purely commercial properties that are owned and operated by it, and it has resented any laws requiring its priests to pay income taxes. The continual meddling of the Roman Church in politics, even to the extent of sponsoring Roman Catholic political parties where it is strong enough to do so (usually known as the “Christian Democratic” party, or a similar name, as in Italy, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, etc.), has caused much resentment. That, no doubt, is also its plan for the United States if and when it becomes strong enough. Usually a political party is not instituted unless it can control at least one fourth of the total vote. How can any unprejudiced person face these facts and still not see the contrast between the two systems?

We behold a strange phenomenon in the world today. While people in the predominantly Roman Catholic countries are struggling to throw off the yoke of the Roman Church, Protestant countries are welcoming it with open arms and allowing it to dictate policies of state, education, medicine, social life, entertainment, press, and radio. And in no Protestant country is this tendency more clearly seen than in the United States. For 32 years, 1928-1960, one of our great political parties had an unbroken line of national party chairmen who were members of that church, and in 1960 it succeeded in electing a Roman Catholic president of the United States. Although the Constitution makes it illegal to favor one church above another, repeatedly in recent years bills have been passed by Congress and signed by nominally Protestant presidents granting very substantial favors to the Roman Catholic Church. More than $24,000,000 in public money has been given to the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines since the close of the Second World War, allegedly for war damages, while hardly one tenth that amount has been given to Protestant, Jewish, and other church groups in that country. In June, 1956, Congress passed, and President Eisenhower signed, a bill giving the Vatican nearly one million dollars ($964,199) for the refurnishing of the pope’s summer home at Castel Gandolfo, just outside the city of Rome, Italy—allegedly as war damages inflicted by American air raids, although the State Department has held that this country has no legal obligation for such damages. In election years, when no one wants to vote against the Roman Catholic Church, Congress is particularly vulnerable to such pressures. But nothing was appropriated to restore Protestant churches in Italy or in the other war-ravaged countries! Those had no lobby in Washington to represent their cause.

About 80 percent of the money provided by the government under the Hill-Burton bill for the building and operation of sectarian hospitals in the United States ($112,000,000 during the first ten years of its operation) went to Roman Catholic institutions as that church eagerly took such money, while most Protestant churches, desirous of maintaining the principle of separation of church and state, were reluctant to accept it. In various places, particularly in the bigger cities governed by Roman Catholic officials, public properties, such as schools, hospitals, building sites, etc., have been turned over to the Roman Catholic Church at give-away prices. Similar things happen in England, where, for instance, parochial schools receive 95 percent of their total costs from the public treasury—but even so, the hierarchy is not satisfied and is demanding complete financial equality with the public schools, which, of course, is fair warning of what the Roman Church would like to achieve in this country.

The hold that Roman Catholicism is able to maintain over large numbers of people, not only in Europe and Latin America but also in the United States, is due in part to its appeal to unregenerate human nature. The Roman concept of sin is quite different from that of Protestantism. Rome does not demand reform in her people. As long as they acknowledge the church and meet the external requirements they are allowed to do about as they please. In our country witness the many corrupt politicians and gangsters in our cities in recent years who have been members of that church and who have remained in good standing while continuing their evil course over long periods of time. A case in point is that of Tom Pendergast, in Kansas City, who with a large number of his accomplices finally was sent to the penitentiary. When he died the Roman Catholic priest who conducted his funeral praised him as a friend and commended his loyalty to his church, because, it was said, he had not missed mass in 30 years. It can be assumed that Roman Catholicism will remain popular as long as the majority of men remain unregenerate.

But the real cause of Roman Catholic growth and success is not to be found so much in its aggressive policy in infiltrating governments, schools, press, radio, etc., nor in its lax moral code. It is to be found rather in the indifference of Protestants and their lack of devotion to their own evangelical message. Modernistic and liberal theology has so enervated many of the churches that they have little zeal left to propagate their faith. Let Protestantism return to its evangelical message and to the type of missionary zeal that governed the early Christians, and let Protestants challenge Rome to full and open debate regarding the distinctive doctrines that separate the two systems, and it will be seen that the one thing Rome does not want is public discussion. Rome prefers to assert her alleged “rights” and to have them accepted without too much question. But Protestantism has the truth, and can win this battle any time that it is willing to force the issue.

In this regard J. Marcellus Kik, former associate editor of Christianity Today, has written:

“That there is still a remnant of paganism and papalism in the world is chiefly the fault of the church. The Word of God is just as powerful in our generation as it was during the early history of the church. The power of the Gospel is just as strong in this century as in the days of the Reformation. These enemies could be completely vanquished if the Christians of this day and age were as vigorous, as bold, as earnest, as prayerful, and as faithful as Christians were in the first several centuries and in the time of the Reformation” (Revelation Twenty, p. 74).

Protestants do not desire controversy merely for the sake of controversy, and often shrink from engaging in it. But in this time of rising tensions certain issues must be faced. Rome continues to press her propaganda drive. Where she is in the majority she takes special privileges for herself and places restrictions on, or prohibits, other churches. Where she is in the minority she asks for special favors, favors which by no stretch of the imagination are ever given to Protestants in Roman Catholic countries, and seeks quietly to infiltrate the government, schools, press, radio, hospitals, etc. When Protestants are in the majority they tend to ignore those things. But when some major issue arises, such as the nomination of an American ambassador to the Vatican, or the nomination of a Roman Catholic for President of the United States, Protestant opposition does become vocal. A few years ago when President Truman sent the name of General Mark Clark to the Senate for confirmation as American ambassador to the Vatican, there was vigorous protest and a full scale debate was fast arising when General Clark requested that his name be withdrawn. All that the hierarchy could do was to run for cover and cry “bigot” and “persecutor” at anyone who opposed such a tie-up with the Vatican. They definitely did not want a public debate. But the result of such events is to bring out into the open the issues which normally are more or less kept under cover, and to afford opportunity for discussion of the issues on their merits.

The kind of society that Roman Catholicism has produced in other countries where it has been dominant should serve as a fair warning as to what we can expect if it becomes dominant here. What clearer warning do we need? Let us take a good look at conditions in those countries and then ask ourselves if a Roman Catholic America is the kind of heritage we desire for ourselves and the kind we want to pass on to later generations. Through the indifference of Protestants and the aggressiveness of Romanists we are in danger of losing the very things that have made this nation great.

Scripture quotations throughout this book for the most part are from the American Standard Version of 1901 rather than the King James Version since the former is generally conceded to be more accurate. Quotations from the Roman Catholic Confraternity Version are designated as such.

(Continued in Chapter II The Church.)

All chapters of Roman Catholicism By Lorraine Boettner

The Jesuit’s New World Order – An Interview with Darryl Eberhart

The Jesuit’s New World Order – An Interview with Darryl Eberhart

The title of this article is from an audio I found on I listened to part of it and knew I had to transcribe it for this website.

I never heard of Darryl Eberhart before. I was shocked to see that his website, Toughlssues.Org is offline in spite of the super interesting topics on it! Someone made a PDF file of the home page of Toughlssues.Org. You can see it below the transcription and read all the titles of the links that are no longer accessible.

What happened to Darryl Eberhart? Did he pass away into God’s Heavenly Kingdom? Or was he taken out before his time by the people he exposed? If anyone knows the answer to this, I would appreciate hearing about it.

The information Darryl Eberhart shares confirms everything I have already posted about the Jesuits and their control of the world, and he also adds new information.

Transcription of audio interview.

This is the Ministry of Truth. I’m Gordon Comstock and we have a returning guest today. He’s been on the show three or four times. This might even be his fifth time. Boy, he reads a lot and they are of course the kind of books that are hard to obtain nowadays. We’re not supposed to read these kinds of books I suppose. He’s got a very interesting background in military intelligence. I think he really knows his stuff.

Before I was ever introduced to him, I was reading his writings online quite a bit. I was quite happy to finally talk to him. He’s become a regular on the show. Well, it’s frankly, and this doesn’t happen very often in life. I have trouble finding areas where I would disagree with my guest today. Our guest is Darryl Eberhart. Welcome aboard, Darryl.

Darryl Eberhart: Thanks for the nice introduction. I’m 61 years old. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that on any of the podcasts. Sometimes I get a little tuckered out and tired of fighting these guys.

But let me give your listeners an introduction to both me, the intel, and the religious side because I’ve got this great concern that they’ll accuse me since I’ve been writing so much about Roman Catholicism, especially the Jesuit order. I’m not comparing myself to Abraham Lincoln, but whenever they were plotting to assassinate Lincoln, they passed the word around that in a lot of the Northern newspapers, and as a matter of fact, democratic party biased newspapers. And actually, Lincoln claimed up to half of the newspapers and his time were controlled by the Roman Catholic Church. But they accused him of being a baptized Catholic who had gone astray. They figured that would steady the arms of the Roman Catholic assassins and a lot of the low-level conspirators were Roman Catholic. And I just wanted to let people know that I have never been a Roman Catholic. I was never secretly baptized as a Roman Catholic. I’m not an apostate Catholic, although I do know quite a bit about the Catholic Church.

But anyway, let me tell them about my intel. I spent 26 years in the intelligence community. In 20 years of that was the US military. I’m a retired military, 11 and a half years in the US Air Force Intelligence and 8 and a half years in Army Intelligence. And then after I retired from the military, I worked six years as a Department of Defense, civilian at the National Security Agency, largely because I got trained in Russian and Arabic languages and worked as an analyst, a linguist, a reporter, and then later I got a direct commission to captain. So I was then in military intelligence. I was a chief warrant officer before then after I switched over from the Air Force.

And I’ve been writing two newsletters for the past decade, plus the tackling the tough topics and examining the tough issues. And when I first started writing, I just pretty much, just spoke in general terms of the globalist, which actually talked a little bit about what are actually just front groups, the Counsel on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers, et cetera.

Gordon Comstock: They’re front groups, you’re right.

Darryl Eberhart: Yeah. They’re just 100% front groups. As a matter of fact, a lot of smaller groups within the secret societies are front groups for the Jesuits, as I have maintained. And others like Greg Szymanski, and Eric John Phelps, all of our research ties together and confirms what each of us has worked on separately. And it goes back to a lot of guys who have written good books like Edmond Paris, The Secret History of the Jesuits.

It just all dovetails and points to the same point. And that is that the Jesuits sit at the very top of the secret societies’ pyramid, controlling Freemasonry, controlling their own Jesuit order, and through that, controlling the entire hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, because the Black Pope actually rules over the white Pope. He’s the Black Pope, the Jesuit Superior General, is the power behind the throne of the white Pope, the one that we see patting children on heads. But the real leader of the Roman Catholic hierarchy is the Jesuit Superior General, who’s also in charge of the very wealthy knights of Malta, who are co-located and co-headquartered at the Jesuit Superior General’s palace there in the Vatican. So this man is by far, I think, the most powerful man in the world, and through the wealth he controls, through the Vatican Bank, and again through these wealthy knights of Malta, who hold a lot of key banking positions.

The Rothschilds, people like to point to them and say, “Hey look, these are Jews and they’re running everything.” The Rothschilds are Jesuits who just happened to have a Jewish background. One of their titles is Guardians of the Vatican Treasury. And that ought to tell us something.

Gordon Comstock: They’re employees.

Darryl Eberhart: Yeah, exactly. And so anyway, I just wanted to let them know that I’ve got a good background in intelligence, but interestingly, despite having for 26 years a top-secret special intelligence clearance with all kinds of extra caveats, I knew almost nothing about the Jesuits. I know a little bit about the Catholic Church, and I’ll explain why.

My religious background: I was raised Methodist. My mom was Methodist. My dad was Roman Catholic, but my dad got in trouble because he didn’t raise us Catholic, and the priest was angry with him for years. So again, I was never baptized a Roman Catholic, and I never actually, I didn’t go to a Roman Catholic Church until I actually got in my 20s. I went a couple of times with my dad to Mass. But again, I was raised Methodist.

Now, I have to say this, 90% of my relatives are Roman Catholic, including my dad, and 90% of my friends are Roman Catholic because I’m in a very heavily Roman Catholic area where anywhere you go in any direction, about five to six miles till you get down off the mountain, it’s either 70 to 90% Roman Catholic or higher.

Decades ago, by the way, I married a beautiful and wonderful Roman Catholic lady, and that’s when I was taught Roman Catholic Catechism classes. I was still in the Air Force at Syracuse University studying the Russian language, and I went to those classes. I never converted to Catholicism. As a matter of fact, the priest kind of threw me out after about six sessions because I kept asking questions. I wasn’t a Bible scholar at the time, but I had read enough of the Bible to just raise questions like, “Hey, Jesus Christ healed Peter’s mother-in-law. And Paul said that Peter Simon took his wife with him when he went around. It sounds like Peter was married. Why do you guys have to be celibate when it looked like Peter had a wife? And the priest said, “Oh, is that in the Bible?” And then I nailed him on about four or five other things.

And it finally just came up after about the sixth session for him to put his arm around me because I was embarrassing him by asking him questions he couldn’t answer. And I started making them look stupid because he kept saying, “Is that really in the Bible?” And I said, “Yeah, it is.

Let me give you just one more example. Christ said, don’t call anyone on earth, Father.” Now, obviously, He’s not talking about your earthly dad, but He was talking in a religious way. “So why do we have to call you guys “father”?

And he goes, “Is that in the Bible?”

I said, “Yeah, it is.”

And I go, “Jesus Christ said, we shouldn’t do repetitious prayers like the heathen do. Why do you guys pray the rosary and just keep going over the same thing over and over and over again?” And he goes, “Is that in the Bible?” And I’m not picking just on Catholic priests because I knew six Methodist ministers and, I’d say probably about four or five of them didn’t know that much about the Bible. As a matter of fact, their main training was in administration and raising money and public speaking and running socials and things like that. And I think as a matter of fact, the last couple of Methodist ministers that I knew, said they only had one Bible course. when they were in. And of course, if you talk to an ex-priest and not, they get very little Bible training. They are almost all the traditions of the church, the church, old church fathers, especially the ones that the Catholics consider the most important. That’s their main study. They also don’t get into the Bible.

So anyway, because of that, this guy, just came up, put his arm around me, and said, “You don’t have to come back anymore, my son.” And I didn’t want to go back anymore anyway, Gordon, because the snow was getting about three to four feet deep up in Syracuse, and a hellacious winter that year. And so it worked out well, but he definitely didn’t want me to come back.

So I am not Roman Catholic, although I love a lot of individual Roman Catholics. And I want to just make that point. Again, I just went to Mass a couple of times with my dad. I was kind of rebellious there because I was kind of disgusted by the Methodist church. And for six or seven years, I went to independent fundamental churches here when I came back after leaving the National Security Agency. And I got so disgusted with them because everything was pre-trip rapture. Once saved always saved, we’re not to be involved in fighting evil. We’re only here to win souls. And we’re to obey government no matter how evil it is, don’t you know? And that just drove me crazy.

So basically I just read the Bible and I get together with a couple of friends. And by the way, before we finish, I’d like to give a book. It’s the best book for giving to a Roman Catholic that really in a nice and kind way, it’s Loraine Boettner‘s book called Roman Catholicism.

They’ve attacked this man horribly. It was written, I think, in 1962. But Roman Catholics tell me it’s the best book to give to a Roman Catholic to witness to them as to the unbiblical, unscriptural doctrines and practices in the church because Boettner, he’s a man, Loraine Boettner, just runs comparisons. This is what the Bible says. This is what the Catholic church does or practices or says. And anyone who looks at that with an honest and open heart is going to see that basically, and I don’t know how to say it in a kinder way, Roman Catholicism is basically paganism with a very thin Christian veneer.

The sad part is that there are Roman Catholics, and I know Roman Catholics that are real Christians that are in that church, and maybe before we get done we’ll read that verse, Revelation 18:4 that says, “Come out of her, my people.”

Gordon Comstock: Darryl, I took your advice. Last year I heard you talk about that Loraine Boettner book, and one of my best friends is an ex-priest, and he still attends mass, but he’s no longer a priest. Great guy. I bought a copy of that book and gave it to him last year. We talked, and you could tell it was really making him think. But I haven’t heard back from him in a few months, so it’ll be interesting when I hook up with him again.

Darryl Eberhart: Well, the good news I have is that my best friend and his wife, and he was a Eucharistic minister. She taught catechism-type classes in the church school, and both very, very devout Roman Catholics, both from devout Roman Catholic, large Roman Catholic families, and after over 50 years, by reading the Bible and Boettner’s book, they came out of the church. So it’s not an impossibility. It does happen.

And Roman Catholics, many of them have no idea. They know there’s some evil at the top because of the pedophile priest thing, but many of them have no idea because most of them do not read the Bible. They have no idea of how many Catholic practices, like celibacy and papal infallibility, purgatory, indulgences, a Mass cards for the dead, people try to pay and pray for their relatives to get out of purgatory, that none of that’s in the Bible.

As a matter of fact, I challenge Catholics when I meet them. “Hey, sit down and read your Catholic Bible and see if you can find one pope. See if you can find one cardinal. See if you can find one archbishop.” That whole entire hierarchical system is not there in the Bible. As a matter of fact, Paul and Peter, examples in the New Testament when anyone ran up and fell at their feet and tried to kiss their toes or praise them as gods, they said, “Get up, get up get up! We’re just men like you.” And compare that to the pope, many of the popes who have lived in such wealth and with many palaces and cardinals the same way. And again, through selling indulgences, that’s what got Luther so fired up.

A lot of people forget that some of the reformers were Roman Catholics. Luther was an Augustinian monk who tried so hard to reform the system from within. The Dominican Girolamo Savonarola who was in Florence led a great revival. He made one little mistake. He criticized, I think it was Pope Alexander VI, and his corrupt papal court. Of course, he was immediately excommunicated and murdered and exterminated, executed. And that happened so frequently throughout history. We need to remember that many courageous Roman Catholics have tried to challenge the system from within. And Rome, papal Rome, does not like to be challenged about anything.

I’d like to read just a couple of little things that I threw in some of my writings when I started writing more and more about Roman Catholicism. I’m going to repeat a little bit of what I said, but I think people need to know this. Here’s a little statement I put in some of my newsletters when I started to really go after the Jesuit order.

I am not a Roman Catholic. I also am most definitely not anti-Roman Catholic as far as individual Roman Catholics go. My dad, 90% of my relatives are Roman Catholic, and the majority of my friends are Roman Catholics still to this day. I am, however, against the top levels of secret societies from the hierarchy of the Jesuit order to the hierarchy of Freemasonry. And by the way, if I can find that quote, I’ll read it later, but there was a historian that said,

“If you trace up to the very top of Freemasonry, you will find out that the leader of the head Freemason in the world and the Jesuit Superior General are one in the same person.”

We need to remember that the Jesuit order took over French, British, and German Freemasonry over a century ago. So the Jesuit order controls the higher levels of Freemasonry, which gives them so much power because when you start looking at the intelligence community, Gordon, you find out that just about every head of the Central Intelligence Agency was either a 33-degree Freemason like Allen Dulles who (then President) John Fitzgerald Kennedy fired, or they were Knights of Malta, which is a religious military order within the Roman Catholic Church under the direct command of the Jesuit Superior General.

I think that’s kind of interesting. Five Knights of Malta, the first one that was in charge was William Wild Bill Donovan. You had John McCone, William Casey, William Colby, and George Tenet. There are at least five plus the head of the decades-long of counterintelligence in the Central Intelligence Agency who also sat at the Vatican desk and the Israel desk was James Jesus Angleton, who just happened to be the CIA liaison to the Warren Commission. Another Knight of Malta, one of the Assistant FBI Directors, part of the Freemason lodge just happened to be the FBI, the liaison to the Warren Commission, the White Wash Commission, I call it. We can tell the flow of information that went to the Warren Commission was completely sanitized and edited by these two Knights of Malta.

When you start looking at that and World War II, where the head of Soviet intelligence is a Knight of Malta. He was the Jesuit priest for his couriers, Prince Anton Turkul. You look at the German intelligence on the Eastern Front, it’s run by a Roman Catholic knight of Malta named Reinhardt Gehlen, who ends up afterward coming over to help Donovan, who is head of the old Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor, the CIA. They set up the CIA together, two Roman Catholic knights of Malta.

By the way, William Joseph Wild Bill Donovan, I have a picture of him getting the Order of St. Sylvester there at the Vatican. The man was heavily decorated by the Roman Catholic Church, the Vatican, for his lifetime of service to the Catholic Church, even while he was the head of the OSS and then afterwards as the CIA Director. Isn’t that interesting, Gordon? These guys are getting awards. Our top intelligence guys are getting awards from the Roman Catholic Church.

Gordon Comstock: Well, the Bible talks a lot about nations being empowered by demonic entities, and when you read through that litany of the crossovers between the Nazi echelon that were hooked up with the Knights of Malta, they just very easily made that transition from crumbling Nazi Germany to rising United States 20th century power. And I can just envision those demons crossing over from the Nazis to us, and we’re seeing the fruits of that now all around us with entities like Blackwater, and of course all of the draconian legislation like the Patriot Act.

Darryl Eberhart: That includes stuff that says that the President’s allowed to torture people. Where does torture come from? It doesn’t come from any Protestant church. It doesn’t come from any evangelical church. There’s only one church that is really into torture, like big time, and that is the Roman Catholic Church and the Inquisition alone from, according to several reputable historians that officially ran 1203 to 1808, butchered up to 50 million Bible-believing Christians.

And while I mentioned that, I think it’s important that everybody get a DVD. I don’t know if you’ve ever had Richard Bennett on. He’s an ex-priest of 22 years, but he did this DVD on the Inquisition. It’s subtitled, 605 years of papal torture and death. It’s 58 minutes long, it’s in color. The first two-thirds of the DVD deals with that official Inquisition that took the lives of up to 50 million Bible believers. Many women were burned. And to be slowly roasted and toasted at the stake, how cruel, 80 popes in a row, approved the Inquisition.

But again, the DVD is very professionally done. And the first two-thirds deals with that 1203-1808 timeframe.

The last third deals with that forgotten holocaust, some people call it the Vatican Holocaust, and they’re talking about the massacre in Croatia in the 1940s. Croatia was a part of Yugoslavia and then broke away and became a puppet state to the Nazis. And this fascist state, butchered and tortured up to 1 million innocent Serb Orthodox Christians, men, women, and children, to the point where they impaled children alive on stakes, they crucified Orthodox priests on wooden doors, they skinned people alive, they buried people alive. They burned people alive. They sawed them. They cut their eyes out, and made necklaces from them, and I know you’re very familiar with this.

Gordon Comstock: Yeah, I read that book, The Vatican Holocaust by Avro Manhattan.

Darryl Eberhart: And he has pictures in there of both the perpetrators…

Gordon Comstock: Smiling as they’re sawing through some guys’ neck.

b>Darryl Eberhart: We need to think about this because there are 10 FEMA regions in the US. There are 10 Jesuit provincialists assigned to the US. I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

And when we think that two Jesuit prelates, they were Jesuit monsignors who were in archbishop positions in Zagreb and Sarajevo, respectively, Aloysius Stepinac, who also was the military vicar to the Ustaše military killing squads that ran around, and Archbishop Ivan Šarić. And so these two Jesuit archbishops ran this choreographed, this horrible holocaust – a religious side basically – the slaughter of Orthodox Serbians.

Gordon Comstock: And the people who led the bloodthirsty mobs were Franciscan priests, correct?

Darryl Eberhart: Yes, mostly, and some of the worst commandants were, like you said, Franciscan priests, monks, and friars. They sometimes led the Ustaše units, and if they weren’t the actual officer in charge, then they were an adviser who participated in and urged the torture. And as one writer wrote, he said, they weren’t content just to kill people, they had to horribly torture them first. So, it boggles the minds of people who have not been brought up Roman Catholic and who do not know the history of the Roman Catholic Church to think of a Church that calls itself Christian doing this type of thing.

Gordon Comstock: And so, that was a carryover. That was still the Inquisition, right? The Inquisition never really officially went away.

Darryl Eberhart: No. No. And that was a modern-day Inquisition that we need to look at because, as one writer, I think it was Manhattan himself said, it serves as a model of what the Roman Catholic Church would like to do if they could ever, wherever they have the power to establish themselves as the State Church and to totally, as Edmond Paris wrote, convert or die with everyone else. Of course, some of the Orthodox people did convert, but again, this DVD of the Inquisition by Richard Bennett is critical for people to see, whether they’re Roman Catholic or non-Roman Catholic, to see the barbarity of all this. When FEMA takes over and because the governors, those ten Jesuit providentials, are the real power behind them, we know what these people can do (based on the history of the Inquisition).

Here’s a little thing I’d like to read, but I had stuck into several of the newsletters when I started writing more about Roman Catholicism. I put,

“Why am I writing more and more about Roman Catholicism? I’ve been writing more on the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy, and especially its Jesuit order in recent newsletters, because I keep uncovering more and more about the deep hatred that the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church has for independent Bible-believing Christians, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and Jews. And by the way, during World War II, it was just a bloodbath that mainly went after Protestants in northern Germany, Orthodox Christians, not just in Serbia, but in Russia and in Ukraine, and of course Jews, up to 6 million Jews, despite all of these people that try to say that there were only a couple hundred thousand. I’ve seen the actual pictures of the bulldozing of the bodies and that when the American soldiers went into camp. (Note from me: The actual number of Jews who died in the holocaust is something I don’t care to debate about anymore. The fact is, not only Jews died, but millions of other ethnic peoples such as Romanies AKA Gypsies, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians, Serbians, and other Slavic peoples, even non-Slavic peoples such as Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians. It’s interesting to me that when the Holocaust is mentioned, people only think about the Jews and none of the other ethnic groups the Nazis murdered. Why is that? I believe it’s due to Jesuit control of the press and education to put emphasis on the Jews in order to justify the Zionists of their dirty deeds. )

Gordon Comstock: So let me derail you quickly here because you just prompted something. Darryl, do you think, as I strongly suspect, that not only during World War II, not only what happened in Croatia with the mass murder and torture of the Serbs, not only was that a carryover of the same Inquisition, but do you think, given that Hitler is still to this day a Catholic in title, he never was excommunicated, and given that it was guys like Franz von Papan, who was he a cardinal or archbishop who…

Darryl Eberhart: No, no, he was a knight of Malta. He put Hitler into power.

Gordon Comstock: He put Hitler into power. And as we know, the Knights of Malta are under the auspices of the Vatican. Do you consider that the far more infamous Holocaust that we see so many movies and books about, like Schindler’s List and whatnot, do you think that that also was a carryover of the Inquisition?

Darryl Eberhart: Without doubt, there’s no doubt in my mind that that was another part of the modern-day Inquisition. Serbia wasn’t the only one. World War II was an entire Inquisition. The Catholic Church has long hated Orthodox Christians, and that’s why the Nazi SS units, a lot of them in the central security service were priests that put on the black uniform. The head of the Nazi SS was not little pug-nose, the nephew Heinrich Himmler, Kurt Heinrich Himmler. The real head of it was his uncle who was a Roman Catholic priest, a Jesuit subordinate to the Jesuit Superior General, Ledóchowski. But those priests followed in with the killer units, just like the Ustaše had the Franciscan priests, monks, and friars, these Jesuit priests and other Roman Catholic priests were even wearing the black uniform of the Nazi SS. And they were with the killer squads that came in behind the regular German military, whenever they invaded into the Ukraine and further into the Soviet Union.

So it was when I first looked at Eric John Phelps’ book, I thought, “Wow! Could it be that this thing was just totally orchestrated to slaughter as many Protestants and Jews and Orthodox Christians as possible?” I don’t know how anyone can really take an honest look at World War II and not come to that conclusion. Where did almost all the firebombing take place? In northern Germany, not in Catholic Bavaria. What happened to the poor German Protestants up in the northern, northeastern parts like in Prussia? They were forced to march during winter, and women and children died along the way. Some people think up to a million people that died in the camps in the northern part. The American and British camps were horrible. They allowed malnutrition, they allowed weather exposure to these people. They were horribly treated. The amount of food they were given like I said, forced march in the middle of winter. And then of course the Jews, they went after them big time, and also after the Orthodox Christians. So, I don’t see how anyone can really be honest, whether he’s Roman Catholic or non-Roman Catholic, look at World War II and not just see a massive religious side that was orchestrated by having Knights of Malta running the intelligence services on both sides.

I worked 26 years in the intelligence community. When you have top positions like the CIA counter-intelligence desk when you hold the head of the CIA, the head of the FBI, then you can murder anybody, and that’s what happened with John Kennedy, and then cover it up because you have all your people at the key choke points, and no mid-level analyst or something’s going to be able to get anything. He’ll get murdered if he tries to go outside of the channels. And that’s what they did with the two liaison positions with Kennedy. And everyone around Kennedy, and that’s something that you and I have talked about before, is the alternative medium, much of it, blames everything on the Jews, mentioning the Rothschilds and that or the head of the Federal Reserve, and not ever getting to the secret societies and the control of the secret societies by the Jesuits Superior General, where they have control of these, not only the intelligence agencies, but they are able then to use through the CIA cooperation with Special Forces, Navy Seals, they are able to use our most elite military to murder people and cover it up, and having key people in Congress. Almost every key committee is held by a Roman Catholic generally.

It’s interesting, I started when I was updating some of my news articles, I will tell the story, and you know it, at one time I had 106 articles up on the web, 106, and a lot of them dealt with assassination, like the assassination of Kennedy, the assassination of John Paul I, the assassination of Oscar Romero, the Archbishop down in El Salvador, and the assassination of Lincoln. When you look around and start digging a little bit outside of mainstream publishing and the current American textbooks, you find out in all of these that the culprits are the Jesuits! And the rest of the Vatican, the papacy, clearly their fingerprints are all over the assassination of Lincoln.

My goodness, they even helped John Harrison escape up to Canada, where two Roman Catholic priests hid them out, one of the Archkins’ Bearers, and then they ferried them over to England and down to the papacy, where they became part of the Pope’s own personal bodyguard in a Zouave company.

But Burke McCarty and her book pointed out… she wrote an interesting book, The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. That book was published in 1924. And when she did, she’s got a great quote in there, and I’ll just paraphrase it because I don’t have it right in front of me, but she said that during the Wilson administration, that would have been, he served two terms, I think that would be 1913 to 1921. He’s the president who said, “I’ll never send your boys overseas” just like FDR later. But anyway, she said during his administration, the head of the Army, the head of the Navy, the head of the Merchant’s fleet, the head of the post office, and she named a couple of others, and she said just about every single department in the U.S. government – now remember, this is in the 1920s, the early 20s – she said was held by a fourth degree Knight of Columbus! Now, the Roman Catholic population at that time was one-sixth the entire U.S. population, but they are holding every single key government position.

Lincoln said that in his time, half of the newspapers, I mentioned it earlier, half the newspapers were run by the Roman Catholic Church. And then F. Tupper Saussy, when he came out with his book, Rulers of Evil, showed how in the Reagan administration, almost all his top advisers were Roman Catholic, and almost every key position, intelligence, finance, in both the Senate and the House, were all held by Roman Catholics.

And it’s interesting, when you think back, Gordon, if you go to an independent fundamental church, you’re to find out these guys have all been taught in their seminaries, “We don’t get involved in politics,” but when you go to Roman Catholic churches, when they have their Knights of Columbus, and they try to recruit young Roman Catholics into that, they tell their people, get into law enforcement, get into government, become mayor, become governor, become president. They’re talking two sides there. They infiltrate, and Protestants have trouble understanding that because we wouldn’t think of infiltrating a Catholic church, but the Jesuits are masters of infiltration, and they have their people infiltrate, even seminaries of these independent fundamental associations and everything. And they tell these people, “Now you need to obey government no matter how evil it is, no matter how fascist it is, because don’t you know government is from God, and you guys need to stay out of politics. You’re only here to win souls, you don’t get involved in anything. And then they’re telling their people, “Get involved in law enforcement, get involved in politics.” You go to these, a lot of these northern, northeastern cities, Midwest, Chicago, New York, Boston, you’ll find out that a very large number of the police officers, especially in the middle and higher levels, are Knights of Columbus.

And you can see that on a website, It has all kinds of pictures. Jeb Bush is a fourth-degree Knight of Columbus. It has a picture of him getting his ceremony there. It has a picture of President George W. Bush shaking hands with a bunch of Knights of Columbus. It has a picture of some of these top people in the New York police force. I think one of them was a former Homeland Security agent, a very high-ranking one. They’re all Knights of Columbus!

So what does that bode for us? We need to remember something, Gordon, and that is that the Ustaše was a Roman Catholic militia called Catholic Action in Yugoslavia. Whenever the German troops poured across the border, these people turned on their own government, turned on their own constitution, their own people, and betrayed them, and showed the Nazis, well, I should say the German troops, where the arms were stored, and where aircraft were hidden away. They basically were a fifth column. I hope most of the listeners understand that in the fifth column from the Spanish Civil War, there was General Mola. Franco said he had a fifth column. In other words, he had people friendly to him behind the enemy’s line pretending to be good guys when they were actually betraying them. He claimed to have in Madrid, a fifth column.

Well, throughout all of Europe in World War II, there were fifth columns in France and Yugoslavia that betrayed their own people, their own country, their own government, and their own military.

Gordon Comstock: They assassinated King Alexander of Yugoslavia.

Darryl Eberhart:Right. And the Ustaše we need to remember was a Roman Catholic militia, basically a terrorist group before World War II. And then once Pavlach was put into power, Ante Pavlach, an interesting character, who said, “A good Ustaše is someone who can cut a child out of its mother’s womb.”

And having the two archbishops there, once they took power, well, guess what happened to the Roman Catholic militia, Catholic action, Ustaše? They became the regular military forces, and they went around being the killer squad.

And people need to think. I’ve heard there are a million and a half to two million strong in the Knights of Columbus. There are signs about them all over where I live. You see all their signs. They have chapters and stuff. They sell insurance, they sell little gambling tickets basically that are based on the lottery here in Pennsylvania. These guys are wealthy, they’re powerful, and we need to think, what are they gonna do when we go under total martial law in a fascist state here? Are these guys gonna be just like the Ustaše in Croatia?

That’s something to think about because the fourth-degree oath of the Knights of Columbus, now they’ve probably mellowed it some, but it was a horrible plot oath that was read into the Congressional record in the early 1900s. We don’t need militias such as the Knights of Columbus that have an oath to a foreign potentate, and that’s what the pope is. And if people think that’s hard, it’s just the truth.

Gordon Comstock: When you say foreign potentate, now that brings up a good point because we talk a lot about the dangers of Roman Catholicism and the Jesuits and the upper echelon of that hierarchy, but that upper echelon, foreign potentate, isn’t the real threat, the real source of all this threat is because it is that the Vatican is a nation-state, is it not? People still think the Vatican is just part of a religious system,

Darryl Eberhart: It is a nation state. The Vatican State has diplomatic relations with something like over 80 or 100 countries, I forget. But they’re a member of the United Nations, the pope goes and speaks there, and I know they’ve got diplomatic relations with all of the major countries in the world. As a matter of fact, they were restored with Mussolini in the Concordant that he signed with the papacy. Of course, some people tend to forget Hitler also signed a Concordant on the papacy, and you mentioned earlier, that Hitler was never excommunicated, and neither was Mussolini. As a matter of fact, when Hitler died, or some people say he didn’t really die, he went to Argentina, but anyway, when he supposedly committed suicide, they had a high requiem mass for him in Spain, officiated, I think by three Roman Catholic priests. Generally, that’s only for like a cardinal or something, and they had that for him. But Mussolini, Hitler, and none of the worst of these mass murders was ever excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church, how could they? These guys were working for them. You know, that’s not good PR within your own camp if you excommunicate your top murderers that carry out your orders for you.

Let’s say one other thing, you mentioned a good point. A lot of people tend to think of Roman Catholicism as just a religion. No, the Roman Catholic Church is probably the most powerful geopolitical faction in the world because of controlling secret societies, plus having a billion people adherence, plus having a Vatican bank, and they have another bank too, but all their stock holdings in that, the Knights of Malta are big bankers, so they’re filthy rich, and so we need to think of them as the most powerful geopolitical and financial power on the entire planet. They’re not just a religion.

We Americans have for the most part been largely ignorant of the well-documented history of the Roman Catholic Church in conducting brutal religious genocide, the Inquisition, holy wars, and holy crusades against all the aforementioned groups, Bible-believing Christians, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and Jews.

Sadly, many Americans believe the ecumenical rhetoric of the Roman Catholic Church’s hierarchy, that she has changed her ways and now loves all the “Separated Brethren.” (Formally called heretics.) Well, we now know that Pope Benedict XVI has come out and said, “Well, that liberal stuff you kind of heard out of Vatican II is, they’re just spinning that the wrong way. There’s no salvation outside of the Roman Catholic Church.”

I’ve got some of his recent documents where he said any church that came out of the Protestant Reformation is not a church. So guess what, Protestants? You’re back to being heretics and not Separated Brethren.

And by the way, the ecumenical movement is totally run by Roman Catholics. There’s a Roman Catholic priest named Forrest and that, but you’ll find it almost all of these, the Billy Graham crusades, and that there are always priests there, Paul and Jan Crouch. You can almost always see a priest in the background there. Jack Van Empey praises Mary and the Marian apparitions and the Pope. So a lot of these so-called Protestant evangelists are just, well, Billy Graham himself has an honorary degree from a Roman Catholic Institute of Higher Learning.

Gordon Comstock: They’re all subverted.

Darryl Eberhart:Yeah. They’re working for the other side. And we need to realize that these people are pied pipers. As a matter of fact, Billy Graham, when a Roman Catholic comes forward in his crusade wanting to truly learn more about Christ, what does Billy Graham and those counselors do? They turn them over to the local Roman Catholic Church! They say, “Go back to your Roman Catholic Church and learn there.”

Again, I’m not trying to be mean to anyone because I love a lot of individual Roman Catholics, but Roman Catholicism is basically pagan. It’s the old Babylonian religion. It’s paganism with a thin veneer of Christianity. It moved into the power vacuum whenever the imperial pagan Roman Empire fell and the Pope basically took over as the ghost rose from the ashes of the pagan imperial Roman Empire.

Gordon Comstock: Darrell, this gets into eschatology. You have these pre-tribbers, these huge futurist Christians nowadays who are expecting some kind of revived Roman Empire in the future. And what they are obtusely not seeing is that when the secular government of Rome fell, it morphed into… basically, what I’m trying to say is their revived Roman Empire is Roman Catholicism because it carried on Rome and engulfed all the other states around it. So it’s right in front of them. It’s always been in front of them. It’s always been the number one persecutor of …

Darryl Eberhart: True Bible-believing Christians, including the Waldenses. You know how they treated the Waldenses, I know you read about them, and the Albigenses. They called the Albigenses and Waldenes, heretics, Manichaeans, Dualists, and all kinds of dirty names. But they were just simple Bible-believing Christians who were always … let me repeat that, they didn’t leave the Catholic Church, they were always outside the Catholic Church. And because Catholics in France compared the wonderful lives of these people, they were hard-working, industrious, moral people to other Catholics, the Catholic Church was starting to lose their adherence. They were leaving in droves to join these people. And that’s when the Catholic Church crushed the entire southern population of southern France. They exterminated the Albigenses in a series of crusades. I think they started somewhere around 1208. And they basically used some of the same crusaders who had been down in the Middle East and turned them loose, including rapists and murderers out of the prisons to slaughter these people.

And that’s why I started writing more and more about Roman Catholicism just because… I don’t know how to say this in any other way than the Roman Catholic Church is basically, especially the Jesuit order in the last four centuries, international murder incorporated. They’re just mass murderers, masters of assassination of individuals, but also masters of religious genocide. And we need to speak out about it. Roman Catholics need to learn.

I think if Roman Catholics in America could learn one-tenth of the history of their Church, purposely a Church, but again, remember, it’s an official nation-state, the Vatican state, that was restored by Mussolini with his Concordate. But anyway, by the way, Roman Catholicism also became the state religion again there. So the deadly wound kind of got healed there whenever they got back as a Vatican state.

It’s not the Jews, the Zionist Jews who are running around fomenting all the wars, it’s the Roman Catholic Church.

There was a man named Edmond Paris who was born Roman Catholic, a French author who wrote several books like “Convert or Die”. But he wrote The Secret History of the Jesuits that people can still get that from Jack Chick, Chick publication (and this website).

Gordon Comstock: We spoke of that book, Roman Catholicism by Loraine Boettner as maybe the best book to give your Roman Catholic friends to get them out of that system, to wake them up.

Darryl Eberhart: The book is simply called Roman Catholicism and it’s by Loraine Boettner. It was published in 1962. It’s a 466-page paperback book.

My best friend and his wife, have four children, and they gave them Dave Hunt’s book and it really turned them off. Dave Hunt’s book is a great book, A Woman Rides the Beast, I like it, but I’ve heard from several Catholics that it really turns Catholics off.

Gordon Comstock: It’s all factual, but it’s too much at once.

Darryl Eberhart: Yeah, for new comers. It’s a good book. If you’re a non-Catholic, I would highly recommend you get that from Chick Publications. A Woman Rides the Beast is a great book for a non-Catholic because it gets into their doctrines in the back. He gets into papal infallibility quite a bit, and celibacy and purgatory and he’ll give you definitions of all of them. But he gets a lot into the genocide too.

Gordon Comstock: The sordid history of the popes, Hunt gets into in spades.

Darryl Eberhart: Yes, he does a very good job. But if you want to hand something to a Roman Catholic to read because you want them to see that their churches’ practices and doctrines are unbiblical, unscriptural. Roman Catholicism is the best book. And I tell you why. That man has been horribly attacked by the Roman Catholic Church because he’s right on the money. And again, he doesn’t do it in a caustic and vitriolic, nasty manner. He just lays it out nice and just pleasant. And just saying here it is, this is what the Bible says, this is what the Catholic Church says. So I highly recommend it. You get that book and get it into the hands of Catholic friends. It’s much better received than most other books.

Let me give a Bible verse here. It’s critical. We’re very ignorant of history. We’re also biblically ignorant in America. And I’m sure know very well this verse,

Hosea 4:6  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

That’s pretty serious. We need to be Bible readers. You mentioned about the papacy and how easy it is to see. Some people try to predict who the Antichrist is going to be. Some people said it was Gorbachev with the little red mark on his head. Some people even said it was Reagan. There’s Prince Charles. There have been many candidates, Mussolini was a candidate, Hitler was a candidate. Of course these guys are dead now.

Rather than trying to predict who the final CEO of the Satanic Kingdom is gonna be, that priest of 22 years, Richard Bennett, points out on his DVD, The Inquisition, the Bible very clearly lays out that the papacy is the Antichrist.

Revelation 17:9  And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

Now someone like Texe Marrs says that’s Jerusalem. But Jerusalem never ruled over all the kings of the earth. Some people say Rio de Janeiro has seven hills. Now the only place with seven hills that ruled over the kings of the earth for probably over 1200 years was the Roman Catholic church or papacy. They crowned kings and emperors and deposed them. Few emperors and kings had ever won against the pope. Most of them lost on the battle field because the pope would rally several countries against the nation that opposed him.

Some people used to joke, “Well, how many divisions does the pope have? The answer is he has as many divisions as the US or the Soviets or whoever he’s controlling. They’ve infiltrated and decapitated those governments.

Verse Revelation 17:18 says, And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.

Again, the Israel kings, kings of Judah, David, and Solomon at their peak didn’t rule over the kings of the earth. They ruled over maybe the kings of Edom and Moab and the Syrians. But they didn’t rule over the Assyrians. They didn’t rule over the Babylonians. They didn’t rule over the Chinese. However, the papacy ruled over continental Europe for over a thousand years.

But here’s the verse that’s kind of interesting. I used to say I’m not telling Catholics to come out of the church. I am now.

Revelation 18:4  And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

The Bible says that papal Rome is going to get burned in the end. And I would say to … and I love again many individual Roman Catholics … get out of there. Not only is your church, which is a state, a geopolitical and financial entity, guilty of pedophilia to the maximum extreme, not only is it guilty of up to 40% of American nuns reporting being sexually abused, you can find that in a Boston Globe article. I’m looking for the book, but it’s in a great book called Lucifer’s Lodge – Satanic Ritual Abuse in the Catholic Church was written by a Roman Catholic named Kennedy. Not only is it guilty of all that, but if you read my Bloody Hearts article, you’ll find out that the Roman Catholic church as Baron De Pane, the French statesman said, “Its history is written in blood.” Blood is what it’s all about. The slaughtering of Jews left and right, as you well know Gordon, whenever the Roman Catholic crusaders, not the Christian crusaders, went into Antioch in 1096. The Roman Catholic crusaders slaughtered every man, woman, and child, Christian, Jew, and Muslim in Antioch. Then they went down, and in Jerusalem, in 1099 they slaughtered just about everyone. There were a few Muslims that bought their way out, the rich ones, but other than that they slaughtered every man, woman, and child, other than the few that bought their way out, Jew, Muslim, and non-Catholic Christian. And that has been the history of that church.

Before the Crusaders even went down to the Middle East, they went into the Western provinces of Andrew and Puto and practiced up for the crusades by slaughtering every Jew they could find, going through the villages of those Western, I probably murdered the pronunciation, those Western provinces in France, they practiced up. Their entire history is nothing but religious genocide. Every 50 to 100 years, the Roman Catholic church goes on a mass murder spree, and they did it as recently as the 1940s. (The 1994 Rwanda genocide was even more recent.)

And Gordon, that’s why I think you’re staying in and working hard at what you do, why I am too because we smell what happened in Croatia, what happened all over the European continent, in the 1940s, may be coming to a neighborhood near all of us soon here in America, like they used to talk about movies going around the drive-in theaters. It’s coming to a neighborhood soon near us. And again, ten FEMA regions, ten Jesuits, provincial’s assigned here, and we’ve got the fascist police state almost totally set up here in America.

If Roman Catholics do not leave in droves as they did during the Reformation, the only thing that stopped this, that flow, was the sword and the stake that the Catholic church wielded against its own people, otherwise, Europe would be totally Protestant right now. And that’s why the Inquisition was instituted and carried on, and again, 80 popes in a row.

And if you’re a Roman Catholic, get a book called Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy, by Peter De Rosa. There’s a Roman Catholic that just gave you the real nitty gritty of what the papacy was about. It was nothing but rich aristocratic families battling with each other. Most popes were murdered, by the way, very few died natural deaths, some mysterious, but many of them were murdered because they were fighting with each other for the coveted position because of all the wealth and power that it carried with it.

So again, we’re not being mean, we don’t hate Roman Catholics, we’re just trying to warn you, your system, it’s not biblical, it’s a murdering system, and it’s a system full of pedophile priests, and it’s just a real sad story that it calls itself Christian.

I tell my Catholic friends this, you’re not going to like a Catholic police state here in fascist America. It’s not going to be good for Catholics because the Inquisition didn’t just kill Bible believers. Many Roman Catholics, if they were wealthy, maybe you had a good-looking wife or daughter, they turned you in, and you went before the Inquisition, and very few people ever got acquitted from the Inquisition. By the way, most lawyers were not allowed to represent you, you couldn’t see you’re accuser, so they had an almost 100% conviction, right? And that’s why we’re warning people, to find out about this Church geopolitical financial entity, do a little bit of research.

Image of Darryl Eberhart’s website which is no longer online.

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The Great Artificial Famine of Ukraine in 1933

The Great Artificial Famine of Ukraine in 1933

Children collect frozen potatoes in a collective farm's field during the Ukrainian famine.

This is an article from my good Ukrainian friend from Kyiv, Lydia. She sent it to me 21 years ago in 2003. I posted it on my very first website, which is no longer online. I may put it back online as a subdomain of this website.

Since the Russian invasion, Lydia fled to France and is living there as a refugee. I think many Americans are unaware of this history. I sure didn’t know anything about it, and neither did most people of the Soviet Union except the Ukrainians who were the victims. I think if more Americans knew this history, they may be a little bit more sympathetic toward the Ukrainians in their resistance against the Russian invasion. Did Vladimir Putin share this in his history lessons with Tucker Carlson? I think not. If you saw the entire Putin – Carlson interview and heard Putin talk about this subject, please enlighten me. Could it be one reason why Ukrainians don’t want to be under Russian rule is because they remember what the Russians did to them in 1933?

In December, Ukraine lamented over the ten million lives lost in the great artificial famine of 1933. It’s been 70 years since that terrible time, but many Ukrainian people still remember the horrors that they went through during those months of great suffering that they’ve been put through due to the cruel and unwise decisions that were made by the Communists. It is now the well-known fact that the famine in 1933 was created artificially, when millions of tons of flour and other products were taken away from the Ukrainian farmers and shipped over to Russia. This is what we heard from one of the older people here in Kiev, who survived that famine:

“The Soviet power used this terrible method in order to make Ukrainian peasants join Soviet collective farms. That’s why the mentioning of the famine of 1933 was a rigid taboo over several decades. Not a single word in the mass media, not a single word in speeches, not a single word anywhere. Only in the times of Gorbachev’s perestroika was this taboo broken. Most of what I saw in the terrible spring of 1933 is impossible to describe. How can I write about people eating their children in order to stay alive? How can I describe the smell of starvation? How can I describe the famine victims? Millions of them. Starved people lying in ditches along the road. The presence of death was everywhere.”
“A woman offered me candy to go with her. I was only four, and nearly became another victim of the Great Famine in that Spring of 1933. The woman wanted me for dinner. No, not to share with dinner, but to be her dinner! That’s the way it was during a period when 6 to 10 million Ukrainians, mostly peasants, starved to death. I shake even now as I tell you this story 67 years later. After being offered sweets, I followed the woman. My grandfather saw me follow her, looked at the woman’s swollen belly from lack of food, and pulled me away.”
“I remember crying because I wanted the candy. Two days later, they found another child in that woman’s house. He had been butchered. My father took me to the women’s home. ‘That could have been you,’ he said.”

Lydia’s grandmother Olga was also one of those who survived that terrible famine. She came to visit us not so long ago and shared her sad testimony with us. She survived the famine, but lost her parents and four of her brothers and sisters back then. Only two of her brothers stayed alive, and only because they fled the Ukraine and went to St. Petersburg. Granny Olga comes from a Christian family. Christian meetings were held at their house regularly, as their church was closed by the Soviets. She told us how the Soviets were persecuting anyone in the village who didn’t seem to starve and how they confiscated possessions of those who worked hard and thus had some food to eat.

She also told us how they were making bread out of the chaff, and how they ate the weeds just to stay alive. “First they took the beehives, then the cows and the grain,” she told us. “When there was no more food left and we began to starve, one of our communist school teachers began coming and asking us if our father, who was a Christian, spoke anything against the Communist party.”

We saw tears in her eyes, as she told us about the death of her little brothers, who died from starvation just after the food had arrived. They had no more strength to eat it! But no matter what terrible things she had to go through, Olga kept believing and trusting the Lord, who protected and blessed her!

Today, like many years ago we also meet those hungry children on the streets of Kiev, begging for bread and a little bit of compassion. I was met by the little girl, while we did shopping, who was dressed in rags – she asked me for some food. Her eyes brightened, as I handed her some money, and she gave me such a happy look! I will never forget those eyes. There was pain in them, but also so much thankfulness, that it almost made me cry. I thanked the Lord for all the wonderful blessings that we do have and for such a loving Family, where nobody has to starve – thank God for His provision! It makes us so thankful for everything that Jesus gives us and also motivates us to go out and to reach these people with His love, so that everyone would know Him. Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men!

For further reading, see How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine

The Origin Of Dispensational Futurism And Its Entry Into Protestant Christianity

The Origin Of Dispensational Futurism And Its Entry Into Protestant Christianity

By H. C. Martin

Today many Protestants have departed from the Christian interpretation of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation, and many other passages in the Word of God. Church history has not left us in ignorance concerning the dispensational interpretation of the Book of Revelation. Every Protestant should know and spread the following startling facts.

Scholarly Dean Henry Alford (1870) informs us the Futurist school of prophecy can be traced to Jesuit Ribera (1590). It was invented for evil purposes e.g. “to protect the Papacy and to confuse the Protestants as to the true meaning of the Revelation. This scheme is not to be commended for obvious reasons.

The great Reformers opened up Revelation chapters 17 and 18 to all Europe and showed the people the great whore and the scarlet woman with disastrous results to the Papacy. In the Book of Revelation God foretold, exposed and denounced the works and doctrine of the great Apostate ecclesiastical system which would rise out of and succeed the wreckage of the Pagan Roman Empire. This apostate system was Papal Rome.

The Roman world had been ruled by Paganism until the 4th and 5th century AD, but now a change was destined to come to pass; this new found power being clearly symbolized in the Book of Revelation as a religious power by saying that it would be seen sitting in the Temple of God. That is to say in the Church itself swaying the lives of men and nations and ruling with great power from a self appointed pinnacle which it had set up (2 Thessalonians, chapter 2). This Papal power was to emerge after the Roman Empire was removed and would continue until it would be “consumed by the Spirit of His mouth and destroyed by the brightness of His Coming.” (2 Thess 2:8).

As the darkness of the middle ages thereafter began to be lightened by the hard won labors of the Reformation all of the Reformers without exception, believed and taught that Papal Rome filled exactly every detail foretold concerning this new Religious entity and was therefore this apostate and Anti-Christ power which while purporting to be the only true Church of Christ was actually fighting against Him. When this devastating exposure became revealed from the Scriptures themselves the first reaction of Papal Rome was to try to destroy the Bible. They thus gathered all the early English Bibles they could lay their hands on and had public burnings of them. One of these ceremonies was conducted by Bishop Tunshill in AD 1530, at Paul’s Cross, London, when William Tyndale’s English translation of the New Testament was burnt publicly. However, when this endeavor eventually proved fruitless they began to massacre and burn at the stake the living witness of the Truth, two of the most notable of whom were Bishops Ridley and Latimer who were burnt alive at Oxford in 1555 AD. during Catholic Mary’s reign.

When it was seen that both these drastic measures failed to stem the incoming tide of Truth and of the Kingdom of God on earth the only procedure remaining to the Papal system was to endeavor to misinterpret all such verses of scripture which foretold and condemned it’s system making the condemnation contained in these verses appear to fall if possible on some other party instead of themselves. This endeavor however produced two opposing schools of thought even within their own ranks. One of these schools is known as:

The Pretorists (Praeterists, Preterism)

Pretorists declared that the anti-Christ power of Scriptures had already come and gone being fulfilled in the Roman Emperors Vesparian and Titus, who had attacked the Jews, ransacked Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple and slaughtered over one million people in the year 70 AD.

The Futurists (Futurism)

The other school known as the Futurists said that this great power must be future, teaching that it would not appear until the Second Advent of Jesus Christ. The originator of this second erroneous thesis was a Spanish Jesuit priest, Francisco Ribera (1590). As he attempted to advance the Roman Catholic Counter Reformation, Ribera was embarrassed by the persistent Protestant identification of the Papacy with the Antichrist. To counter this he revived a futuristic interpretation for the Book of Revelations (he placed all but the first three chapters in the future). Antichrist was restored to a person and an individual ruler (not the Pope) who would arise in the future. Antichrist would reign for three and one half years and his teaching was embellished with a rebuilding of a temple at Jerusalem, revival of the Levitical Laws and Sacrifices, plus various Jewish aspects in addition to the wholly unfulfilled persecution of the Church. This futuristic interpretation was popularized by Cardinal Bellarmine and became widely accepted within Romanism.

The Reformers (Historicists, Historicism)

Quite distinct from the two foregoing schools, were the Reformers, who were without exception known as Historicists, that is to say those who believed that the Book of Revelation foretold a perfect sequence of the history of Christendom throughout this present evil age from beginning to end. Also the Book of Revelation is a revelation of Jesus Christ from his Ascension in power to His Consummation when He returns in Glory. The Book of Revelation as taught by the Reformers exposed with paramount certainty the complete failure of both pagan and papal Rome and especially the utter and complete destruction of the latter (Revelations chapters 17 and 18)

How Dispensational Futurism Entered Into Protestant Christianity

The Reformers to a man, fiercely contested the futuristic thesis propounded by Jesuit Ribera, whose commentary on the Book of Revelation is in the Cambridge Library and all Futurist Commentaries since then are based on it. However it was left to another Jesuit, Emmanuel Lacunza (1731-1801) to complete the deception and through him Dispensational Futurism entered Protestant Christianity. At the time of the overthrow of Jerusalem in AD. 70, Rabbi Jochanon Ben Zakkai was carried from Jerusalem in a casket to Vespasian, who granted him permission to make his abode at Jamnai near the sea. Under his brilliant leadership, Judaism was revived and restored. Jamnai became the headquarters of the world Jewry, and remained such for four centuries when it was transferred to Babylonia where a heavy Jewish population had remained since the captivity. Rabbi Jochanon Ben Zakkai revived the Talmud and his was known as the Palestine Talmud and it’s compositors were Rabbi Jochanon Ben Zakkai, Akiba, Meir, Judah the Great, being Rabbi Judah, whose title was “Ha nasi-the Prince”. Babylonia remained the center of world Judaism for the next several centuries, but as they became a “state within a state” the Persian kings finally rose against her, some leaders were hanged, Talmudic schools were closed and the striving Talmudists fled, finding refuge in the city of Cordova in Spain. Cordova became the world capital of Babylonized Judaism for several centuries and here Jewry enjoyed her golden age. Jewish influence was felt in both “church and state” and in Spain thousands of Jews called “Marannas” joined the Roman Catholic institution while secretly adhering to Judaism. It was against this background that Rabbi Ben Ezra later wrote his book which altered the whole course of Christian History. Posing as a converted Jew under the name of Rabbi Ben Ezra he was the author of a book called “The Coming Messiah in Glory and Majesty”. This book had a profound effect upon prophetic teaching during the early years of the 19th century. Strange of course to relate, he was neither a Rabbi nor a converted Jew for the startling truth is that Juan—Josefat Ben Ezra was the pseudonym behind which hid the Spanish Jesuit Emmanual Lacunza. In his book Lacunza advanced the holy future “Day of the Lord” interpretation of the Apocalypse. (This was similar to the Ribera Futurist scheme in which he had tried spike the mighty guns of the Reformation and was virtually based upon his writings). It was also to Lacunza alias Ben Ezra that the two stages theory of the Second Advent of Jesus Christ owes it’s origin and some competent Historians are of the opinion that its twin theory “The Secret Rapture” may yet be traced to him. The London publication in 1816 of a complete Spanish edition was the prelude to the advent of Dispensational Futurism. Not long after Dr. S.R. Maitland, Librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury, issued a series of pamphlets assailing the HISTORIC PROTESTANT Interpretation of Prophecy and quite evidently based upon Ben Ezra’s book, “The Coming Messiah in Glory and Majesty”.

Other members of the Anglo Catholic party such as De Burgh, Newman, and others were naturally attracted to it. In 1827 Edward Irving, a Scottish Presbyterian Minister who was based in London, translated the whole work into English. It is a striking thing that a short time after this the eloquent Irving was stirring the metropolis as with flaming oratory he preached the “Secret Rapture”. Later in London, in the congregation of Edward Irving there broke out a serious of emotional exhibitions, which included the communication of ecstatic utterances. One of these was to have widespread results, for soon after 1830, a woman, while speaking in tongues announced “The Revelation” that the true Church would be caught up (Raptured) to Heaven before the tribulation and before Christ’s Return to Earth. Edward Irving was deposed from the Ministry and died in 1834, but not before his “Pre—Tribulationalism” had been introduced at the Power Court Meetings. Dr. Tegalies tells us, “I am not aware that there was a definite teaching that there would be a secret Rapture of the Church at a secret coming until this was given forth as an utterance in Mr. Irving’s church, from what was there received as being the voice of the Spirit. But what the brilliant though tragically misguided Irving regarded as the voice of the Spirit was nothing more than the spirits of the Jesuit which he himself so lately aroused”. Indeed this entire congregation was later to defect to Roman Catholicism.

Meanwhile the young John Nelson Darby, a former Church of Ireland Clergyman and an extreme Anglo-Catholic, had not remained unaffected by what was happening. At the famous prophetic Conferences first at Albury Park, Dublin, in 1825, then Powercourt House in 1829. Darby met up with the leaders of the Brethren movement, the Irvingites, De Burge and others who had been influenced by Ben Ezra’s book. J. N. Darby emerged as a powerful expositor and authority on prophetic matters. The Conferences were unanimous in the expectation of a future Antichrist. Darby, whose course had taken an evangelical turn, was later to succeed in fusing the diverse elements of this new “Futurism” into a scheme of his own, which he liked to call “DISPENSATIONAL TRUTH.” But though it is often claimed that he recovered “the truth” of the two stages and the Secret Rapture concept of the Second Advent, the hard fact is that he borrowed these from the Roman Catholic Jesuit Priest, namely Manuel Lacunza, and his eccentric disciple Edward Irving. John Nelson Darby was followed by Dr. C. I. Scofield, who compiled what is known as the Scofield Reference Bible. Dr. Scofield was born in 1843 and entered the legal profession and was a practicing lawyer at the time of his conversion in the 36th year of his age. Three years later he abandoned his work and was ordained by a Congressional Council. Some years later with the assistance of an editorial board consisting of devoted Christian leaders, was produced the Scofield Reference Bible. It was first published in 1909 and revised in 1917, and again in more recent years. It is the Bible of the Dispensationalists and has been criticized by those who labor in the Churches as well as those on the Mission Fields of the world as “theories that are making the oral teaching of our Lord of NO EFFECT and that are BLIGHTING BIBLE STUDY all over the world. Many are forced to leave Prophecy alone for fear of confusing the Dispensational applications. Perhaps the worst feature of Dispensationalism is that it looks on all who do not hold it’s viewpoint as heretics or religious liberals and modernists who deny the Bible altogether. Godly Ministers have been excommunicated from their denominations, devoted Missionaries have been dropped by Mission Boards and Sunday School Teachers of unquestionable orthodoxy have been dismissed simply because they have come to have reservations about the scriptural soundness of the Darby-Scofield innovations. Little wonder that Alexander Reece speaks of them as”theories that are blighting Christian Fellowship all over the world”.

Thus Ribera and Ben Ezra have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams for the attention of thousands of Protestants became deflected from the Papacy and a future infidel Antichrist is looked for and the historic Protestant view handed down by the Reformers is despised by many. These are the hard facts of history and a Protestantism saturated with Ribera’s Futurism and Scofield’s Dispensationalism, is not the Protestantism of the Reformers, and has thus opened the door to Protestant-Roman dialogue and the return of the Protestants to the Roman fold via the Ecumenical movement and the World Council of Churches. The Protestant Churches of this day are not Dispensational-Futurists in their theological makeup, but few will use the Book of Revelation as did the famous Reformers. What a great loss to our cause! The Christian scholar H. Gratten Guinness (1880) said, “The Futurist interpretation is Roman Catholic and unscriptural”. Another Protestant Futurist preacher and a DD. at that, admitted that the Futurist Dispensational school of prophecy was indeed founded by Roman Catholic Jesuits but, says he, “What next? Then so are the mass and purgatory scriptural. How unthinkable!”

A Welsh Baptist Evangelist, Rev. J. G. Morgans said “Futurism is of the darkness of hell itself.” Dr. Howard Taylor, son of J. Hudson Taylor, founder of the China Inland Mission said, “How any Protestant preachers can believe the Roman Catholic inspired scheme of Revelation, passes all comprehension. Dispensational Futurism is a colossal fraud and is still confusing Protestants and sheltering Papacy. Our Lord Jesus said not one word of rapturing the Church away in secret, seven years before his appearing or of His returning the second time to give the world when all will be converted. He did say,”Behold I come quickly and my reward is with Me to give to every man according to his work.“( Rev. 22:12). His word tells us that His Second Advent is in Judgment, for He comes in flaming fire taking vengeance on them who know not God and who obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thess 1:7-9), and His word also tells us” But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? (2 Pet. 3:10-12). Our Lord never promised any future glory for this world, but only a fiery bath of destruction when all will be destroyed in readiness for the New Heavens and the New Earth (2 Pet. 3:13).

All Christless doctrines are false, no matter how many good men and “eminent” Bible teachers endorse them. The Canadian I.C.C.C. defender of the faith Dr. T.T. Shields said, “The Futurist- Dispensational doctrines are figments of the imagination. I class them as heresy”. Christ is not coming the second time to give the unsaved a second chance, in a second area of mercy for mankind. When Christ comes, The Day of Judgment comes and time ends.” (Matt. 13:41-43, Rom. 8:20-26, 9:28, 1Pet 4:5, 2Pet 322-16, 1 Thess. 1:7-9) Most of the Reformers with [Luther], Calvin, the Puritans, Whitfield, Spurgeon, Warfield, Matthew Henry, are all in the company of renowned Christian men who utterly refuted the false theory of an earthly Jewish Kingdom. It was considered that Augustine was the most gifted theologian since apostolic days. In his book “The City of God” he so laid the Jewish Kingdom Ghost that it did not raise it’s head for hundreds of years and was not revived until Ribera.

The Reformation And Confessions Of Faith

As the Reformation spread into the various countries of Europe these nations drew up their various confessions of faith:

The Augsberg Confession

This German confession was drawn up by Melanchthon and approved by Luther and was submitted to the rulers and emperors of Germany, and the Lutheran Church. it among other things condemned Millenniumism as a Jewish opinion rejecting it along with other Anabaptist notions.

The English Confession Of Edward VI

From this came the 39 articles of the English Church, and also condemned Millenniumism in these terms, “Those who attempt to revive the fable of the Millenarians oppose the sacred Scriptures and throw themselves headlong into Jewish absurdities.”

Calvin’s Institutes

In the chapter on the final resurrection he wrote; “That Satan has endeavored to corrupt the doctrine of the Resurrection of the dead by various fictions.” and adds, “not to mention that he began to oppose it in the days of Apostle Paul and not long after arose the Millenarians who limited Christ’s Reign to one thousand years. Their fiction is too puerile to require or deserve refutation.”

The Belgic Confession

This confession was adopted by Belgium and Holland, and regarding the Second Advent of Christ said, “That it will not take place until the full number of the Elect is complete.” Thus guard against the pre-millennium scheme, namely that there will be people saved after Christ comes for His own.

The Second Helvic Confession

Quote: “We are to believe that at the last day there shall be a general Resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust, when they that are found alive in a moment shall be changed, and the selfsame bodies of the dead which are laid in the grave being then again united to their souls forever, shall be raised by the power of Christ. Immediately after the Resurrection shall follow the general and final Judgment of Angels and men, the day and the hour whereof no man knoweth, that all may watch and pray and be ever ready for the Coming of the Lord.” (Acts 24:15, 1 Cor.15:51-53, 1 Thess. 4:15—17, John 5:28-29)

In the light of the foregoing array of evidences from the Reformation Confessions of Faith it is evident that there is not one line of support for the Dispensational Jewish Kingdom heresy and it is not surprising when its advocates attack the Ministry, the Church or the Denomination to which one may belong. Says one Dispensationalist: “Christendom is dark and a dreadful anomaly; it is the corruption of the very best thing and therefore is the very worst corruption. It is the masterpiece of Satan, the corrupter of the truth of God, and a destroyer of the souls of men. It is a trap, a snare, a stumbling block, the darkest moral blot in the universe of God. It is worse by far than Judaism, worse by far than all the darkest forms of paganism.”

Then again referring to the Ministry this same writer says, “We most certainly should keep clear of the evil of Clericalism, against this dreadful thing we solemnly warn our readers. No human language could possibly depict the evil of it.” Referring to the Church the same writer says, “The Church has failed utterly. It has fallen from it’s high and holy position. It is under Judgment; it cannot be cheered by the church’s proper hope, but is threatened by the world’s terrible doom.” Again “but alas the professing church is sunk lower and become darker than even the world itself.” (Quoted from papers of the Lord’s Coming by C. H. M. and published by Moody Press, pages 42, 82 and 87). So we see that Dispensationalism is directly opposed to the Ministry of the denominational Church. It is rightly defined by Dr. J. G. Voss, “As that false system of Bible interpretation, by the writings of J.N. Darby and Scofield Reference Bible which divides the history of man into 7 distinct periods of Dispensations, and affirms that in each period God deals with the human race on the basis of one specific principle. Apart from the above, Dispensationalists proclaim the restoration of the State of Israel along with all the trappings of Judiasm. Dr. Patrick Fairbanks states that,”This doctrine was foreign to Christian theology during the first seventeen hundred years of the Churches existence.” The fundamental teaching of the New Testament was what lead the Fathers with one voice and all Christian writers down to the 17th century to reject the Jewish expectation, both of a territorial Restoration and a Revived Judaism.”

The idea of Israel’s Restoration has been injected into Christian doctrine by an extreme literalistic school of Bible interpreters, who, in the words of Gregory of Nyssa have, “enveloped their heart with the Jewish veil.” The hope of Talmudic Israel has become the keystone in the prophetic scheme of modern Dispensationalism, as represented by such men as J. N. Darby and C. I. Scofield. The Dispensationalist is blinded to a truth basic in Christian theology, namely, that the Church is the proper sphere of prophecy. The racists among the Bible exegetes make the Church a parenthesis between two Jewish dispensations, namely that of the Law and the Kingdom. A well known American Dispensationalist, Dr. L. Sperry Chafer wrote, “that after the Christian Dispensation has run it course there will be a regathering of Israel and the Restoration of Judaism.” (From book quoted: Dispensationalism by Loraine Boettner, page 413).

The heresy of Dispensationalism results from the lack of proper understanding of the nature of the Old Covenant and it’s relation to the New. The Dispensationalists have never properly evaluated the change of Governments at Calvary. Rev. Clarence Larkin, one of the best known of all Dispensationalists wrote: “The New Covenant has not been made. It is to be made with Israel after they get back to their own land. It is promised in Jeremiah 31:31-37. It is unconditional and will cover the Millennium and the New Heaven and New Earth.” (see Dispensational Truth, page 151), and again, “God has been trying to set up a visible Kingdom on this earth ever since the creation of man, but when 600 years of the times of the Gentiles had run their course God again made an attempt to set up His Kingdom on earth and the angel Gabriel announced to many the birth of a King. Thirty years later John the Baptist preached the Kingdom is at Hand! The king manifested did likewise, later by the twelve, then the seventy proclaimed the same thing. But the King was rejected and crucified and the setting up of the Kingdom was postponed.” (Dispensational Truth, page 85, part 1)

What Is The Traditional And Orthodox Position Regarding Biblical Interpretation?

This is well stated in the writings of the following:

De Witt

De Witt wrote: “The Old Testament is a great prophecy. A great type of Him who was to come and has come.”

Dr. L. Berkhof

Dr. L. Berkhof wrote: “The theocratic nation itself was merely a type of the spiritual realities of a better day, and therefore destined to vanish as soon as the anti-type made its appearance. The Restoration of the ancient theocracy in the future would simply mean the recurrence of the type” (The Kingdom of God, page 170)

Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Charles Haddon Spurgeon says: “In any part of the Christian Church all National distinctions are swept away and we are no more foreigners and strangers, but Fellow Citizens of the saints and the household of God. (Eph. 2:12-22). God has leveled as the Gentiles. He has given us all blessing which belong to Abraham’s seed. Oh! What a blessing it is that all national and ceremonial distinctions have gone down the Jews and made them stand in the same class forever, and Christ is all in all who believe in Him.” (Gal. 3:26-29)

Dr. G. Campbell Morgan

Dr. G. Campbell Morgan wrote: “I am convinced that all the promises made to Israel have found, are finding, and will find their fulfillment in the Church. It is true that in the past in my expositions, I gave a definite place to Israel in the purpose of God. I have now come to the conviction as I have just said, that, it is the new and spiritual Israel that is intended, i.e. ”The Church of Jesus the Messiah.” “The glorious promises as found in Psalm. 72, Isaiah 60:63, Ezekiel chapters 37 and 38, Zechariah chapters 10 to 14, prefigure the Lord Jesus and His people in the New Israel, the Church, in this Christian Era (Acts 4:24-25, and 2 Cor. 6:12). God has excommunicated the Jewish Nation, and Christ will never again be found within a Jewish Temple.”

Professor J. I. Packer

Professor J. I. Packer M.A.D.P.H. of Bristol College says: “Dispensationalism is a monstrosity.”

Dr H. C. Slade

Dr H. C. Slade ex-president of the I.C.C.C. said: “The Dispensational doctrines do indeed present a serious problem to the Christian Churches. Some of these doctrines are nothing short of heresy.”

Dr. W. Perkiser

Dr. W. Perkiser (The Pasadena Bible Institute) said, “Dispensationalism is one of the most ingenious systems of interpretation ever devised to evade the plain statements of God’s Holy Word.”

Prof. F. Bruce

Prof. F. Bruce M.A.D.D. The Open Brethren Evangelical scholar wrote: “The Darby, Scofield influence has not been for the good of the Brethren movement. There are many Brethren today who are neither Futurist nor Dispensationalist. The Scofield Bible is shot through with Dispensationalism.”

Mr. Philip Mauro

Mr. Philip Mauro, an American Lawyer said, “Dispensationalism may be fascinating as a work of art, but as a Revelation it rests upon a foundation of sand. The entire system of Dispensational teaching is modernistic in the strictest sense. It is modernism, moreover of a pernicious sort, such that it must have a Bible of it’s own (”The Scofield Reference Bible“) for the propagation of it’s peculiar doctrines, since they are not found in the Word of God.”

It should be quite clear from the above that there is not sufficient Scriptural ground for the expectation of a Millennium, and the Bible favors the idea that the present Spiritual Kingdom of God will be followed immediately by the Kingdom of God in it’s consummate and eternal form. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is represented as an eternal and not a temporal Kingdom. (Isa. 9:7, Dan. 7:14, Lk. 1:33, Heb. 1:8, 2 Pet. 1:11, Rev. 11:15). To enter into the Kingdom of the future, is to enter upon one’s Eternal State (Matt. 7:21-22), to enter life (Matt. 18:8-9), and to be saved (Mk. 10:25-26, Jn. 3:3) This is the most universal and widely accepted view and is the only one that is either expressed or implied in the great historical confessions of the Church, and has always been the prevalent view in Reformed circles. Therefore, let us earnestly contend for the Faith once delivered to the saints, and we be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive. Let us not give heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the truth, but speak the things which become sound doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, and sound speech which cannot be condemned. Thus we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world, looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself, a peculiar people, zealous of good works. Seeing therefore that we are compassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and sin which doth so easily beset us and run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith (Hebrews 12:1- 2)

Copyright Notice

Written and Compiled by: H. C. Martin 33 Elizabeth Street, Parkes, N.S.W., 2870 3rd EDITION, 1973.

This edition was published 2020 by The Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry Some (hopefully unobtrusive) updates to spelling, punctuation, and paragraph divisions have been made. Unabridged.

Originally published 1973 by the author, H. C. Martin.

The Purple and Scarlet Robes of the Bishops of the Church of Rome

The Purple and Scarlet Robes of the Bishops of the Church of Rome

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post in the series, The Revelation an Acted Prophecy – Western Europe and Asia the Stage.

Revelation 17:4  And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

Purple and scarlet are the official colours of the bishops and cardinals of the Church of Rome. The author visited St. Peter’s Church, Rome, in order to see for himself. True to this prediction, the officiating prelates were robed in purple, scarlet, and cloth of gold. This can also be seen at any important Roman Catholic service.

The Church of Rome decks her bishops and cardinals and principal images with gold and jewels. The Bambino or image of the infant Christ in Rome, for example, is loaded with jewels.


Pope Innocent XI. in 1680 struck a medal representing the Church of Rome as a woman, standing at Rome, extending to the nations of the earth in her right hand a cup containing her sacrament, the Host.

In 1825 Pope Leo XII. struck another representing the Church of Rome as a woman seated on the water covered globe extending the same cup of abominations to the nations. These medals may both be seen in the British Museum and in the Vatican, Rome.

The Spirit of God foresaw that this Church would employ these symbols, and revealed it to St. John over 1800 years ago. “Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee.”

The irradiating rays of light shooting from the cup symbolize the central doctrine of the Church of Rome—the pretended “real presence of Christ” in the sacrament of that church. The Spirit of God in this verse emphatically pronounces the contents of the cup Rome offers, “an abomination,” and not a sacrament. Here, therefore, we have what God thinks of the doctrine of transubstantiation – it is an abomination!


The Church of Rome undoubtedly is the Mother or chief idolatrous system of this dispensation. This prophecy implies that she has daughter churches also, made drunk, or in other words, robbed of their sober senses, and made incapable of distinguishing between truth and error. This explains why otherwise well balanced and scholarly men are ensnared at times by this “Church;” as the Scriptures affirm, she makes them drunk. This is no mere empty figure of speech. What other condition of heart or mind could lead intelligent and even scholarly men to believe and propagate so vehemently the doctrine of the pretended Real Presence of Christ in the bread and wine after so called consecration? The secret of it all is, that there is a mighty deceiving satanic spirit behind this doctrine which drowns the reason. This explains why men are so mightily gripped by this strange idolatrous doctrine.

St Bartholomew Medal Struck By Pope Gregory Xiii

Obverse and Reverse of the St. Bartholomew Medal. PAPAL ROME Offering French Protestants the alternative of the CRUCIFIX or the SWORD.

The St. Bartholomew Medal, struck by Pope Gregory XIII. in 1572 to commemorate the massacre of the French Huguenots. Note, the blood-drunken slayer holds the crucifix in one hand and the drawn sword in the other.

(The End)

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

The Revelation an Acted Prophecy – Western Europe and Asia the Stage

The Revelation an Acted Prophecy – Western Europe and Asia the Stage

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post in the series, Who are the Kings of the East Mentioned in Revelation 16:12?

Furthermore, the Revelation is not merely a written symbolic prophecy, but also an acted prophecy, acted like a drama on the stage, with supernatural beings, as actors and the area of the old Roman Empire as the stage.

In Chapters 1 and 4, St. John is distinctly informed that the scenes about to pass before him in vision prefigure events to be fulfilled in real history during the coming centuries, viz.:—the command to St. John.

Revelation 1:19: Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter (i.e. after St. John’s day, A.D. 96).

St. John then records the great prophetic drama as he saw it enacted before him, just as we today witness historical scenes which have transpired, passing before us like a panorama on the cinema screen. He constantly uses the words “I heard” and “I saw,” just as we do, when we see a procession at Military or Naval Manoeuvres and describe them to our friends. The first Animated Pictures were seen in Patmos by St. John in A.D. 96!—in a Divine Vision.

All the figures were in action at different stages as hearers or speakers, and John described the scene.

In this Divine book and in Daniel, the sun, moon, stars, earth, fire, falling stars, winds, storms, lightning, hail, rain, waters, sea, rivers, seas and rivers of blood, floods, dry land, overflowing of waters, fountains, islands, trees, mountains, wilderness, beasts, as the lion, bear, leopard, goat, with their heads, horns, feet, wings, teeth, etc., are all symbolic; they are symbols of things of a different nature, though things analogous to these, or in some sense resembling them. These all refer to the history in the area of the Four Beasts of Daniel 7, not to the whole world, according to the Reformers’ school of interpretation. The area of the Four Beasts of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13-18 determines the area in the world when drawn on a map. These reach to the Second Advent. (The Second coming of Christ!)

On this landscape as a stage, a miniature of the great world stage on which this great prophetic drama was afterwards fulfilled by centuries of real history, St. John saw symbolic beings performing symbolic actions. The performers included Heavenly, Earthly, and Satanic Beings, all of whom are symbolic and representative.

Christ is represented as a Lamb, and Satan sometimes as a Serpent, sometimes as a Dragon inspiring the Beast. The true Church of Christ, comprised of all who had been born of the Spirit, in all churches and all religions, including those in the Roman Church as a Bride arrayed in spotless white. (Rev. 18:4) Her great arch-enemy the apostate Church of Rome as a foul, bloodstained Harlot, having her seat of power at the Seven-Hilled city of Rome, clad in purple and scarlet and decked with jewels. The kings of the Eastern and Western Roman Empire or Roman “earth” and their armies, are also seen playing their parts at different stages. In short, in so far as it was to affect the Church of Christ, St. John saw in symbolic vision the rehearsal of the great world drama to be afterwards played in real history, by nations, churches* and religious systems, from St. John’s day to the consummation of all things. This of course does not imply Divine fore-ordination, but it does emphatically imply Divine foreknowledge, as in the case of the Crucifixion of Christ, which was clearly foretold hundreds of years in advance.

* The same principle of Divine revelation appears to have been employed by the Almighty when revealing the story of the Creation to the original Seer, as recorded in the first chapters of Genesis. In Genesis, the past history of the earth and the human race was revealed in symbolic language, whilst in Daniel and The Revelation, the future was unfolded to Daniel and St. John in like symbolic actions and language.

Who are the Kings of the Whole World?

In Aug., 1943, Bartholomew’s Atlas gave a total of 183 countries; 134 nations, large and small, as now officially in the Second World War. Divided in Aug. 1943 by the complexities of the situation into four categories. The principal countries are:—

  1. The United States of America ranged against Germany, Italy, Japan, Manchukuo (the Japanese puppet state in Manchuria from 1932 to 1945).
  2. Britain, Canada, Union of South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Free French and China against Germany, Italy, Japan, Manchukuo, Finland, Romania, Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria.
  3. Russia, Norway, Luxembourg, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Greece, Ethiopia, Persia, against Germany, Italy, Finland, Romania, Croatia, and Hungary.
  4. Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Haita, El Salvador, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Brazil, Uruguay, Panama, Bolivia, Chile, against Japan, Germany, and Manchukuo.

The most important neutrals include: Argentina, Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Venezuela. They also may be soon drawn in. If this comes to pass that will be another important sign indicated by Jesus Christ of the Approaching End of the Age.

There were 134 countries, large and small, at War in 1942, and 42 neutral according to the Times. They also may be drawn in before the end. In the 1914-18 Great War there were only 17 countries represented at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.

The Divine Interpretation of Prophecy.

Here is the interpretation given to St. John in Patmos.

Revelation 16:14: For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walked naked, and they see his shame.

16 And they gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. (This valley in Palestine is only 25-miles in length. It is symbolic).

17 And the Seventh Angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne saying, It is done.

Christ and Present Day Signs in the World.

18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.

19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell; and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

21 And great hail, every stone about the weight of a talent, cometh down out of heaven upon men: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof is exceeding great.

(Continued in The Purple and Scarlet Robes of the Bishops of the Church of Rome. )

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

Who are the Kings of the East Mentioned in Revelation 16:12?

Who are the Kings of the East Mentioned in Revelation 16:12?

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post in the series, The Final Revelation to Men by Jesus Christ: The Apocalypse.

And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

Little doubt the Kings of the East are the independent Kingdoms or Republics which have arisen out of the ruins of the Eastern Roman Empire, and of the Turkish Empire, during the last 140 years (up to 1944), due to the steady drying up of that great Empire symbolized in the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation) as the Great River Euphrates. The following are their names, with the dates when each broke from Turkey: GREECE 1820; EGYPT 1840; BULGARIA 1877; ROMANIA 1878; LEVANT 1867; CYRENACIA 1912; PALESTINE 1917; ALBANIA 1919; YUGOSLAVIA 1919; IRAQ 1923; HEJAZ (a region in the west of Saudi Arabia, containing Mecca and Medina) 1926; YEMEN 1927; PERSIA 1923. All of these Kings of the East have ceased during the last century and a quarter to own submission to the Sultan of Turkey at Constantinople. All of these 12 kingdoms belonged to the Mohammedan Eastern Roman Empire, which has now dried up.

The Turkish Empire dried up at the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, when she was completely stripped of all these countries at the close of the 1914-18 War.

The Pope’s Temporal Power over the Ten Kingdoms of the Western Empire dried up also in 1870, when the Temporal Power fell. Today (1944) the Pope rules over the Vatican City only, of 800 people and 108 acres of territory; but he rules spiritually as the False Prophet over 300,000,000 (now 1.2 billion) worshippers. Herein lies his world-wide power through his 500,000 (now decreased to 407,872 according to Latin Priests.

A false prophet is one who proclaims as Divine Truth a false Gospel in Christ’s Name. See Revelation 17 and 18.


As already stated, if we translate the symbolic scenes in the book of Revelation into plain non-figurative ones, by comparing them with the symbols and emblems of other Scriptures, and also with the symbols and emblems employed by the nations and great religions which have arisen and played their part in the history of the last 1900 years within the bounds of the Roman Empire, they become the religious and political history of that great period, so far as it affects the Church of Christ.

Papal Rome corrupted for centuries the Western Roman Empire, whilst the Mohammedan religion corrupted the Eastern Empire. Both as political and religious powers are now nearing their end.

The Napoleonic Wars of 1789—1815, and the Great War of 1914—19, are both regarded by expositors as having been fulfilled as Divine retribution on Papal and Mohammedan Europe and Asia, within the area of the Roman Empire. Revelation 16:1-11.

Both have been equally important as it is shown on the Map of the World, when read in conjunction with the history of the past 140 years. Both religions have been cruel persecutors of God’s people.

The world-wide preaching of the Gospel by the Missionary Societies was in 1,053 languages as contrasted with only 71 languages in 1800 A.D.

(Matthew 24:14) “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

The drying up of the Euphrates in Revelation 16:12 symbolized the drying up of the Turkish Empire, by the loss of 14 Provinces, thus leaving Turkey with a population of 16,000,000 and a loss of 95,000,000 since 1820.

Revelation 16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

In Revelation 16:13,14, the three unclean Spirits of Devils, the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet acting through their human agents, gather the nations of the whole world to battle as never before in all history. These three may prefigure the Nazi, Fascist and Papal Powers at War today. They are all against Christ.

(Note: I believe today an alternate interpretation could be Papal, Fascism (extreme right) and Communism / Socialism (extreme left). The common denominator of all three is totalitarianism. The Devil is a control freak and denies us any independent thought or action outside of his governance. But an even simpler interpretation would be, the Dragon is Satan, the Beast is Satan’s kingdom on earth, and the False Prophet is Satan’s spokesperson, aka the Pope and his priests.)

In 1922 Mussolini founded the Fascist Movement and became Dictator of Italy. In 1929 by the Lateran Treaty, he made the Pope a Temporal Sovereign over the Vatican City and grounds, with a population of about 450 and a territory of 108 acres! Mussolini then voted the sum of £19,000,000 in settlement of the Roman dispute since 1870, when the Pope was dethroned as a Temporal Sovereign. Mussolini then made the Pope a puppet Sovereign.

In 1934 Hitler met Mussolini in Venice, and on Aug. 2nd, 1934, Hitler succeeded Hindenburg as President. These three Evil Spirits then entered on a European career of conquest and invasion, with the Jesuits in the background.

In 1935 Hitler and Mussolini united with General Franco, with the connivance of the Pope and the Jesuits in overthrowing the Democratic Government in Spain.


In Sept. 1943 Mussolini was deposed and his dream of a Revived Roman Empire came to an end.

Mussolini also attacked and overran Abyssinia with the most revolting cruelty. Here again the Pope and the Jesuits supported Mussolini in all these abominations. They also expelled all Protestant Missionaries.

Here we have the 3 Evil Spirits mentioned in Revelation which in 1939 drove Europe and the whole 5 other continents into this World War.

These three great World-disturbers have all originated within the realms of the old Roman Empire.

There can be no question that these three are world figures today and all are Roman Catholic. The False Prophet undoubtedly prefigures the Pope as a pseudo-Christian prophet or leader as distinct from the other two, who are purely wicked political imposters. Mussolini was a pseudo-Caesar, and Hitler worships the Nordic Pagan intuition cult. These three are all enemies of Christ.

Revelation 16:12-14, seem to be fulfilling before our very eyes. Are not the Kings of the whole world gathering to battle today as predicted in Revelation 16:12-14, led by three wicked Powers, which have already drawn in a total of 134 countries, large and small, embracing almost the entire globe. Verse 14 reads “For they are the spirits of devils working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth, and of the whole world to gather them to the Battle of that great day of God Almighty.”

Notice the sharp distinction between “the kings of the earth” and in the next sentence, “and of the whole world.” These clearly refer to two different groups of nations and spheres of action. The one refers to the kings within the bounds of the Roman Earth, or old Roman Empire, and the other to the whole of the nations of the entire globe which includes the Far East, India, Burma, China and Japan, etc.

This great World War is the first great war in which all six Continents have been involved at the same time. That seems to explain verse 14 exactly. Are not the kings or rulers of the whole world gathering to battle today, as predicted here, impelled by three wicked Powers, viz : the Nazi, Fascist and Papal. The Fascist was a Political party, the Papacy a combined Religious and Political
Power masquerading as Christian. These three Powers have undoubtedly caused this World War. Russia, it must not be forgotten, is a Power outside the Roman Empire. Russia is a Power belonging to the “WHOLE WORLD” Area as distinct from THE KINGS OF THE EARTH, ie., the Roman “Earth” of the Apocalypse.

When the Western Roman Empire fell in 476 A.D. it was succeeded by the Western Papal Ten Kingdoms with the Pope at the head.

The Eastern Roman Empire fell at the storming of Constantinople by the Turks in 1453 A.D. This was the complete end of the Roman Empire, both East and West, From 1453 to 1923 A.D. the Turkish or Mohammedan Power ruled most of the nations of the former Eastern Roman Empire—now the Kings of the East.

Today Turkey rules none but her own homeland. The Pope rules over 108 acres and about 450 subjects.

In the first verse of the Revelation St. John tells us the book is written in symbols, i.e.: in a language of signs.

Revelation 1:1: The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him, to show unto His servants things which must shortly come to pass; and He sent and signified it by His angel unto His servant John.

Revelation 4:1: After this I looked and, behold, a door was opened in heaven; and the first voice when I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

To signify is to show by signs, to intimate your meaning, not in plain literal words, but by signs and symbols.

Now in the language of signs and symbols, such for example as that employed by the Navy, Army or R.A.F., or by Merchant ships, when signaling at sea, each sign and symbol has a definite meaning, which can only be discerned and understood by translating it into ordinary language, by means of an explanatory key. In reading Daniel or the Revelation we are bound to do the same.


For example, the Sharp Sword proceeding out of the mouth of the King of Kings in Revelation 19:15, is not a sword of steel, but a symbol only. There is no such creature in nature as a Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns, as in Daniel and Revelation. Again they are symbols only.

As stated on page 4 of this book, we must translate the symbolic language into ordinary language, by comparing these symbols and emblems with the other Scriptures where the same are employed and explained. We must also be familiar with the symbols and emblems employed by the nations and religious systems which have arisen on the theater of the Roman world since the book of Revelation was written. The Roman Catholic and Mohammedan religions have unconsciously employed in their national and religious life and history, the very symbols and emblems used in Revelation to prefigure the events. Especially is this true of the Church of Rome and of the Papal nations of Western Europe, and also of the Mohammedans of Eastern Europe and Western Asia. The Great Revealer foresaw the use of these national and religious symbols by these powers and revealed them to St. John, for the guidance and comfort of His people down the ages. See Papal and Mohammedan emblems, medals, coins, etc., in this book as evidence.

(Continued in The Revelation an Acted Prophecy – Western Europe and Asia the Stage. )

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

The Final Revelation to Men by Jesus Christ: The Apocalypse

The Final Revelation to Men by Jesus Christ: The Apocalypse

“Apocalypse” has come to be used popularly as a synonym for catastrophe, but the Greek word apokálypsis, from which it is derived, means a revelation.” – Definition from Wikipedia. In older Bibles, the last Book of the Bible is called The Apocalypse rather than Revelation. It means the same thing.

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post in the series, Rome’s Attack on the British Empire and the United States.

This short article is one of the best explanations for why the Book of Revelation is so hard to understand! It was purposely written in code. It’s a prophecy that spans from the time of the Apostle John all the way to the description of the “holy city, new Jerusalem” that has come out of Heaven to the New Earth! That school of interpretation of Revelation is called the Historicist view. That was the standard view of the Protestants from the 16th to the 19th century. It was only in the 20th century that the Futurist view became popular. The Futurist view says most of prophecies of the Book of Revelation have yet to be fulfilled. Why do people who hold to the Futurist view think that? It’s because they have been led astray by John Nelson Darby and the Scofield Reference Bible which espouses the Futurist view – a doctrine cooked up by a Jesuit priest, Francesco Ribera in the 16th century to stop the Protestants from calling the Popes of Rome the Antichrist and the Man of Sin of Second Thessalonians chapter 2. Talk about a great deception! I won’t get into this subject further in this article because I already wrote about it extensively on this website over the years.

From the Gospels we now turn to the final detailed revelation of God’s purposes and plans in working out the redemption of man and bringing about the establishment of His Kingdom in this world, as revealed in the Book of Revelation. Christ said to His disciples: “I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. -John 16:12″ He revealed these things, 63 years later in vision, in cipher to St. John in the Isle of Patmos in A.D. 96.

According to the Reformers and their successors as interpreters today, the Books of Daniel and Revelation have now been almost completely fulfilled in past centuries and in the present, as far as Revelation chapters 16, 17 and 18-22, they refer to the future of our World.

The Book of Revelation in this Age takes the place of Prophets in Old Prophets in the Old Testament times. As the centuries roll on, it is a Prophet speaking in all Ages as the events foretold arrive. It has kept abreast of every century since the visions were revealed to St. John in A.D. 96. The words THE TIME IS AT HAND is mentioned in the first chapter verse 3, and again in chapter 22 verse 10. Here we have the beginning and end of THE DIVINE PROGRAM OF WORLD HISTORY.

The Revelation is a book written in signs so that God could reveal the future to His own children and yet not disclose to His enemies His over-ruling providence in the world. In the Army and Navy, and R.A.F. a secret symbol is worn by soldiers or sailors on the shoulders of their various uniforms, instead of the names of their regiments, or ships; the purpose is to conceal their identity from enemies. Their own Officers recognize them at once. So with the Book of Revelation, it reveals God’s fore-knowledge to His people, but conceals it from His enemies.

The Books of Daniel and Revelation have been unfolding the Divine Plan as the Ages have rolled on.

We must keep clearly in view the symbolic language in which Daniel and Revelation are written, or we shall utterly fail to understand their meaning, or where we are today in their wonderful program.

(Continued in Who are the Kings of the East Mentioned in Revelation 16:12?)

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

Evidence for the Resurrection Part II

Evidence for the Resurrection Part II

Happy Resurrection Sunday! Christ is risen! This is the continuation of Evidence for the Resurrection Part I

The 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 creed we just looked at, developing within a few years of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, is extremely important evidence to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But we also have the Gospel accounts and the Acts accounts.

In the Gospels and Acts, we have accounts of Jesus appearing over several weeks in different locations.

Sometimes indoors sometimes outdoors; to the apostle John who would have found it easy to believe and to Thomas who was skeptical and found it difficult to believe.

But what we have are appearances that are solid. Not mystical or shadowy glimpses of someone that may have been Jesus at a distance if the light was right and you squinted…

Jesus talked to these people, He interacted and even ate with His disciples (Luke 24:42, 43). This was Jesus up-close and personal. Consider that Jesus appeared to:

  • Mary Magdalene (John 20:14)
  • Another Mary (Matthew 28:1, 9-10)
  • Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-27)
  • His disciples (Luke 24:36-53)
  • His apostles without Thomas (John 20:19-24)
  • His apostles with Thomas (John 20:26-29)
  • Seven of His apostles (John 21:1-14)
  • Eleven of the apostles (Matthew 28:16-20)
  • His disciples at His ascension on the Mount of Olives (Luke 24:50-52 and Acts 1:4-9)

So, not only is Jesus’ resurrection appearances recorded for us in the Gospels, but also taught in the Book of Acts. Consider the following verses:

  • In Acts 2:32, during Peter’s sermon, he says, “This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses.” (emphasis added)
  • In Acts 3:14-15, Peter again preaching to the “Men of Israel”, says, “But you denied the Holy One…and killed the Prince of life, whom God raised from the dead, of which we are witnesses.” (emphasis added)
  • In Acts 10:40-41, Peter confirms to Cornelius, “Him God raised up on the third day, and showed Him openly, not to all people, but to witnesses chosen before God, even to us who ate and drank with Him after He rose from the dead.” (emphasis added)
  • Even Paul preaches in Acts 13:31, “He was seen for many days by those who came up with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are His witnesses to the people.”

The bottom line is this, the number of witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only astounding and credible, but would stand up as evidence in a court of Law. Consider the following:

  • “If you were to call each one of the witnesses to a court of law to be cross-examined for just fifteen minutes each, and you went around the clock without a break, it would take you from breakfast Monday until dinner on Friday to hear from them all. After listening to 129 straight hours of eyewitness testimony, who could possibly walk away unconvinced?”25

There are more credible witnesses, more incidents, more detail and more corroborating statements over and over again in the Bible to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The next letter in the acronym F. E. A. T. S is the Transformation of the Apostles.

4. Transformation of the Apostles

So, what was the effect on the disciples after seeing their risen Lord and Savior resurrected? What transformation came over them?

During His trial, crucifixion and even after Jesus’ death, we see that the disciples were discouraged, depressed and even scared. These guys are even recorded as cowering in a room after Jesus’ death.

  • We read that at the time of Jesus’ arrest, “all the disciples forsook Him and fled.” (Matthew 26:56; Mark 14:50)
  • Simon Peter cringes with cowardness when confronted by a servant girl. (Matthew 26:69-75)
  • The remaining disciples are hiding behind shut doors “for fear of the Jews.” (John 20:19)

It’s obvious that these men, who had walked with Jesus for three years, did not expect that their Messiah would die, let alone be crucified on a tree.

They were taught that anyone crucified was accursed of God (Deut. 21:23, Gal. 3:13), and that their Messiah would not suffer death.26

And yet, we see in a very short time after the disciples had seen the physical resurrected Jesus, that they were no longer the scared men hiding behind closed doors that they were just weeks earlier.

These men believed they had seen Jesus Christ raised from the dead and it had such an impact on them, that it transformed them into men who boldly preached the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

These men gave up their sociological and their theological identities because they sincerely believed that they had seen Jesus raised from the dead.

These men died and were martyred for their belief that Jesus Christ had been raised from the dead.

Liars Make Poor Martyrs

Lee Strobel puts it this way, “People will die for their religious beliefs if they sincerely believe they’re true, but people won’t die for their religious beliefs if they know their beliefs are false.”27

Let’s take a look at some of the deaths of the apostles and remember all they had to do was recant and admit that they had stolen the body or had made it all up.

All they had to do was say “Wait, Wait, I’m just kidding, I made it all up.”

  • Peter was crucified after being forced to watch the crucifixion of his wife. His last words to his wife are recorded as, “O thou, remember the Lord.”
  • Andrew was crucified on an X shaped cross. He was tied instead of nailed to extend the suffering.
  • James was killed with a sword and is the only apostle whose martyrdom is actually recorded for us in Scripture (Acts 12:1-3).
  • Phillip was stoned to death by most accounts in Asia Minor.
  • Thomas is said to be buried in India after being killed by a spear for spreading the gospel.
  • Matthew was reportedly beheaded.
  • Bartholomew (Nathaniel) was crucified around 68 AD.
  • Jude (Thaddaeus) was killed by an onslaught of arrows.
  • James the Less was stoned to death.
  • Simon the Zealot was sawn in two for preaching Jesus.
  • John apparently was the only disciple to die a natural death.

Several facts stand out in the end:

  1. All the disciples were afraid, confused, scared and fled after Jesus was crucified.
  2. All the disciples saw the physically resurrected Jesus.
  3. All the disciples were radically changed and empowered to spread the gospel of the Good News of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  4. All the disciples were tortured and lived their lives for the furtherance of the Good News and with the exception of John, died horrific deaths for the sake of Jesus Christ.

They believed they actually saw Jesus resurrected and it transformed their lives forever.

Jesus told His disciples in Acts 1:8:

  • “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (emphasis added)

    The word power [Greek: dunamis] means “miraculous power, ability, abundance, might and strength.”

    This is where the English word dynamite comes from.

  • As believers, we have spiritual dynamite in the form of the gifts of the Spirit, service, fellowship and our witness to the world.

The bottom line is that these men walked, talked, touched and ate with the living physically resurrected Christ as evidenced by their complete 180 degree turn from fleeing disciples, to believing apostles who died spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.

And finally, the last letter in the acronym F. E. A. T. S. – Skeptics Conversions.

5. Skeptics Conversions

If we’re honest with each other, we were once skeptics ourselves, or maybe we still are. Being skeptical is a good thing. If we were not skeptical, we could be taken in be every type of scam or con.

God Himself tells us in Isaiah 1:18, “Come let us reason together.”

The word reason [Hebrew: yakah] means “to argue, convince, correct, plead, reason (together).”

The word “reason” (yakah) is a law term used for arguing, convincing, or deciding a case in court. The people were to be convinced by their argumentation with God that He was right and they were wrong about their condition.”28

Let’s look at two of the main skeptics of Jesus’ claims, and how they were “convinced” and then ended up being two of His strongest supporters:

James, the Brother of Jesus

Jesus had at least seven brothers and sisters according to Matthew 13:55-56:

  • “Is this not the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? And His sisters, are they not all with us?”

Even Josephus, the Jewish historian from the first century mentions, “the brother of Jesus who was called the Christ, whose name was James.”29

James, like Jesus’ other family members were not believers in Jesus during His earthly ministry:

  • Mark 3:21 says, “But when His own people heard about this, they went out to lay hold of Him, for they said, ‘He is out of His mind.’”
  • Mark 6:3-4 says, “Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and brother of James…So they were offended by Him. But Jesus said to them, ‘A prophet is not without honor except in his own country, among his own relatives, and in his own house.’”
  • John 7:5 says, “For even His brothers did not believe in Him.”

Next we hear of James in the 1 Corinthians 15:7 creed and we read:

  • “After that He was seen by James, then by all the apostles.”

Then, we read that James is identified as the leader in the Jerusalem church:

  • In Acts 15, we read of certain men in the church who were requiring circumcision (Acts 15:5), in addition to putting their faith in Jesus Christ.

    Paul, Barnabas and Peter resolved the issue by speaking before the council in Jerusalem with James, apparently the leader, making the following recommendation in Acts 15:19:

    “Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.”

We also have the testimony of Hegesippus (110–180 AD), a second century Christian writer of the early church:

  • “James, the brother of the Lord, succeeded to the government of the Church in conjunction with the apostles. He has been called the Just by all from the time of our savior to the present day…”30

Although we do not have an abundance of information on James, we can conclude that while Jesus was in His earthly ministry, James was one of the brothers who thought Jesus “was out of His mind” and “did not believe Him.”

After seeing the risen Lord as Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:7, James then becomes the leader in the Jerusalem church.

Upon seeing Jesus after His resurrection, one can have no doubt that James was a skeptic who after seeing the risen Lord became a believer in Jesus Christ as his Messiah and Savior.

The Historian Josephus tells us that James was stoned to death for believing in Jesus.

Saul of Tarsus (Paul)

Saul of Tarsus, later known as Paul the apostle, was a devout Jew and Pharisee by training and education.

Saul hated anything to do with Christianity since he believed that it was disloyal and disruptive to the traditions of the Jewish people.

Acts 9:1 tells us that “Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him so that…he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.”

What better way to tell Saul of Tarsus’ own testimony than to let him speak for himself about his Jewish heritage and persecution of the church:

  • Philippians 3:6,7 Paul says he was, “circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; concerning the law, a Pharisee, concerning zeal, persecuting the church; concerning the righteousness which is the law, blameless.”
  • In Acts 22:3 Paul says, “I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers’ law, and was zealous toward God”

Saul further admits his extremism against the Lord’s church:

  • 1 Corinthians 15:9 says, “For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God.” (emphasis added)
  • Galatians 1:13 says, “For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it.” (emphasis added)
  • Galatians 1:23 says, “But they were hearing only, ‘He [Paul] who formally persecuted us…’”

So, how could a man, a Pharisee trained and educated, who was set and taught in the Jewish law, do a complete 180 degree turn and instead of hunting down the Lord’s church, become one of the Lord’s church?

Acts 9:1-19 tells of Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus and you’ll notice two things that stick out:

First, Jesus spoke to Paul according to Acts 9:4:

  • “Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?’”

Second, Jesus appeared to Paul according to Acts 9:17:

  • “And Ananias went his way and entered the house; and laying his hands on him he said, ‘Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.’” (emphasis added)
  • Acts 22:14, 15 confirm saying, “Then he said, ‘The God of our father has chosen you that you should know His will, and see the Just One, and hear the voice of His mouth. For you will be His witness to all men of what you have seen and heard.’” (emphasis added)
  • Acts 26:16, confirms what Paul said earlier, Jesus says, “But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose” (emphasis added)
  • 1 Corinthians 9:1 says, “Am I not an apostle? Am I not free? Have I not seen Jesus Christ our Lord?”
  • And remember the 1 Corinthians 15:8 creed where Paul says, “Then last of all He was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time.”

Again, we have to conclude that the sight of the risen Lord had to convince Saul of Tarsus that Jesus did indeed rise from the grave on the third day as He predicted.

This is important since Jesus appeared directly to Paul and it was not just second hand testimony by somebody else. This of course means that we have primary sources (i.e. Paul’s writings in the New Testament) instead of second hand sources (i.e. someone told someone who in turn told Paul they had seen the risen Lord).

In summary, because of the Fatal Torment, Empty Tomb, Appearances of Christ, Transformation of the Disciples, and the Skeptics Conversions evidence, we can be assured and rest in the FACT that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead on the third day as He promised…and God does not lie (Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29; John 17:17).

Alternative Theories Rebuffed

When we hear an alternative theory as to the resurrection of Jesus, we have to ask ourselves three questions:

  1. Does the alternative theory explain the Empty Tomb?
  2. Does the alternative theory explain the Appearances of Jesus?
  3. Does the alternative theory explain the Transformation of the Disciples?
Swoon theory (apparent death theory)

This is the theory that Jesus did not die but simply passed out on the cross and was revived in the dampness of the tomb.

  1. 1. Can the Swoon Theory explain the empty tomb? – Yes
  2. 2. Can the Swoon Theory explain the appearances of Jesus? – Yes
  3. 3. Can the Swoon Theory explain the transformation of the disciples? – NO

The disciples would not have been impressed with a man who would have been so pale, weak, bleeding and sickly that they had to take care of Him and nurse Him back to health.

How could they have hailed Him as their Messiah, conqueror of the grave?

The disciples would not have let themselves be martyred for a man who was not the Messiah, let alone preach the resurrection of Jesus and the dead when they would have known that Jesus didn’t die.

Twin theory

This is the theory that Jesus had a twin even though the Bible and the birth accounts mention absolutely nothing of Jesus being a twin.

  1. Can the Twin Theory explain the empty tomb? – NO
  2. Can the Twin Theory explain the appearances of Jesus? – Yes
  3. Can the Twin Theory explain the transformation of the disciples? – NO

If Jesus had a twin, Jesus’ body would have still been in the grave and all the scribes and Pharisees would have had to do was exhume and display Jesus’ body to stop any resurrection talk.

As for the transformation of the disciples, if it was a twin that took Jesus’ place, why would he have scars in his hands, feet and side?

  • Jesus asked Thomas in John 20:27, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into my side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”
Hallucination theory

This is the theory that the people only thought that they saw Jesus but it was actually a mass hallucination.

  1. Can the Hallucination Theory explain the empty tomb? – NO
  2. Can the Hallucination Theory explain the appearances of Jesus? – NO
  3. Can the Hallucination Theory explain the transformation of the disciples? – NO

First, as with the twin theory, if the disciples and the 500 people only hallucinated that they saw Jesus, Jesus’ tomb would still have been occupied and all the Jewish leaders would have had to do was to produce the body to end the spread of Christianity right then and there.

Second, hallucinations are individual in nature caused by something wrong in the brain. It is subjective and personal in nature, one person yes — over 500 at one time, impossible.

Finally, hallucinations arise from false expectations. The disciples certainly didn’t expect to see Jesus rise from the dead and they didn’t really believe that He did. They had to be persuaded that Jesus had actually risen from the dead.

  • Luke 24:26-38 says, “Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’ But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit.”
Theft theory

In this theory, the body of Jesus was stolen by the disciples, the Jewish leaders or by somebody else. Of course they would have had to get past the Roman Soldiers to do this – highly unlikely.

  1. Can the Theft Theory explain the empty tomb? – Yes
  2. Can the Theft Theory explain the appearances of Jesus? – NO
  3. Can the Theft Theory explain the transformation of the disciples? – NO
Did the Jewish leaders steal the body?

We know that the Jewish leaders didn’t steal the body due the fact that they bribed the guards who were on duty that night to tell people that the disciples stole the body.

  • Matthew 28:12, 13 says, “When they had assembled with the elders and consulted together, they gave a large sum of money to the soldiers, saying, ‘Tell them, His disciples came at night and stole Him away while we slept.’”
  • All the leaders had to do was produce the body to stop the rumors that Jesus had risen from the grave.
  • If the Jewish leaders stole the body, #2 and #3 are NO.

Did the disciples steal the body?

We can rest assured that the disciples didn’t steal the body because of course there would have not been the appearances of Jesus or the transformation of the disciples, again making #2 and #3 a NO.

Again, highly unlikely that these disciples would have been tortured, watch their loved ones die and given their lives for what they knew was a lie.

Did someone else steal the body?

What if the Roman Soldiers or someone else stole the body?

We will again see our principle that in order for the theory to be valid all three questions have to be accounted for: #2 and #3 are, of course NO.

Wrong tomb theory

This theory states that the women and the disciples went to the wrong tomb early in the morning and after having discovered it empty, assumed that Jesus had risen from the dead.

  1. Can the Wrong Tomb Theory explain the empty tomb? – Yes
  2. Can the Wrong Tomb Theory explain the appearances of Jesus? – NO
  3. Can the Wrong Tomb Theory explain the transformation of the disciples? – NO

First, we can see, the wrong tomb theory is discredited by #2 and #3.

Second, skeptics Paul and James were not convinced by the empty tomb but by the appearances of the risen Jesus.

And finally, once the disciples started preaching the resurrection of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, whose tomb Jesus was buried in, and the Jewish leadership could have easily pointed out Jesus’ tomb and exhumed the body to discredit the resurrection teaching.

Paul Little says:

“Even if the women, the disciples, the Romans and the Jews all went to the wrong tomb, one thing is sure: ‘Certainly Joseph of Arimathea, owner of the tomb, would have solved the problem.’”31

Resurrection Fact

This theory states that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day as He predicted.

What happens when we look at the simple 3 fold criteria to see if it holds up or not?

  1. Can the Resurrection Theory explain the empty tomb? – Yes
  2. Can the Resurrection Theory explain the appearances of Jesus? – Yes
  3. Can the Resurrection Theory explain the transformation of the disciples? – Yes

Therefore, we can see that the resurrection of Jesus Christ best explains the empty tomb, the appearances of Jesus Christ, and the transformation of the disciples.


As Christians, we believe in the physical bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ as taught by the Bible, our Final Court of Appeal.

As Dr. Norman Geisler, dean and professor of theology and apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary states:

“If Christ did not rise in the same physical body that was placed in the tomb, then the resurrection loses its value as an evidential proof of His claim to be God (John 8:58; 10:30). The resurrection cannot verify Jesus’ claim to be God unless He was resurrected in the body which He was crucified. That body was a literal, physical body. Unless Jesus rose in a material body, there is no way to verify His resurrection. It loses its historically persuasive value.” 32

This belief is paramount in the Christian faith because if Jesus did not physically rise from the dead, His crucifixion would have been the end of it, the disciples would have gone their way and Jesus’ name would have been lost to antiquity as just another man who claimed to be God, but is still in the grave.

Christianity hinges on the Evidence of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

“Now if Christ is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty…your faith is futile, you are still in your sins…If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most pitiable.” (1 Corinthians 15:12-14, 17, 19)
Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!
Resources used and recommended reading material:

1. The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona, Kregel Publications, ISBN: 0825427886

2. Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, Norman L. Geisler, Baker Books, ISBN: 0801021510

3. The Case For Christ, Lee Strobel, Zondervan Publishing House, ISBN: 0310226465

4. The Resurrection of Jesus, Robert B. Stewart, Fortress Press, ISBN: 0800637852

5. Resurrection, Hank Hanegraaff, Word Publishing, ISBN: 0849916437

6. Jesus Under Fire, Michael J. Wilkins and J.P. Moreland, Zondervan Publishing House, ISBN: 0310211395

7. Fast Facts on Defending Your Faith, John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Harvest House Publishers, ISBN: 0736910565

8. Know What You Believe, Paul E. Little, Cook Communications Ministries, ISBN: 0781439647

9. The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict, Josh McDowell, Thomas Nelson Publishers, ISBN: 0785242198

10.Evidence of the Resurrection, Rose Publishing, ISBN: 1890947970

11.Evidence for the Resurrection, Sean and Josh McDowell, Regal Publishing, ISBN-13: 9780830747856

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to email


1. Josh McDowell quoting Dr. William Lane Craig, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 204.

2. J. Vernon McGee, Thru the Bible Vol. IV (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1983), p. 718.

3. Dr. John MacArthur, Jr., New Testament Commentary Romans 9-16 (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1994), p.75.

4. Robert Morey, The Trinity, Evidence and Issues (Grand Rapids, MI: World Publishing, Inc. 1996), p. 288.

5. – News and Current Affairs Section – Scorn poured on director’s ‘coffin of Christ’ theory dated February 25, 2007

6. I did not create this acronym, other than to add the ‘S’, for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ but after looking at different methods of teaching the Resurrection, I’ve chosen Hank Hanagraaff’s method which I believe accurately portrays an excellent apologetics approach. Specifically, his book Resurrection is the book I’m referring to.

7. Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2004), p. 100

8. John MacAuthur, New Testament Commentary on Matthew(24:26) (Chicago, IL: Moody Press, 1989), p. 244

9. Lee Strobel, The Case For Christ (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998), p. 198

10. Ibid.

11. Josh McDowell quoting Michael Green, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 225

12. Evidence for the Resurrection (Torrence, CA: Rose Publishing, 2004) quoting Lee Strobel, The Case for Easter (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998)

13. John Ankerberg and John Weldon, Knowing the Truth About the Resurrection (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 1996), p. 12 as cited by Josh and Sean McDowell, Evidence for the Resurrection (Ventura, CA: Regal Publishing, 2009), p. 168

14. Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 238

15. Ralph O. Muncaster, Examine the Evidence (Eugene OR: Harvest House, 2004), p. 389

16. Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 232 citing H.W. Holloman, An Exposition of the Post Resurrection Appearances of Our Lord, Unpublished Th.M. thesis, Dallas Theological Seminary, May 1967.

17. Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 232 citing T.J. Thornburn, The Resurrection Narratives and Modern Criticism (London: Kegan, Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., LTD., 1910).

18. Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 234 citing Henry Alford, The Greek Testament: With a Critically Revised Text: A Digest of Various Readings…,Vol. I. Sixth edition. Cambridge: Deighton, Bell, and Co., 1868

19. Ralph O. Muncaster, Examine the Evidence (Eugene OR: Harvest House, 2004), p. 391

20. Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 233 citing A.T. Robertson, Word Pictures in the New Testament. 5 vols. Nashville: Broadman Press, 1930. Reprint, New York: R.R. Smith, Inc., 1931

21. Ron Rhodes, Reasoning from the Scriptures with Muslims (Eugene, OR: Harvest House, 2001), p.179

22. Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2004), p.72

23. Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2004), pg. 52-53

24. Lee Strobel, The Case For Christ (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998), pg. 231-232

25. Ibid, p. 237

26. Ibid, p. 246

27. Ibid, p. 247

28. The Bible Knowledge Commentary (Colorado Springs, CO: Cook Communications, 2004), p. 1036

29. Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona, The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2004), p. 67

30. Ibid, p. 67

31. Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 280 quoting Paul Little.

32. Josh McDowell, The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1999), p. 204 quoting Norman L. Geisler.

©2009 RB. The Author grants full permission to reproduce this document without alteration.

Evidence for the Resurrection Part I

Evidence for the Resurrection Part I

I found got this text from a PDF file. I don’t know who the author is but I think it’s excellent information we can share to anyone who doubts the historical reality of Christ’s resurrection.

If the resurrection of Jesus Christ was a fabricated hoax, it was the greatest deception, and a vicious and cruel lie created by despicable, heartless men. If so, Christians are to be pitied above all people, for our hope would then be based on that lie.

But, if the resurrection of Jesus Christ is real, it was the greatest miracle, the greatest feat in all of human history, and its implications impact every individual from past to present.

As Dr. William Lane Craig, Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology says:

“Without the belief in the resurrection the Christian faith could not have come into being. The disciples would have remained crushed and defeated men. Even had they continued to remember Jesus as their beloved teacher, his crucifixion would have forever silenced any hopes of his being the Messiah. The cross would have remained the sad and shameful end of his career. The origin of Christianity therefore hinges on the belief of the early disciples that God had raised Jesus from the dead.”1

Of all the important doctrines of the Bible, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is an essential Christian doctrine that must be believed as a condition of salvation.

The apostle Paul said as much in Romans 10:8, 9:

“But what does it say? ‘The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart’ (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (emphasis added)

In other words, in order to have eternal life, we must acknowledge and be devoted to Jesus Christ as Lord and believe that God raised Him from the dead. !

J. Vernon McGee puts it this way:

“‘Believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead’ means that the resurrection of Christ is the heart of the gospel.”2

Dr. John MacArthur says:

“Men must believe the resurrection of Christ [in order to be saved] because it proves that He accomplished their salvation on the cross.”3

For the writers of the New Testament, the resurrection of Jesus Christ was an extremely important issue, the cornerstone of the Christian faith.

  • 1 Peter 1:3-4 says that we have “a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.”
  • Paul believed so firmly in the resurrection that he wrote in 1 Corinthians 15:13, 14 that “if there is no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and [our] faith is also empty.”
  • And to make sure we didn’t miss it the first time, Paul repeats it in verses 16 and 17, “For if the dead do not rise, then Christ is not risen. And if Christ is not risen, our faith is futile; you are still in your sins!”

Even two of Christianity’s most celebrated practices are seen and reflected in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Water Baptism celebrates the resurrection:

    Romans 6:4 says, “Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we should walk in newness of life.”

    Colossians 2:11-12 says, “In Him you were…buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.”

  • Christians eat the Lord’s Supper in memory of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. This should be a time of joy for the Christian since we recognize that with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we also have eternal life:

    In Luke 22:14-23 Jesus institutes communion, “Then He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them saying, ‘This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.’ Likewise He also took the cup after supper, saying, ‘This is the cup of the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.’”

    And after the resurrection in Luke 24:30-31, it’s recorded, “Now it came to pass, as He sat at the table with them, that He took bread, blessed it and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they knew; and He vanished from their sight.”

Even though the resurrection of Jesus Christ is an issue that has been thoroughly documented, researched and discussed, there are still those who would reject the evidence before them. For example:

John Dominic Crossan, co-founder and co-director of the Jesus Seminar, believes that Jesus was executed for revolutionary activities and, instead of being resurrected; his body was devoured by wild dogs.4

Islam believes that Jesus was never crucified and therefore could not have been resurrected.

  • In fact, when confronted with Luke 24:39 where Jesus, after His resurrection, told His disciples, “Behold My hands and feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.”
  • The Muslim will say something to the effect of “See, Jesus asked the disciples to touch him so he could not have died and been resurrected in a spiritualized body.”

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus Christ was not raised from the dead physically, but that it was a spirit body. They teach that He used “different” spirit bodies than the one that was laid in the tomb, to appear to His followers.

On Sunday, March 4, 2007, a documentary on the Discovery Channel, by “Oscar-winning” director of the Titanic, James Cameron, claimed that the tomb of Jesus and his family had been found.

  • Bar-Ilan University Professor Amos Kloner, the first archaeologist to examine the Jerusalem site, commented that the idea fails to hold up by archaeological standards, since Jesus’ family was Galilean with no Jerusalem ties, but says that it makes for profitable television.

    “They just want to get money for it,” Kloner said. “It was an ordinary middle-class Jerusalem burial cave,” he added. “The names on the caskets are the most common names found among Jews at the time.”5

And of course there is the swoon theory or the apparent death theory – the theory that Jesus really didn’t die but was close to death on the cross and then, when in the tomb, was brought back from the brink of death by the coolness of the cave.

How about the twin theory – the theory that Jesus had a twin, that they were separated from birth and that when Jesus died, the twin carries out the plot to steal Jesus’ body and masquerade around as the risen Christ.

Even the hallucination theory – the theory that the people who had seen the risen Christ hallucinated the whole thing.

Then we have the theft theory – the theory that Jesus’ body was stolen by the disciples so as to appear that He had been resurrected from the dead.

And finally, the wrong tomb theory – in this theory, everyone went to the wrong tomb; they went to an empty tomb and assumed that He had been resurrected.

Tonight, we’re here to lay out the case for the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ as taught by the Bible, our Final Court of Appeal.

Jesus Often Spoke of His Resurrection

Jesus said in John 2:19-21, “‘Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.’…but He was speaking of the temple of His body.” (emphasis added)

Jesus spoke often of His physical resurrection from the dead and emphasized that it would be a “sign” that He was the promised Messiah spoken of in the Old Testament:

  • Matthew 12:38-40 says, “Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, ‘Teacher, we want a sign from You.’ But He answered and said to them. ‘An evil and adulteress generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.’”
  • Matthew 16:21 says, “From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem…and be killed, and be raised on the third day.”
  • Matthew 17:9 says, “Now as they came down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying, ‘Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man is risen from the dead.’”
  • Matthew 17:22-23 says, “Now while they were staying in Galilee, Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him, and the third day He will be raised up.’”
  • See also Matthew 20:18, 19; 26:32; 27:63; Mark 8:31-9:1, 10, 31; 10:32-34; 14:28, 58; Luke 9:22-27; John 2:18-22; 12:34 and John Chapters 14-16.

Clearly, Jesus spoke often of His death and every time mentioned His resurrection, not once or twice but many times.

So, how can we as Christians, counter claims that Jesus’ “coming back from the dead” was a legend or a myth or His body was stolen or that He really didn’t die?

What Evidence do we have that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that Jesus was raised from the dead after three days as He predicted?

In order to help us better remember the Evidence for the Resurrection, I’ve chosen the acronym F. E. A. T. S. since this is the greatest feat in recorded human history.6

1. Fatal Torment
2. Empty Tomb
3. Appearances of Jesus
4. Transformation of the Apostles
5. Skeptics Conversions

Let’s start with the first letter in the acronym F. E. A. T. S – Fatal Torment.

1. Fatal Torment

In order to demonstrate beyond a reasonable doubt that Jesus rose from the dead, we obviously have to demonstrate that He died.

And thus, we will look at His scourging, crucifixion, and the Roman spear that was thrust into His side.

The Scourging of Jesus

Jesus faced false testimonies (Mark 14:56) in front of the Sanhedrin and was then sent to Pontius Pilate, governor of Judea (Luke 23:1), and sentenced to die at the hands of Roman soldiers on the cross. But first, the beatings and the scourging took place.

Mark 15:15 says, “So Pilate…delivered Jesus, after he had scourged Him, to be crucified.”

Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Michael Licona explain the scourging process:

“The usual instrument was a short whip…with several single or braided leather thongs of variable lengths, in which small iron balls or sharp pieces of sheep bones were tied at intervals…the man was stripped of his clothing, and his hands were tied to an upright post…The back, buttocks, and legs were flogged…The scourging…was intended to weaken the victim to a state just short of collapse or death…As the Roman soldiers repeatedly struck the victim’s back with full force, the iron balls would cause deep contusions, and the leather thongs and sheep bones would cut into the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Then, as the flogging continued, the lacerations would tear into the underlying skeletal muscles.”7

Dr. John MacArthur further explains:

“Often there were two scourgers, one on either side of the victim, who took turns…Muscles were lacerated, veins and arteries were torn open, and it was not uncommon for the kidneys, spleen, or other organs to be exposed and slashed.”8

Often times, many died before being crucified just from the scourging.

To further humiliate and weaken the victim about to be crucified, the Roman soldiers would make them carry their own cross (the cross bar) to the execution site.

There can be no doubt that the scourging of Jesus left Him so weak and worn down, that He was not able to carry His own cross.

Mark 15:21 says that the Roman soldiers “compelled a certain man, Simon a Cyrenian…as he was coming out of the country and passing by, to bear His cross.”

The Crucifixion of Jesus

Luke 23:33 says, “And when they had come to the place called Calvary, there they crucified Him, and the criminals, one on the right hand and the other on the left.”

As noted above, the scourging of Jesus would have been enough to kill a man let alone the horrific torment of the Roman cross.

Roman crucifixion was one of the worst deaths ever imagined. The Romans had decades to perfect their techniques of punishment. The cross allowed the Romans to get the most effective way of torture and death that they could possibly extract from an individual. Its purpose was to extend the suffering of the victim as long and excruciatingly as possible; to enhance an already horrific death.

We often underestimate the Roman cross. We see representations of our Lord on the cross and we’ve become so desensitized to it that it’s no wonder false theories like the “swoon theory” arise and we wonder how a person could possibly come up with this – do they not know what kind of torture and death that the Roman cross inflicted?

Crucifixion would have involved laying Jesus on His open lacerated bleeding back on a huge rough splintery cross. The Roman soldiers would take spikes, five to seven inches long and hammer them between the two arm bones at the wrist crushing the median nerve.

“The pain was absolutely unbearable…In fact, it was literally beyond words to describe; they had to invent a new word: excruciating. Literally, excruciating means ‘out of the cross.’…they had to create a new word, because there was nothing in the language that could describe the intense anguish caused during crucifixion.
At this point Jesus was hoisted as the cross bar was attached to the vertical stake, and then nails were driven through Jesus’ feet. Again the nerves in his feet would have been crushed…Crushed and severed nerves were certainly bad enough…his arms would have been immediately stretched, probably about six inches in length, and both shoulders would have been dislocated…This fulfilled the Old Testament prophecy in Psalm 22, which foretold the Crucifixion hundreds of years before it took place, ‘My bones are out of joint.’”9

Often, death was caused by asphyxiation. Because of the position and tension on the diaphragm, the victim would have to push up on the spike in their feet, ripping flesh until it lodged against a bone, to take a breath of air. Pushing up would have meant that Jesus’ raw lacerated back would have been scraping the course wood of the cross.

After a few hours of this, with exhaustion and intense, excruciating pain from pushing up, unable to do it anymore, respiratory acidosis would set in – “the carbon dioxide in the blood is dissolved as carbonic acid, causing the acidity of the blood to increase. This eventually leads to an irregular heartbeat…[and] cardiac arrest.”10

Whether dying from cardiac arrest or from asphyxiation, crucifixion was 100 percent fatal.

The Spear Thrust into the Heart

John 19:33, 34 says, “But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead…one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.”

Let there be no doubt, Jesus was dead. John 19:30 says, “[Jesus] said, ‘It is finished!’ And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.” (emphasis added)

John’s detail of the account in verse 34 only confirms Jesus was already dead when the soldiers came to break His legs (John 19:31-33):

“We are told on eyewitness authority that “blood and water” came out of the pierced side of Jesus…The eyewitness clearly attached great importance to this. Had Jesus been alive when the spear pierced His side, strong spouts of blood would have emerged with every heart beat. Instead, the observer noticed semi-solid dark red clot seeping, distinct and separate from the accompanying watery serum. This is evidence of massive clotting of the blood in the main arteries, and is exceptionally strong medical proof of death…The “blood and water” from the spear-thrust is proof positive that Jesus was already dead.”11

Clearly, the type of abuse that Jesus took was enough to kill any man and we can concur with the apostle John in 19:35 when he says, “And he who has seen has testified, and his testimony is true; and he knows that he is telling the truth, so that you may believe.”

Dr. Alexander Metherell, a medical doctor and research scientist, comments…“After suffering that horrible abuse, with all the catastrophic blood loss and trauma, he would have looked so pitiful that the disciples would never have hailed him as a victorious conqueror of death; they would have felt sorry for him and tried to nurse him back to health.”12

John Ankerberg and John Weldon conclude:

“Indeed, survival from crucifixions was unknown; just as today, men simply do not survive the firing squad, electric chair, lethal injection, or gas chamber. Because the law decreed the prisoner’s death, even if a first attempt fails, procedures are repeated until death occurs. Death by crucifixion was just as certain as by any modern method of execution; there was no escape.”13

The bottom line is this; the Roman soldiers were meticulous executioners. They had experience with possibly hundreds of executions under their belts and they would have been particularly knowledgeable when it came to death.

The fact that Jesus was no longer pushing up to exhale also would have been a tell-tale sign that He was no longer breathing and thus, dead. Between the scourging, the crucifixion and the spear thrust into His side it’s very obvious that the Jewish leaders had fulfilled their desire “to kill Him” (John 5:16, 17; 7:25; 8:37; 8:40).

Let’s move on to the second letter in the acronym F. E. A. T. S – Empty Tomb.

2. Empty Tomb

Jesus had just been crucified and His words of ‘rising again after three days’ were still ringing in the chief priests and the Pharisees ears.

This worried them so they decided to talk to Pilate.

  • Matthew 27:62-64 says, “On the next day, which followed the Day of Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered together to Pilate, saying, ‘Sir, we remember while He was still alive, how that deceiver said, ‘After three days I will rise.’ Therefore command that the tomb be made secure until the third day, lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away, and say to the people, ‘He has risen from the dead.’ So that the last deception will be worse than the first.’”

Pilate’s response in Matthew 27:65 is very revealing.

  • “‘You have a guard; go your way, make it as secure as you know how.’ So they went and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and setting the guard.”

There are three things to take notice of in the above verse.

1. The Soldiers. The word guard or watch, in the KJV, [Greek: koustodia] means a “Roman sentry.” For an important political figure like Jesus, it’s highly possible that there were as many as 30, no less then 10 but likely 16 highly trained, able bodied, and fully armed Roman soldiers guarding the tomb.
The guard would have slept in shifts with at minimum 4 awake directly in front of the tomb during the night hours with the rest sleeping at the entrance.
These men were “instruments of conquest and domination”14 and were hard core military men, disciplined and dedicated to their tasks, cold enough to gamble over a dying victims clothing (Matthew 27:35).
It is important to note that if “any guard…deserted his post or fell asleep [he] would face crucifixion.”15
There are recorded instances in Roman military history of soldiers who were executed for “sleeping on duty” and “negligence” but one could also be punished or executed for “leaving the night watch.”
Bottom line is this, even if someone had planned to steal the body of Jesus, there would be no getting past these guys and these hard core soldiers would not have deserted their post for fear of execution.

2. The Stone. The Bible tells us that the stone that covered the entrance to the tomb where Jesus was laid, was of formidable size as indicated by the following verse:

  • Mark 16:1-3 says, “Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, that they might come and anoint Him. Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb when the sun had risen. And they said among themselves. ‘Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?’” (emphasis added)

Scholars tell us that the stone could have weighed possibly as much as two tons, thus the comment by the three women wondering who would move the stone for them.

Josh McDowell explains further:

  • “The opening to the central chamber was guarded by a large and heavy disc of rock which could roll along a groove slightly depressed at the centre, in front of the tomb entrance.”16

Indeed, concerning the massive weight of the rock, “a phrase written in parenthesis, within the text of Mark 16:4 as found in a (fourth) century manuscript…adds, ‘And when he was laid there, he (Joseph) put against the tomb a stone which twenty men could not roll away.’”17

It’s worth noting that once the stone was rolled into place, it could not have been moved from the inside since it would have been impossible, not only because of the weight, but there would be no leverage and no handholds since the stone would have thoroughly covered the entrance.

Scholars and evidence point to the fact that the stone at the entrance of the rock-hewn tomb was so massive that the three women knew they would not be able to move the stone, let alone a man who had gone through what Jesus went through just three days earlier.

3. The Seal. The seal would have been more symbolic as a deterrent than the actual 16 Roman guards or two-ton stone.

  • Matthew 27:66 says, “So they went and made the tomb secure, sealing the stone and setting the guard.”

As to the method of setting the seal:

  • “The sealing was by means of a cord or string passing across the stone at the mouth of the sepulcher, and fastened at either end to the rock by sealing clay.”18

Although the seal could be easily broken, the psychological factor that was associated with breaking an official seal of the Roman government would have been formidable in and of itself.

  • “The ‘seal’ of the administrative authority in charge pressed into the wax, signifying its importance. Only the captain of the guard was permitted to give permission for the breaking of the seal. Anyone breaking it without permission would be executed.”19

The overall impact of these three security measures only increases the case for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

It would have been impossible to tamper with or steal the body of Jesus, not to mention explain away the resurrection by the “swoon theory.”

A. T. Robertson, Professor of New Testament Interpretation Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (1895-1934) said:

  • “The sealing was done in the presence of the Roman guards who were left in charge to protect this stamp of Roman authority and power. They did their best to prevent theft and the resurrection, but they overreached themselves and provided additional witness to the fact of the empty tomb and the resurrection of Jesus.20 (emphasis added)
The Testimony of Women

Matthew 28:1-8 says, “Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it…[and] the angel answered and said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, He has risen.’” (emphasis added)

After three days in the tomb, Jesus Christ was resurrected according Scripture (Matthew 28:6; Acts 17:18; Romans 6:5) as well as His own predictions in John 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life”

John 20:1 also tells us that it was Mary Magdalene who Jesus first appeared to, which is highly significant as Ron Rhodes explains:

  • “If the resurrection story were a fabrication by the disciples, no one in the first-century Jewish culture would have invented it this way. The fact is that in Jewish law a woman’s testimony was unacceptable in any court of law except in a very few circumstances. A fabricator would have been much more likely to place Peter or one of the other male disciples at the resurrection tomb.”21

We can see several evidences of the low view of women in the first century in the following quotes: 22

  • “Sooner let the words of the Law be burnt than delivered to women.” (Talmud, Sotah 19a)
  • “Any evidence that a women [gives] is not valid (to offer), also they are not valid to offer. This is equivalent to saying that one who is Rabbinically accounted a robber is qualified to give the same evidence as a woman.” (Talmud, Rosh Hashannah 1:8)

If the resurrection of Jesus was a fabricated story, the writers would not have used women as the first people at the tomb given the low place that women held in the first-century; they would have used men of high reputation to be the first at the tomb to further bolster the resurrection story.

When you take into account the soldiers, the stone, and the seal, you find it impossible for the body of Jesus to have been stolen by a band of scared, frightened and confused disciples (Matthew 26:56; Mark 14:50), or that He was revived and rolled the stone away Himself.

And the testimony of the women at the tomb only bolsters or reinforces that the story was not fabricated but was indeed a true event.

Let’s move on to the third letter in the acronym F. E. A. T. S – Appearances of Christ.

3. Appearances of Christ

As stated earlier, Jesus said in John 2:19-21, “‘Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.’…but He was speaking of the temple of His body.”

It must be pointed out that there is a one-to-one correlation between the body that dies and the body that is resurrected.

When we die and are eventually resurrected, it is still us, we are still recognizable as Jesus was, but it is a new glorified body.

We know it’s the same body based on John 20:27 when Jesus appeared to His disciples and told Thomas specifically to “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving but believing.”

It was His same body yet, it was a glorified body.

One of the strongest evidences for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the physical appearances in the days that followed His crucifixion and resurrection.

1 Corinthians 15:1-8 contains one of the earliest creeds in the New Testament.

  • 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 says, “Moreover, brethren, I declare to you the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received and in which you stand, by which also you are saved, if you hold fast that word which I preached to you – unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you first of all that which I also received: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He was seen by Cephas, then by the twelve.” (emphasis added)

It is believed, and with good reason, that this creed developed within five years of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • “In fact, many critical scholars hold that Paul received it from the disciples Peter and James while visiting them in Jerusalem three years after his conversion. If so, Paul learned it within five years of Jesus’ crucifixion and from the disciples themselves.”23 (emphasis added)

This is extremely important due to the fact that not only were the disciples around to dispute this statement if it was incorrect, but also the people mentioned in the next verses were still around to also dispute the statement if it was not correct:

  • 1 Corinthians 15:6 says, “After He was seen by over five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep.”

Lee Strobel and Dr. Gary Habermas discuss the importance of this verse in The Case for Christ: 24

  1. Even though it’s only reported in one source, it just so happens to be the earliest and best-authenticated passage of all.
  2. Paul apparently was in close contact or knew people still in close contact with these five hundred people since he knew some “of whom the greater part remain to the present, but some have fallen asleep.”

    Dr. Habermas says, “Now, stop and think about it: you would never include this phrase unless you were absolutely confident that these folks would confirm that they really did see Jesus alive. I mean, Paul was virtually inviting people to check it out for themselves! He wouldn’t have said this if he didn’t know they’d back him up.”

And finally, Paul says that Jesus was seen by James and by himself.

  • 1 Corinthians 15:7-8 says, “After that He was seen by James, then by all the apostles. Then last of all He was seen by me also, as by one born out of due time.”

(Continued in part II.)

Rome’s Attack on the British Empire and the United States

Rome’s Attack on the British Empire and the United States

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post in the series, British Government Hides Vatican War Treachery From Empire.

Why did the British government and Allies so early in the War as 1915 in the 1914-19 War (World War I) so definitely exclude the Pope from all future Councils of Peace? Read the Irish Sinn Fein (a Roman Catholic Irish republican and democratic socialist political party in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) cables seized in New York and Washington by the U.S. Secret Service Officers and the answer stares you in the face.

The British Secret Service knew in 1914-15 that the Pope and Jesuits were plotting for the downfall of the British Empire. Some very high Roman Catholic permanent officials, such as Sir W. G. Tyrrell, who played a very important part in sending the illegal Envoy to the Pope in December, 1914, were quietly removed from the Foreign Office in 1915.

The Pope Excluded from Peace Councils.

Cardinal Hinsley, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, in a sermon on Sunday, Oct. 13th, 1935, said:

“I have insisted and I insist again, that the Pope was expressly excluded by the secret Pact of London in 1915 from future deliberations in the Council of Peace. Until he is invited to intervene by both sides he cannot act as a judge.” Daily Telegraph, Oct. 13th, 1935.

The World Powers assembled recognized Rome as the real Power behind the Great War (WW I). Not one Roman Priest was allowed at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.

The German Embassy in Washington, in Feb. 1916, stated in a Dispatch that John Devoy was their confidential agent in America for communicating between Germany and Sinn Fein.

Here is the Dispatch from John Devoy through the German Embassy, naming Michael Collins, the notorious Irish gunman, as a Roman Catholic Priest.

German Embassy Washington to Foreign Office, Berlin. W. No. 172. 1/10/14.

Washington, Nov. 3rd, 1914.
An Irish Priest named Michael Collins and Sir Roger Casement are going to Germany in order to visit the Irish Prisoners. I have given the former a recommendation to F.’

Sir Roger Casement’s Letter from Berlin, 28th Nov., 1914, to Prof. Eoin McNeill, Dublin.

“BERLIN, 28th Nov., 1914.
“I am in Berlin. The enemy are going to try to get the Vatican on their side as in the time of Parnell. Send to me here in Berlin, by way of Christiania, one or two Irish Priests—young men best. Men like Father Murphy of Vinegar Hill—and for the same purpose.
“Rifles and ammunition can be found and good Officers too. First send the Priest or Priests, as I need them for a special purpose, you can guess what for—
“If the Priest or Priests can get to Christiania, they can reach here through the German Legation at Christiania. Warn all our people too, of the present intrigue at Rome. Send Priest or Priests at all costs. India and Egypt will probably be in arms.” Command Paper, No. 1108, p. 5, 1921.

Fr. Michael Collins was an Irish Roman Catholic Priest. The fact was first disclosed by De Valera in 1926. This explains his wonderful Intelligence Service. See the Irish Press, May 26th, 1933.

Few of the plotters were captured during the first three years, until the United States came into the War in 1917. As soon as they did, their Secret Service co-operated with those of the British and Allies, and the great Spy System was unearthed, and the spies arrested, convicted and sent to penal servitude. Capt. Von Rintelen, the German spy, received 5 years in Atlanta Penitentiary.


The United States Secret Service raided the Sinn Fein H.Q.’s in New York and Washington and seized Dispatches between the Sinn Fein leader in the United States, John Devoy, and the German Foreign Office. These Dispatches proved that a vast German-Irish Spy Organization was in full operation, using the Vatican, Spain and the United States of America as bases for world operations. In Rome the Irish Training College for Priests was used as a distributing center for literature damaging to the cause of the Allies.


The Pope’s sham Temporal Power was re-established by Mussolini in 1929, fifty-nine years after its fall in 1870, when King Victor Emmanuel on Sept. 20th entered Rome at the head of the Italian Army, deposed the Pope, and took a Plebiscite of the Italian people who gave an overwhelming vote for a United Italy. Italy rose to be one of the great Powers of Europe by 1900. After this period, corruption in the Government Depts. led to the Revolution of 1923, when Mussolini became Dictator of Italy. In 1929 Mussolini re-established the Temporal Power of the Pope over the Vatican City of 108 acres with a population of 450. In 1929, in exchange for the support of the Papacy, Mussolini awarded the Pope the vast sum of £19,200,000 in settlement of the Roman Question. The consequence has been that the Papacy became a most powerful mischief making force in the world. This vast wealth seems to have been used for purchasing great blocks of shares in International Newspapers, and thereby controlling their policy, Editors and Staffs.

Since 1929 Great Britain and the U.S.A. have been mysteriously flooded with Roman Catholic falsified news and Papal propaganda.

In Sept. 1943, Mussolini was deposed as Dictator, as a result of the Allied victories in Italy. This shook the Papal Temporal Power to its sandy foundations. The Pope at once saw the danger and sent his Envoys to England and the U.S.A. to take steps to safeguard the vast invested funds in both countries. These Papal investments have always been concealed, with very few exceptions, by the British and U.S.A. Press.

The London Daily Mirror, however, on Sept. 8th, 1943, fearlessly exposed the truth and gave the names of the Papal Envoys, and questioned the Foreign Office and the Home Office for their reasons why these Papal Officials should be allowed in the country at this time. The Daily Mirror published the photograph of the Envoy sent to England.

(Continued in The Final Revelation to Men by Jesus Christ: The Apocalypse )

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

British Government Hides Vatican War Treachery From Empire

British Government Hides Vatican War Treachery From Empire

Opening Session Of The League Of Nations In Geneva

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post in the series, False Interpretations of Divine Prophecy.

This is history you won’t get from Wikipedia or any Establishment recognized academic source on the Internet! It was written when the Britain still had an empire. I think it’s possible the Jesuits / RCC were the ones behind the decline of the British empire because Britain is officially supposed to be Protestant. British Protestant missionaries preached the Gospel in all its colonies around the world! In 1979 when I went to England, a lady who saw me distributing Gospel literature on the street asked me who I am. I told her I am a missionary. She replied, “Britain used to be the greatest exporter of missionaries in the world. Now we have to import them!”

The League of Nations was the Devil’s snare for Protestant nations. There were 52 represented at Geneva in the League of Nations, from 1919 to 1939, when it collapsed, and nearly all were Roman Catholic with Roman Catholic Secretaries. Sir Eric Drummond, the British Secretary General for 10 years, was a Roman Catholic. He became a convert in 1903 whilst at the Foreign Office. The Assistant Secretary for Britain was John C. Epstein. He was a convert to Rome in 1919.

When the Pope’s duplicity was severely criticized at the League Meeting in Sept., 1929, Sir Eric Drummond the Catholic Secretary cut the criticism out of the League’s Official Report. This nearly caused a strike amongst the official reporters at Geneva. Manchester Guardian, Sept. 21st, 1929.

The Duke of Wellington in his day warned the nation of the danger and utter failure of the First League of Nations in 1816—the Holy Alliance. Wellington had proved by years of war and diplomacy that Roman Catholic European statesmen could not be trusted in times of International crisis. Had the League of Nations brought about universal Peace it would have made the Lord Jesus Christ a false Prophet.

Rome at the British Foreign Office.

The British Government has for many years past been dominated by a Roman and Anglo-Roman Foreign Office Staff which, for the first year and a half of the Spanish War, misled the nation with false news, by denying all knowledge of German and Italian armies in Spain.

At the League of Nations the name of God must never be mentioned officially, and no prayers to the Almighty offered up for guidance at any session! How can it be Divine?

The Romanized Foreign Office Officials.

Sir Samuel Hoare, and Lord Halifax, Ambassadors to Spain and the U.S.A., are extreme Anglo-Romanists, who believe in the Mass. Sir Robert Vansittart, the Permanent Under Secretary from 1930 to 1937, is either Romanist or Anglo-Romanist, as he has a 16th century Roman altar in his private study, and a painting of the Virgin Mary in the main hall of his residence—so the London Evening News stated. On Jan. 1, 1938, he was appointed Diplomatic Adviser to the Government. He resigned in 1941. Here are some of his appointments:

In 1934, Mr. Cecil Dormer, a Roman Catholic, was sent to Norway—a Protestant country —as British Minister.

In 1935, Mr. C. M. Palairet, a convert to Rome whilst at the Foreign Office, was sent to Sweden—a Protestant Country—as British Minister.

In 1935, Mr. Francis D’Arcy Osborne was appointed British Ambassador to the Vatican, in violation of the English Act of Settlement.

In 1936, Sir Eric Drummond, another convert whilst at the Foreign Office, was sent to Rome as British Ambassador after leaving the League of Nations.

In 1937, Mr. Ogilvie Forbes, another Roman Catholic, was sent to Spain as Acting British Minister; reported very little about Italian and German troops in Spain.

In 1938, The United States of America, for the first time in history, sent an Irish Roman Catholic Ambassador to Britain, after being assured by our Foreign Office that he was persona grata (fully acceptable or welcome, especially to a foreign government)— Mr. Joseph Kennedy.

Sir Henry Chilston gave his daughter away in marriage at the Roman Catholic Brompton Oratory on Monday, July 11, 1938, so we may presume he also is a Roman Catholic, or at least his family.

Many Ambassadors and Ministers have Roman Catholic wives.

A Jesuit Spy in Lord Burleigh’s Cabinet, 1596.

All these things happened whilst Sir Robert Vansittart was in control of the Foreign Office. He was certainly following in the steps of his predecessors, Sir Eyre Crowe and Sir W. G. Tyrrell, who filled the chief offices with Roman Catholics at home and abroad. Sir Robert Vansittart resigned as Diplomatic Adviser in 1941. (See Daily Mail, Jan. 1, 1938).

The Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden strongly resented the questions in the House of Commons by the Rt. Hon. Sir Josiah Wedgwood, when he asked for the names of Roman Catholic Ambassadors, Ministers and Counselors sent to European and other foreign countries. Mr. Eden knew he dare not tell, as the Foreign Office is full of them. They receive the best appointments. These men have control of the nation’s profoundest secrets which if disclosed to Priests in the Confessional might easily lead to the downfall of the Empire in a great war, Mr. Eden always resents questions.

Roman Catholics have a perfect right to a fair share of the Public Offices in other departments of State, but they have no right to be in the Cabinet or Foreign Office, Admiralty, War Office or Air Board, where the secrets of the nation’s strategy and relations with Foreign Powers are deposited.

Father Henry Garnet the Jesuit, who was hanged for the Gunpowder Plot in 1606, had his spies in Lord Burleigh’s Cabinet reporting State secrets to the King of Spain. The fact was discovered a few years ago at Simancas, Spain, by Major Martin Hume when editing the Calendar of Spanish State Papers, Vol. IV., p. 633.

In 1917, when Admiral Sims, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Naval Forces, arrived at the Admiralty, he states that he found a cloud of deep depression overshadowing the whole department, because it was realized that secrets were leaking out. It is a remarkable fact that the Foreign Office on Dec. 12, 1914, secretly sent Sir Henry Howard as Envoy to the Vatican in violation of the British Act of Settlement. On Jan. 28, 1915, the German Foreign Office sent the following message from Berlin to the German Embassy, Washington: Foreign Office, Berlin, 28 Fan. 1915,

“No. 106. To John Devoy: Send all possible literature to Collegio Irlandese, Rome. (Irish College).

All British Government Depts. Shield the Pope

“Send by Ambassador’s Messenger at once a copy of The Crime against Europe.’ Sinn Fein Documents, 1921, No. 1108.

Note that the British Envoy was at the Vatican, and at the same time the Irish Papal College was betraying Britain to her enemies! Such is the Papacy! Rome will always be our enemy. What about our Foreign Office!

We had a Coalition Government in Britain during the 1914-18 Great War. That Government lasted until 1922; a Conservative Government from 1922-29; a Labour Government from 1929-1931; and a National Government from 1931-1943. Not one of these Governments frankly disclosed to the nation and Empire the diabolical Papal plots during that Great War, against the British Throne and Empire. Not only so, but all of these Governments refused to allow Questions to be put in Parliament concerning the treacherous actions of the Popes during the Great War, 1914-1919.

In this World War the British Government down to July 1943, has steadfastly refused in Parliament to sanction the bombing of Rome, in spite of repeated representations from Members. The British Foreign Office for the last 150 years has been under the secret direction of Roman Catholic Permanent Officials.

Very strange that these British Papal wire-pullers did not use their underground powers to save London and other British cities from German and Italian bombs! They must be a powerful group to save Rome for 4 years, in spite of protests, whilst London has been bombed again and again! The United States Air Force, however, ignored the Papal wire-pullers in Britain and U.S.A., and in August, 1943, they heavily bombed Rome, doing great damage.

This drove our British Government and her Foreign Office Roman officials down off the fence.

At Edinburgh on Aug. 30, 1943, Lord Simon, the Lord Chancellor, after the U.S.A. had bombed Rome three times, was driven in sheer self-defense to declare:

“Rome cannot be made immune from attack, merely by declaring it an open city. It would be rather like raising the white flag while continuing the fight.” Daily Telegraph, 30/8/43.


The Empire had to wait 8 years, until 1921, to learn of the Vatican treachery in 1914 by allowing the Irish College in Rome to be used as a distributing center for enemy propaganda literature. It had to wait 17 years, until 1933, to learn of the treachery of Pope Benedict XV in bestowing his Apostolic Benediction on the Irish rebels in 1916, three weeks before the Easter Week Rebellion. pp.

How many years will the Empire have to wait before it learns the secret lying behind the action of Rt. Hon. Anthony Eden, M.P., Foreign Secy., violating diplomatic practice in Feb. 1934, by first visiting the Pope in the Vatican before calling upon the Duce, the real ruler of Italy? The Act of Settlement is still a Statute Law of England. Mr. Eden knows this quite well!

The Roman Catholic Permanent Officials at the Foreign Office no doubt arranged for this violation of the Act of Settlement. See The Times, February 27th, 1934.

At the Coronation of King George VI in 1937, Mr. Anthony Eden, Foreign Secretary, received the three members of the Pope’s Mission to the Coronation at the Foreign Office. A special tribune was erected for them outside Westminster Abbey! They would not go inside the Abbey to witness the coronation of a heretic King, so the Foreign Office Permanent Officials accommodated them outside! It was an insult to the nation, which the Foreign Office winked at. See Daily Telegraph 11.5.37.

What right had the Roman Catholic Foreign Office officials to send Cardinal Bourne in a British warship on a Political Mission to Cairo, Jerusalem, Constantinople, Laibach, the Balkans and to Haifa and Mt. Carmel, in April, 1919? See Evening Standard, March 31st, April 1st and 7th, 1939.

The great Revolution of 1685-1689 was caused by the Government of James II hiding from the nation the Jesuit Plots for the restoration of Popery in the land, and the downfall of England. There is a loud call in Britain today for a reform in the Foreign Office!

Lord Halifax and Sir Samuel Hoare are both Anglo-Romanists who see no danger from Rome, in spite of her blood-guilty acts in Abyssinia and Spain. Halifax eulogized the traitor Bishop Fisher as a holy man in Rochester Cathedral, June 21st, 1935— A Church of England Cathedral!

(Continued in Rome’s Attack on the British Empire and the United States. )

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

False Interpretations of Divine Prophecy

False Interpretations of Divine Prophecy

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post in the series, The Meaning of 666 in Revelation Chapter 13.

Jesuit Origin of the Futurist and Preterist Interpretations of Daniel and Revelation

Both John Foxe (1516-1587 and Thomas Brightman (1562–1607), the able post-Reformation Commentators (1601 A.D.) state, that for some time following the Reformation the Romish priests fought shy of the subject of Babylon and Antichrist as revealed in the books of Daniel and Revelation. At length, as the century was advancing to a close, two stout Spanish Jesuits, and one Italian Jesuit took up the gauntlet, and published their respective but quite counter interpretations, the one, Ribera, a Jesuit priest of Salamanca, who in 1591 published his commentary, which was on the grand points of Babylon and Antichrist, the Futurist scheme; the other, Alcasar, also a Spanish Jesuit, of Seville, the Preterist; i.e. that the Revelation prophecies have all been fulfilled in the fall of Pagan Rome and in the calamities to the Jews. Either suited the great object of the Jesuit writers equally well; viz., that of setting aside all application of the prophecies of Antichrist from the existing Church of Rome, and of mixing up the whole Protestant ministry: Ribera by making it over-leap almost altogether the immense interval of time which has elapsed since the prophecy was given, and plunge in its pictures of Antichrist into a yet distant future just before the end of the Age; the other, Alcasar, by making it stop entirely short of the Papacy at the Fifth Century.

Ribera unfolds the Book of Revelation as if it were nothing else but certain commentaries upon our Lord’s prophecy in Matthew 24, he makes it begin with the early period of the Church. So his first Seal’s White Horse and rider signify the gospel-triumphs of the apostolic era; his 3rd Seal’s black horse and rider, heresies; his 4th Seal, the violence of Trajan’s persecutions of the Church and multitude of deaths of Christians under it by sword, famine, wild beasts, etc. At length in the 6th Seal Ribera explains it as meant of the signs before Christ’s Second Coming spoken of in Matthew 24 and Luke 21; and construes the sealing vision too, with all that follows in the Revelationlypse, to have reference to the times of a future Antichrist. The 144,000 of Revelation 12 he makes to be the Jews converted to Christ at the consummation, though inconsistently afterwards explaining the 144,000 in Revelation 14 of both Jews and Gentiles under Antichrist and taking the number 144,000 literally. In Revelation 10 the descending Angel is the same that proclaimed about the book in Revelation 5, and who swears that, because of men’s not having been led to repent by the six previous Trumpet-plagues, the end of the world and last judgment are now at hand. In Revelation 11 alike the Temple and Holy City figured the Church: and the city’s being given to be trod by Gentiles meant that it would be captured and occupied by Antichrist with armies of heathenish men. Ribera’s Slaughter-place for the Two Witnesses, when slain by Antichrist, or the Beast from the abyss, is the city of Jerusalem, their 3 1/2 days of death denoting Antichrist’s 3 1/2 years.

In Revelation 12, Ribera teaches that the Woman is the Church travailing in the last times, just before the 3 1/2 years of Antichrist; seeing that her 3 1/2 years in the wilderness coincides with those of Antichrist’s reign: for he identifies the Dragon with the Beast Antichrist. Then, as to the Beast and his great city Babylon, in Revelation 13 and 18 here is the main point in Ribera’s system. He admits that the Woman in Revelation chapter 17 is Rome, Papal Rome; and argues from verse 16, that shortly before the consummation the Ten Kings, figured in the Beast’s ten horns, shall overthrow Rome, this being probably before the coming of Antichrist.

In Revelation 16 the seven plagues are expounded literally, as those on Egypt. In Revelation 18 Rome’s burning is explained to be in judgment on the sins both of old Pagan Rome, and of Rome apostatized at the end of the Age.

Bellarmine, the great Jesuit controversionalist, followed Ribera in most points.

Alcasar’s Preterist Interpretation A.D. 1614.

Alcasar’s Commentary was the original of the Preterist system of Grotius, and the Modernist German expositors. Alcasar’s general argument is that the Revelation describes a twofold war of the Church; one with the Synagogue or old Jewish religion, the other with Paganism, and a two-fold victory and triumph over both adversaries. More particularly the development of the subject was thus:—

1. From Revelation 1 to 11 the rejection of the Jews, and desolation of Jerusalem by the Romans in A.D. 70.

2. From Revelation 12 to 20, both inclusive, the overthrow of Paganism, and establishment of the empire of the Roman Church over Rome and the whole world the judgment of the Great Whore, and destruction of Babylon, being effected by Constantine and his successors. Great numbers of Protestant Theological Colleges are teaching this today.

3. In Revelation 21, 22, under the type of the Lamb’s Bride, the New Jerusalem, a description of the glorious and triumphant state of the Roman Church in Heaven.
These two interpreters, Ribera and Alcasar, have led uncounted multitudes astray in interpreting Divine Prophecy.

(Continued in British Government Hides Vatican War Treachery From Empire. )

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

Is it Biblical to Question Our Pastor’s Teaching?

Is it Biblical to Question Our Pastor’s Teaching?

I was blessed to have found Christ in January 1971 through the ministry of the Navigators, a Christian outreach ministry that started in 1930 when young Dawson Trotman took up the challenge to memorize Bible Scriptures on salvation from a Sunday school memorization contest. Though he wasn’t saved yet, he won the contest! Within the following week, the Holy Spirit used the scripture verses he memorized to lead him to Christ! He continued to memorize Scripture and then won a disciple who won another disciple for Christ. I’m writing this from memory what I heard 50 years ago. The things I heard when young in Christ have stuck with me.

After I received Christ as my Lord and Savior when attending an evening church service the Navigators brought me to, I began to attend the Navigators’ weekly Bible studies. After three months I came to the conclusion based on the Bible studies that I no longer needed to go to Catholic Mass. I realized from Navigator Bible study that what the Catholic priest was teaching and the very practice of the Mass was not in accordance with the Bible.

The Navigators were not preachers, they were teachers. Their Bible studies consisted of Bible verses and questions about the verse with multiple-choice answers. Reading and understanding the Bible verse led me to choose the right answer! I attended the Navigator fellowships and Bible studies in California and Japan from 1971 to 1973.

The Navigators put a great emphasis on knowing the Scriptures, memorizing Bible verses, and basing doctrine solely on what the Bible says, not on what some preacher says it says. I sometimes met some high-ranking leadership in the Navigators and never felt uncomfortable in their presence. They did not come across as know-it-all preachers but as simple followers of Jesus Christ. The good things I learned from the Navigators and the practice of memorizing and reviewing Scriptures continue with me to this very day. And my wife Tess is like-minded with me about the Scriptures being the basis of all sound doctrine.

We are thankful to have had a good pastor when we lived in Guam. He said some things we didn’t agree with, but they were very minor things. And he didn’t preach any Endtime doctrines from the pulpit, things we would not have not agreed with, things such as a 7-year Endtime scenario of the rise of the Antichrist who makes a peace-pact with Israel and allows them to rebuild their Temple. He may have believed that based on the doctrines of the church in the US mainland that sponsors him, but he didn’t teach it. And he did not demand that we hold to the eschatological doctrines of his home church for us to be a member of his church.

Is it within the authority of the average believers in Christ to question things that Bible teachers, pastors, and evangelists are teaching? The Bereans in the book of Acts sets the precedent to do so.

Acts 17:10  And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews.
11  These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

The Bereans didn’t just take the word of Paul or Silas, they checked it out with the Scriptures! If they took the time to check out if the great Apostle Paul’s teaching was correct or not by going to the Scriptures, I think it certainly behooves us to do the same. Do most Christians do that today? If they did, I don’t see how so many false doctrines can abound in present-day churches!

Let’s give some examples of incorrect doctrines of preachers I like before I get into ones I don’t like.

  • John MacArthur in a sermon only 11 days ago at the time of this article gave a talk about “The Coming of a False Peace.” There is no phrase, “false peace” anywhere in the Bible! I know where he got that doctrine. It’s Dispensational Futurism from John Nelson Darby and C.I. Scofield. It’s what I was taught when still young in Christ. Former hippies called the first 3.5 years of the reign of a future Antichrist a “plastic peace.” It’s based on a false interpretation of Daniel 9:27. My hat is off to John MacArthur for many of his other sermons exposing sin in America, and for his defiance of unconstitutional COVID medical mandates and keeping his church open. But he’s off on his eschatology.
  • Charles A. Jennings of Truth in History. We like his stance on Israel, eschatology, and the fact he believes all the gifts of the Spirit are relevant today. But last night we heard him teach the “Anglo-Israel” doctrine which says that the English are descendants of the tribes of Israel. How can they be when the Bible clearly says Israel is descended from Shem? The white European peoples are all descended from Japheth! English people are white! It was the descendants of Japheth, not Shem, who populated white Europe. It surprises me how pastor Jennings could teach such an error when he knows the Bible so well.
  • Steve Gregg of the YouTube channel The Narrow Path. My wife and I think he’s a great Bible teacher, and he came out of Dispensationalism, but nevertheless, he doesn’t teach the Historicist interpretation of the Book of Revelation! I heard he even mocked it. That tells me he has not read the commentators of the Protestant Bible teachers of the past.
  • Chuck Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship. My wife and I used to listen to him every week but we stopped when he began to teach the Preterist view of the Book of Revelation, namely that the Book of Revelation is all about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple in 70 AD! This is much worse than Steve Gregg’s view because it ignores the Great Whore, the Scarlet woman who rides the Beast of Revelation chapter 17, the Vatican’s worldwide covert government, the “Holy See”, the murder of Bible-believing followers of Jesus Christ through the centuries, the Woman who claims to be the true Bride of Christ but is actually a whore working for Satan! How Chuck Baldwin could be so misled as to not see that despite all his knowledge and education is shocking! He’s so right on other things including his views on the modern nation of Israel, and the correct interpretation of the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.
  • Christian J. Pinto of Noise of Thunder Radio. Tess and I love to listen to his podcasts, but sad to say he’s wrong about Israel. I heard him once say the 1948 restoration of Israel was a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I hope he changed his position on that. We are excited to see his new documentary when it comes out, Jesuits in America.

And then there’s a bunch of popular preachers I don’t like and never listen to. Everything they teach is questionable. I’m talking about all the prosperity Gospel preachers such as Kenneth Copeland. You know who they are.

You might question me too and that’s fine with me. Today a man said a reference I quoted on an article did not have the information I said it has. I proved it does by taking a screenshot of the article and posting it as my reply.

I stand with the majority of the Protestant Reformers on all my views of the Bible on this website. There are some things from Calvin I don’t agree with, but I think his view of the Catholic Church was the same as mine.

Nobody’s perfect, right? I don’t claim to know it all. I like to listen to what others have to say, and then I test it with the Scriptures. I still like to listen to the above mentioned Bible teachers, but only on subjects I believe they are teaching correctly.

1 John 4:1  Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

For more on this subject, please see an article on an external website, Is it Wrong to Question My Pastor?. It contains many insights not covered here. Here are a couple of quotes from that article I like:

It is important for every individual in the church to have growing familiarity with the biblical word. We are to trust that the Holy Spirit will “guide us into all truth” (John 16:13). Posing questions about a pastor’s teaching is to take ownership of our spiritual growth. As Christians, we are to ensure that we can differentiate between “the spirit of God and the spirit of falsehood” (1 John 4:6). Authentic pastors, committed to their congregation’s spiritual growth, welcome such questions. Questions are seen as invitations to look at the biblical word in a deeper way. Authentic pastors see questions as an opportunity to journey together in faith and learning.

Toxic or abusive pastors, however, refuse to answer questions pertaining to their teaching. It is suggested that questioning a sermon is tantamount to questioning his or her spiritual authority. After all, they are the ones who have the biblical education (and understand the bible rightly); they are the ones charged with declaring God’s voice; they are the ones who God has called to the ministry. Instead of an invitation for growth, questions are considered obstructive. Abusive pastors equate God’s voice with their own.

This is no different than the attitude the priests and bishops of the Catholic Church have. I believe they are the Nicolaitans of Revelation 2:6.

But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

One interpretation of the Nicolaitans I heard is the clergy who oppresses the laity. Not even the Apostles Peter or Paul had that authority. They wrote letters to the churches in various cities to advise them, but if those churches didn’t heed the apostle’s advice, they suffered the consequences of their choice. They weren’t bullied and forced to obey by an ecclesiastical hierarchy.

To sum up, the answer to the question in the title of this article is, absolutely yes!

The Meaning of 666 in Revelation Chapter 13

The Meaning of 666 in Revelation Chapter 13

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post, The Mass an Abomination to God.

In my opinion, this explanation of the meaning of 666 in Revelation chapter 13 is the best, clearest, most understandable, and most reasonable one I have ever heard. It points to the final Beast, the Roman Empire, and the continuation of the Roman Empire, the so called, “Holy See”, the Papacy, the Vatican, the power in Rome which is controlling most of Europe (except Russia), both North and South America, and most nations on every continent on earth. According to Daniel chapter 7, a “beast” is a metaphor for an empire or kingdom, not a person. I believe the Beast is already in control of most of the nations of the world. I think the Covid pandemic medical mandates followed by nearly all countries is a major sign we are under the rule of the final Beast, also known as the New World Order. But thank God, I still have the liberty to voice my views on the Internet, and share what famous men of the past had to say. How long will it last? I’ll keep going as long as I can.

Revelation 13:18  Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Rev. Adam Clarke, LL.D., the distinguished commentator of the last century wrote:—

“A system of representing numbers, of great antiquity was used by the Greeks very much resembling that afterwards adopted by the Romans.
Representing numbers by letters of the alphabet gave rise to the practice amongst the ancients of representing names also by numbers. Examples of this kind abound in writings of heathens, Jews, and Christians. It was a practice in the Apostolic age to count the number in words and phrases, it is evident that what is intended by 666 is that the Greek name of the Beast (for Jesus Christ communicated His Rev. to St. John in Greek language) contains this number. In St. John’s vision Christ speaks of Himself as ‘I am Alpha and Omega the first and the last.’ These two words are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet.”
This word LATINUS, Irenaeus, who lived 115-190 A.D., applied to the then existing Roman Empire. The Latin Kingdom, No other kingdom can be found to contain the number of 666.”

Rev. E. P, CACHEMAILLE wrote:

“Each letter of that alphabet, the Greek, was used as a numeral and had a well known definite value. When the name LATEINOS is written in Greek letters, and their values added up, the total is 666. “Let him that hath understanding count, for the number may be reckoned up and is intended to be known. The solution given as far back as Irenaeus is “LATINUS,” the “i” being spelled in the Greek with diphthong ei, LATEINOS. This solution completely answers to every requirement of the sacred enigma, and is the only one that does so. It is the name of a man LATINUS, the father of the Latin race. It is the name of the then holders of the Fourth Great Empire, out of which the Man of Sin was to arise.
In the time of Irenaeus 115-190 A.D., the Emperor and nation might be called Latins, but more usually the nation was called Roman and the language Latin. But after the break up of the Western Empire in 476 A.D. into the Ten Kingdoms, the Eastern Empire appropriated the title of Romans, and affixed to the Western Kingdoms because of their connection with Rome, the appellative Latins, which was accepted and adopted, and holds good at the present day.
Thenceforward it became the peculiar distinctive title of the Roman Empire in its last form, including Body and Head, the Two Beasts and the Image. It was the “Latin” world, Latin Kingdoms, Latin Church, Latin Patriarchs, Latin Clergy and Latin Councils. They Latinize in everything. Mass, prayers, hymns, Litanies, Canons, Decretals, Bulls—all are in Latin. The Papal Councils speak in Latin. The Latin Vulgate Version of the Bible was declared by the Council of Trent to be the only authentic Version. All things with them are Latin.” Cachemaille, xxvi,—Papers p. 466.

Dean ALforb writes:

“The Latin Empire, the Latin Church, Latin Christianity, have ever been its commonly current appellations; its language civil and ecclesiastical, has ever been Latin; its public services, in defiance of the most obvious requisite for public worship, have ever been throughout the world conducted in Latin; there is no one word which could so completely describe its character as this.”

Rev. JOSEPH TANNER, M.A., adds in addition to much of the above:—

“The Pope still speaks and writes especially in his official capacity in Latin. Latin is stamped on the whole Papal system. Its decrees, canons, hymns, _litanies, prayers and Mass, Ave Maria, Pater-noster are all in Latin.
“Surely it must be obvious to all who consider this marked character of the system that the head of such a system might well be prophetical and enigmatically indicated by the number of the name LATEINOS as signifying this Latin character. Taken by itself, of course no inference could be drawn from the coincidence, since many other names can be spelled with letters making up 666, but, taken in connection with all the other detailed characteristics, it may be regarded as at least a remarkable confirmation of the evidence we are bringing forward that the Beast is the Papacy.”

Rev. E. H. Horne, M.A., says:—

“The Number of the Beast is a number corresponding to a name. As the Greeks always used letters of the alphabet in place of numbers, by giving a numerical value to each letter, the association of a name with a number was perfectly natural to the Greek mind. Greek is the language of this book. Countless suggestions have been made of words considered suitable; but one of the two suggestions first put on record remains the best. Irenaeus, in the 2nd century, suggested the Greek equivalent of our word LATIN as the word intended, on the ground that the Latins were then in power. The suggestion satisfies the requirements of the case more completely than Irenaeus imagined, for he lived before the prophecy began to be fulfilled in the Papacy. The Papacy has been at all times, and in all things, LATIN in its character. The Papal Church uses the LATIN language in its services and in its edicts to this day.”

(Note: In 1964 the Catholic Church stopped using Latin in the Mass.)

Rev. E, P. Cachemaille, M.A., also says:—

Many other solutions have been offered in Latin, Hebrew and Arabic; or Pagan, Protestant and Mohammedan; whereas the enigma is GREEK. Those putting forward other ideas have as their object to turn away the application from the Popedom to some quite different enemy, or supposed enemy, of Christ’s Church. But they all fail for one reason or another, and this makes the “LATINUS” solution the more remarkable and convincing. It must not be forgotten that the Revelation is a book written in cipher, written as a guide to God’s people, whilst concealing it from a hostile world.”

(End of article.)

Are you convinced that LATEINOS written in Greek letters adds up to 666 and is the name of the Beast of Revelation chapter 13:18 which is the Beast or empire of today controlled by the Roman Catholic Church? If not, please consider the message of the meme below.

First 6 Roman numerals in reverse order = 666

The famous number 666 (Revelation 13:18), may be recognized as representing Rome and its Caesar. The number 666, when written the Roman way, DCLXVI, forms a pattern. It is the set of numerals under 1000 in descending order: D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1 (they add up to 666). Because 666 converts to a significant Roman numeral, it cleverly identifies the Beast as Roman. (Quoted from: THE BIBLE & ROME: THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST

(Continued in False Interpretations of Divine Prophecy. )

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

The Mass an Abomination to God

The Mass an Abomination to God

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post, The Scholars Behind the Promotion of the False Interpretations of the Books of Daniel and Revelation.

The Sacrifice of the Mass is an insult to the Atonement and finished work of Christ.

Christ finished the Atonement on Calvary, yet these Roman and High Church priests go through the blasphemous daily sacrifice again. They pretend that they are finishing the SACRIFICE —a sinful being finishing Christ’s work!

This is why a stone altar is illegal in the Church of England. It implies that the Atonement of Christ is unfinished, that the Altar for Sacrifice still exists. It implies infinitely more than the difference between a Communion Table of wood and an Altar of stone.

Lady Meux once wished to vex Whistler, the great painter. She pointed to a beautiful portrait the great artist had just completed, and said: “Look here, Jimmy Whistler, I am going to get someone else to finish that portrait,” laying emphasis on the word finish. Whistler went white with rage. Someone else to “finish” his work. So by pretending to offer up a daily sacrifice in the Mass, the Roman and High Church priests insult the Atonement of Christ. Herein lies the awful wickedness and abominations of the Mass. It is a counterfeit sacrifice. It insults our Lord, who finished the Atonement.


“The Holy Mass is one and the same Sacrifice with that of the Cross, inasmuch as Christ who offered Himself, a bleeding Victim on the Cross to His Heavenly Father, continues to offer Himself in an unbloody manner on the altar, through the ministry of His priests. See Roman Catholic Catechism,

Counterfeiting the Atonement of Christ.

Catholic Mass Sacrifice

Celebrating a Romish High Mass. The Priest pretending by Divine power to turn the Wine and Bread into the real Flesh and Blood of Christ.

High Masses, Low Masses, Requiem Masses, etc., are celebrated in numerous London High Churches, and some are celebrated in Y.M.C.A. Huts. The Secretaries see no harm in a counterfeit Atonement!

This unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass came from ancient Babylon. See High Masses, Low Masses, Requiem Masses, etc., are celebrated in numerous London High Churches, and some are celebrated in Y.M.C.A. Huts. The Secretaries see no harm in a counterfeit Atonement!

This unbloody Sacrifice of the Mass came from ancient Babylon. See Hyslop’s Two Babylons, pages 224-240.

(Continued in The Meaning of 666 in Revelation Chapter 13)

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

Why Europe in the Middle Ages Was So Filthy

Why Europe in the Middle Ages Was So Filthy

This article was inspired by an exchange I had on Facebook with a man who posted this meme.

Welcome To Religion

My comment:

Religion is NOT the same thing as a personal relationship with God.

His reply:

Name withheld Author
During the Middle Ages, it was not uncommon for a European passerby to be hit by human waste while walking down the street. Sometimes, at that time, urban residents emptied their chamber pots – containers filled with urine and excrement – ​​throwing the contents out the window. The waste would sit there, causing pestilence and disease, until street sweepers took it away, usually to be used as fertilizer. To the modern mind, this system seems rudimentary and foolish, especially when one knows that older civilizations, such as the Greeks, Romans and Mayans, had developed much better systems – with indoor plumbing and even flush toilets.
Why did they replace indoor plumbing with chamber pots? At that time, people were convinced of many things that simply were not true: that nudity was sinful, that the naked body left one vulnerable to attack by evil spirits, and that evil spirits made people sick.1 Daily bathing, Disseminated by the Romans in their beautiful public bathhouses, it was discouraged and replaced by the washing of hands, faces and other publicly visible parts of the body. These superstitions had two notable effects. First, practically everything and everyone smelled horrible. As one writer described it, “The peasant and the priest, the apprentice and the master’s wife stank, the entire nobility stank, even the king stank like an animal of prey, and the queen like an old goat, both in summer and winter. .”.2 Second, the
Indoor bathrooms ended up in ruins and citizens lost the skills needed to maintain plumbing. Therefore, primitive sewage systems and chamber pots were, for a time, the best solution to a self-inflicted problem. It would be several hundred years before the “spiritual” theory of disease gave way to science, which identified microbes as the invisible culprits for making people sick.

My reply:

Thank you for sharing all that. It’s interesting that the Roman Catholic Church discarded all the good practices of the Roman empire such as indoor plumbing and daily bathing while mixing their religion with demonic Roman paganism and forbidding the laity to read the Bible on their own. Had the common people of the Middle Ages read the Bible, they would have known the cleanliness laws of the Old Testament and would not have been influenced by unscientific notions such as bathing is harmful to health. The Creator of life and the possessor of all knowledge inspired those laws of cleanliness to maintain proper health. And yet the Vatican today considers the 13th century one of the most civilized of all!!! Civilized from their point of view when they had total control over the minds and hearts of the nations they ruled.

It’s interesting to note that the Japanese who were not under the influence of the West until the 19th century have always been known for their personal hygiene and daily bathing. There’s a theory that some of the scattered tribes of Israel pioneered the islands of Japan 2000 years ago and took them over from the indigenous Ainu people. Though the people of Israel were backslidden in their worship of God, they apparently hung on to the Hebrew traditions of sanitation and cleanliness they got from the Laws of Moses. There’s lots of evidence that Japanese Shintoism evolved from Hebrew traditions!

At the time of posting this article, I have not yet received a reply from the man on Facebook who posted the anti-religion meme. I try to come across as non-confrontational. If he responds in a friendly manner, I may continue the discussion with him. If not, I’ll end it there. But thanks to what he wrote, I was inspired to re-post from a previous article what the Bible says about cleanliness and sanitation.

The Bible confirms the existence of harmful bacteria

The laws of sanitation in the Bible were written some 3000 years before Louis Pasteur in the 19th century linked germs with infectious disease!

There are numerous rules for sanitation and quarantine found in the Old Testament, and especially in the Book of Leviticus that God gave for the benefit of His children to keep them free from contagious diseases. The scientific community only much later in time discovered the importance of these health rules which includes washing one’s body in running water!

Leviticus 15:13  And when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

“Soap and water don’t kill germs; they work by mechanically removing them from your hands. Running water by itself does a pretty good job of germ removal…” (Quoted from

You have probably heard the proverb, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” The phrase “running water” is found exactly seven times in the King James translation of the Bible! The number seven is God’s special number, for it signifies spiritual perfection and completion. The Bible mentions it more than any other number.

Leviticus 14:5  And the priest shall command that one of the birds be killed in an earthen vessel over running water:
Leviticus 14:6  As for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was killed over the running water:
Leviticus 14:50  And he shall kill the one of the birds in an earthen vessel over running water:
Leviticus 14:51  And he shall take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slain bird, and in the running water, and sprinkle the house seven times:
Leviticus 14:52  And he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird, and with the running water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar wood, and with the hyssop, and with the scarlet:
Leviticus 15:13  And when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.
Numbers 19:17  And for an unclean person they shall take of the ashes of the burnt heifer of purification for sin, and running water shall be put thereto in a vessel:

More Scriptures about sanitation

Leviticus 11:31  These are unclean to you among all that creep: whosoever doth touch them, when they be dead, shall be unclean until the even.
32  And upon whatsoever any of them, when they are dead, doth fall, it shall be unclean; whether it be any vessel of wood, or raiment, or skin, or sack, whatsoever vessel it be, wherein any work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the even; so it shall be cleansed.
33  And every earthen vessel, whereinto any of them falleth, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean; and ye shall break it.
34  Of all meat which may be eaten, that on which such water cometh shall be unclean: and all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean.
35  And every thing whereupon any part of their carcase falleth shall be unclean; whether it be oven, or ranges for pots, they shall be broken down: for they are unclean, and shall be unclean unto you.
36  Nevertheless a fountain or pit, wherein there is plenty of water, shall be clean: but that which toucheth their carcase shall be unclean.

The words “unclean” and “clean” indicate to me either the presence of germs and harmful bacteria or the absence of them. The microscope had not yet been invented in the time Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt. The people of course could not see microbes. They didn’t have the “germ theory” in their education. They just obeyed God’s commands to Moses not knowing the scientific reasons why they should.

Medieval Europe was plagued with diphtheria, measles, tuberculosis, leprosy, typhus, anthrax, smallpox, salmonella and other maladies. The worst of such diseases was of course the Black Death.

Leviticus 15:1  And the LORD spake unto Moses and to Aaron, saying,
2  Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When any man hath a running issue (a discharge such as puss) out of his flesh, because of his issue he is unclean.
3  And this shall be his uncleanness in his issue: whether his flesh run with his issue, or his flesh be stopped from his issue, it is his uncleanness.
4  Every bed, whereon he lieth that hath the issue, is unclean: and every thing, whereon he sitteth, shall be unclean.
5  And whosoever toucheth his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
6  And he that sitteth on any thing whereon he sat that hath the issue shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
7  And he that toucheth the flesh of him that hath the issue shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
8  And if he that hath the issue spit upon him that is clean; then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
9  And what saddle soever he rideth upon that hath the issue shall be unclean.
10  And whosoever toucheth any thing that was under him shall be unclean until the even: and he that beareth any of those things shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
11  And whomsoever he toucheth that hath the issue, and hath not rinsed his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the even.
12  And the vessel of earth, that he toucheth which hath the issue, shall be broken: and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.
13  And when he that hath an issue is cleansed of his issue; then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

Does modern science tell us it’s important for good health to keep our bodies and hands clean? You know it does. And why? To remove the presence of harmful bacteria, that’s why.

Did you know that in the early part of the 19th century, ‘Wash your hands’ was once controversial medical advice?

Regarding the hygiene principle and germs, Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (1818 –1865), who was a Hungarian physician, discovered that 10%–35% Of the mothers that came to the medical institutions suffered fatalities. Puerperal fever was common in mid-19th-century hospitals and was fatal. Doctors in those clinics had three times the mortality of midwives’ wards. Sadly, nobody knew why. But after close observation, Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever or “childbed fever” could be greatly reduced by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics.

Semmelweis proposed the practice of washing hands with chlorinated lime solutions in 1847 while working in Vienna General Hospital’s First Obstetrical Clinic. He ordered physicians to wash their hands thoroughly after every examination. In three months, the death rate fell from 18% to 1%. These were astounding results. And he was called the “savior of mothers.” He published a book of his findings in Etiology, Concept and Prophylaxis of Childbed Fever. Despite various publications of his successful results, Semmelweis’s suggestions were not accepted by the medical community of his time.

Why was Semmelweis research rejected? Because germs were virtually a foreign concept for the Europeans in the middle-19th-century. Later, Semmelweis’s publications earned widespread acceptance only years after his death, when Louis Pasteur confirmed the “germ theory” and Joseph Lister, acting on the French microbiologist’s research, practiced and operated on patients while using hygienic methods with great results.

Had the medical community paid attention to God’s instructions that were given 3000 years before, many lives would have been saved. The Lord gave the Israelites hygienic principles against the contamination of germs and taught the necessity to quarantine the sick (Numbers 19:11-12). And the book of Leviticus lists a host of diseases and ways where a person would come in contact with germs (Leviticus 13:46).

Germs were no new discovery in 1847. And for this fact, Roderick McGrew testified in the Encyclopedia of Medical History: “The idea of contagion was foreign to the classic medical tradition and found no place in the voluminous Hippocratic writings. The Old Testament, however, is a rich source for contagionist sentiment, especially in regard to leprosy and venereal disease” (1985, pp. 77-78). — (from

The practice of the quarantine of people with infectious diseases is in the Bible

Numbers 12:10  ¶And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.
11  And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned.
12  Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed when he cometh out of his mother’s womb.
13  And Moses cried unto the LORD, saying, Heal her now, O God, I beseech thee.
14  And the LORD said unto Moses, If her father had but spit in her face, should she not be ashamed seven days? let her be shut out from the camp seven days, and after that let her be received in again.
15  And Miriam was shut out from the camp seven days: and the people journeyed not till Miriam was brought in again.

Other than the “germ theory” we also have the “terrain theory”

Diseases are results of our internal environment and its ability to maintain homeostasis against outside threats. Terrain theory believes if an individual maintains a healthy terrain, it can handle outside invaders or threats which cause diseases. When terrain is weak, it favors the microorganisms. Hence, health depends on the quality of an individuals’ terrain. (Quoted from

Are these two theories of the cause of disease at odds with each other? I personally do not think so. In my opinion, both are true. We are supposed to wash our hands before we eat so we do not transfer harmful bacteria into our mouths, and we try as much as possible to live in an environment free of toxic chemicals. We also are supposed to maintain a strong immune system by eating a nutritious diet, daily exercise, taking a good night’s sleep and rest when our bodies tell us it’s tired, and having a good mental attitude toward life in general.

People who have a relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ are the most likely people to have such a good positive attitude. They are less likely to worry about the future or experience stress which is harmful to health. If you are searching for such a relationship with your Creator God, please see The Lover of all Lovers.

The Scholars Behind the Promotion of the False Interpretations of the Books of Daniel and Revelation

The Scholars Behind the Promotion of the False Interpretations of the Books of Daniel and Revelation

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post, Our Position Today in the Divine Program as Revealed in Prophecy.

Changing the Interpretation of Prophecy

A tragedy happened in the theological world of Britain and America about 100 to 116 years ago, or to be exact, in 1827 and 1844-45 A.D. Five leading scholars turned the finger-posts of Divine Prophecy round, so that ever since they have pointed the wrong way, and turned multitudes of ministers, scholars and students off the King’s highway down into two side lanes, whither they have led nearly the whole Christian Church.

The five scholars were, Rev. Edward Irving, a leading London Scottish Presbyterian Minister in 1827-32; Rev. S. R. Maitland, D.D., in 1827 A.D.; Prof. Lee of Cambridge, in 1830 A.D., Rev. Dr. Davidson, in 1844, in England; Rev. Prof. Moses Stuart, D.D., in America, in 1845 A.D.

Rev Edward Irving

These scholars did not turn these prophetic finger-posts the wrong way for the deliberate purpose of turning men astray. They tampered with Scriptures they did not understand. The gift of Prophecy (ie. the gift to interpret by Divine tuition (instruction) is a DIVINE gift (see 1 Cor 12:10), and no doubt these conflicting interpretations are due to scholars attempting to exercise a gift which they did not possess. This placed them at the mercy of any interpretation that they happened to fall in with either Jesuit or Rationalist. This gave the Christian Church invented interpretations instead of revealed. The one comes from the human brain; the other from the God of Heaven.

Many gifted expositors of the other books of the Bible are complete failures in their expositions of prophecy.

A common and delusive idea seems to be spreading today (just after WW II) of an Antichrist still looming in the future, who is to conquer the whole world and reign for three-and-a-half years. It may surprise many to hear that these erroneous ideas originated with the Jesuit Ribera, of Salamanca, in 1591 A.D., for the express purpose of confusing the teaching of the Reformers and of mixing up the Protestant Ministry. They have been powerfully propagated in our own days, chiefly by the Plymouth Brethren, mixed with much valuable truth, and also propagated by the followers of Mr. B. W. Newton, M.A., Sir Robert Anderson, and other leaders, who evidently were unaware that the Jesuit works of Ribera and Bellarmine were still preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.

Broadly speaking, there are three great Schools of interpretation, viz., the Preterist, Futurist and Historical, the vital difference lies in where each places the Antichrist.

THE Reformers’ Historical School view the books of Daniel and Revelation as a Prophetic history of the Jews and the Christian Church in the world, from St. John’s day to the end of all things. They regard the Papacy as Antichrist, and the Church of Rome as the Scarlet Woman of Revelation 17 and the APOLLYON of Revelation 9 as the Mohammedan (Islamic) woe.

THE Preterist School places Antichrist away back in Pagan Rome, and teaches that the Apocalypse was fulfilled by the Destruction of Jerusalem, and by the fall of the Roman Empire in A.D. 410-476.

THE Futurist School, looks for Antichrist, Babylon, and a rebuilt Temple at Jerusalem in the future. They also look for a revived Roman Empire divided into Ten Kingdoms, with Antichrist at its head. They deny that the Dynasty of Popes is the Antichrist.

In the South African war, Boers placed riflemen on the hill-tops firing black powder. At the foot of the hills they concealed their deadly snipers, firing smokeless powder. The British artillery furiously shelled the hill-tops where the smoke-puffs were seen, and of course fired clean over the heads of the real enemy. It was long before the ruse was discovered. Thousands of rounds had been fired at sham targets.

The same applies to Futurists and Preterits—they are firing at Rome’s two sham targets and shooting over the head of the real Antichrist. One school, comprised chiefly of University theological Professors and scholars, fires away at Alcasar’s imaginary Antichrist in old Pagan Rome, whilst the other fires clean across the centuries at Ribera’s Antichrist at the opposite end of the Age.

Rev. Edward Irving, as previously stated revived and published in England the Jesuit Ribera’s Futurist interpretation in 1827-30 A.D. The Oxford Movement to Romanize the Church of England burst out in 1833, and this movement seized on this new interpretation as an argument in favor of reunion with Rome. Rev. S. R. Maitland D.D., also propagated as true.

The Plymouth Brethren, founded by J. N. Darby in 1831 A.D., at Dublin and Plymouth, immediately laid hold of Irving’s interpretation, then new to the English world of literature, and have ever since powerfully propagated it as a Divine truth.

Eichhorn, the great German Rationalist, revived and republished the Jesuit Alcasar’s Preterist interpretation in 1791 A.D. British and American scholars since 1830 have followed Eichhorn and other German Preterist Professors.

The Spirit of God never inspired three different and conflicting interpretations. He is not like erring, changeable man, who interprets one way in one age, and another in a later age.

In the course of a powerful controversy on True and False Interpretations of Prophecy, carried on in the columns of The Life of Faith from April to September, 1917, Sir Rodert Anderson denied that he was a Futurist, and charged the author with inaccuracy and a lack of erudition in labeling him as such.

In a letter immediately following his, Rev. Dr. Griffith Thomas, on the same page, held up Sir Robert to readers as one of the two greatest living Futurists!

Dr. H. Grattan Guinness and the Rev. Joseph Tanner, M.A., of Oxford, also described him as a Futurist. For the author of The Coming Prince, i.e., the great Futurist Antichrist, to deny that he is a Futurist, came perilously near what Joseph Tanner in his Daniel and the Revelation, p.33, termed “sleight-of-hand” controversy, especially when the book was still being sold as his teaching.

John Wesley taught uncompromisingly that Antichrist and Babylon are the Popes and the Church of Rome respectively, but Wesley’s ministerial sons have long since abandoned the Reformers and Wesley for the Jesuit-German interpretation.

The Presbyterian Church has also abandoned the teaching of Knox for the Jesuit-German Preterist interpretation. Eichhorn, the German, and his disciples accepted it, so British scholars followed suit. See Elliot’s Horae, vol. iv., p. 480, for full account of the origin of these false systems.

When the Roman Bishop of Aberdeen was enthroned in Aug., 1918, the Aberdeen Professors officially attended the service! Antichrist’s Bishop! No wonder Scotland is losing her youth.

What Alford says about Futurism and Preterism.

In 1830 Professor Lee, of Cambridge, published the great French Roman Catholic Bishop Bossuet’s Preterist interpretation in England.

Prof. Moses Stuart introduced Preterism, after the German Heinrichs, into the United States in 1845. Dr. Davidson had introduced it into England in 1844.

Surely the parentage and genealogical tree is a good guide in estimating the true character and soundness of each of these two systems. Many really godly men have been deceived by these two Jesuit systems, just as many real Christians thought New Theology as Divine Truth, instead of recognizing it as a clever travesty of great cardinal truths.

It may interest many to read Rome’s claims on the question. Rev. G. S. Hitchcock, Doctor of Sacred Scripture, Rome, in his pamphlet, The Beasts and the Little Horn, page 7, says:—

“The Futurist School, founded by the Jesuit Ribera in 1591 looks for Antichrist, Babylon, and a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, at the end of the Christian Dispensation.

“The Preterist School, founded by the Jesuit Alcasar in 1614, explains the Revelation by the fall of Jerusalem, or by the fall of Pagan Rome in 410 A.D.”

Dean Alford, in the Prolegomena to his Greek Testament, p. 248, says :—

“The founder of this system (Futurist) in modern times appears to have been the Jesuit Ribera, about 1580 A.D.

“The Apostolic Fathers cannot with fairness be cited for it, seeing to them all was future. I cannot regard this interpretation with approval.”

“The Preterist view was hardly so much as thought of in the times of Primitive Christianity. This view is said to have on is promulgated by the Jesuit Alcasar in 1614 A.D.

Elliot states the same facts exactly. The correct dates are 1591 and 1614 A.D. The Bodleian Library copies are so dated.

In February, March and April, 1918, Rev. W. G. Scroggie, M.A., published a long series of articles in the Life of Faith on the Book of Revelation. Mr. Scroggie, who is a Futurist, simply repeated the long exploded Futurist theories of his predecessors. He quoted Alford’s remarks about the Jesuit origin of the Preterist School, but when he came to the Futurist School he left Alford’s remarks out! See Life of Faith, Feb. 27th, 1918.

This merely shows independent sources of information but the same conclusion. The whole controversy revolves round the same question whether the Holy Ghost guided the great Reformers when they used these prophecies to batter down the ramparts of the Devil at the Reformation or whether He guided the Jesuits instead.

Knox launched the Reformation in Scotland with a Sermon on the Little Horn of Daniel 7., at St. Andrew’s. He applied the Little Horn to the Papal Dynasty, and the Scarlet Woman of Revelation to the Church of Rome. The other great Reformers, also the translators of our Bible in 1611, did the same. So did the Westminster Divines in 1647. The Jesuits adopted an artillery ruse to draw the fire, and set up their two sham targets. Alcasar placed his Antichrist away back in Pagan Rome, and Ribera jumped to the other extreme and placed his Futurist Antichrist away in the future.

(Continued in The Mass an Abomination to God).

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

Our Position Today in the Divine Program as Revealed in Prophecy

Our Position Today in the Divine Program as Revealed in Prophecy

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post, The Great Harlot’s Daughters.

God has never in any age sent a messenger or preacher to cross, contradict or make void an interpretation of Holy Scripture revealed to an earlier generation; as for example in the case of the Reformers at the Reformation.

The early Christians believed that Christ’s Second Coming was surely to take place in their own days. The Thessalonians even sold their goods and gave up their secular callings and sat down to wait for the return of our Lord.

St. Paul in 2 Thess. 2:1-12 reproves them for being carried away by mistaken teachers. He tells them that the Second Coming could not take place until there came a falling away from the faith of Christ, and the Antichrist, or Man of Sin, should arise. He then describes the character of the coming Antichrist and his monstrous claims and blasphemous pretensions, which have all been perfectly fulfilled by the Popes of Rome. The Pope today claims to be the Vicar of Christ on earth!

In 2 Thess. 2:3-9 St. Paul thus describes the twelve hundred years of falling away during the Dark Ages, and the character of Antichrist during the Dark Ages and since.

2 Thessalonians 2:3  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
4  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
5  Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
6  And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
7  For the MYSTERY OF INIQUITY doth already work: only he who now letteth (hinders) will let (hinder), UNTIL HE BE TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY.
8  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
9  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,


From Irenaeus (A.D. 115-190), the disciple of Polycarp, the contemporary of St. John, we first hear that the hindrance to the full development of Antichrist, mentioned by St. Paul,

A. Revelation 16:12  And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

Beyond question refers to the drying up of the Turkish Empire, which originated in its infancy as a Mohammedan religious Power at Mecca in 622 A.D. and in 1063 as a Religious Political power at Baghdad, which passed the Euphrates and invaded Asia Minor, Eastern Europe and North Africa. In 1924 the Caliphate or dynasty of Sultans ended and Turkey became a very small Republic. Gibbon says: “The Turks from Baghdad passed over the Euphrates in 1063, and inundated Asia Minor and Eastern Europe.” Gibbon—X. p. 352. Note that Gibbon uses the word “inundated”; then read carefully Rev. 8:9, Rev. 16.

B. Revelation 16:13  And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14  For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

This evidently refers to the rise of the Papal, Fascist and Nazi Movements of today. These are three outstanding evil movements in the world. These are active, not only in the area of the old Roman earth, but all over the world. The text clearly differentiates between “the earth” and “the whole world.” “The Earth” clearly refers to the area of Papal Europe and Mohammedan Eastern Europe, which once formed the Eastern and Western Roman Empires, the area ruled over by the Popes and Sultans. The West is still secretly dominated by the Papacy. Mussolini’s chief adviser on behalf of the Pope is Father Pietro Tachi-Venturi, a Jesuit, Daily Express, 2/9/35.

C. Revelation 16:15  Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

Verse 15 contains a sharp clear warning shot, like a flash of lightning into the middle of the text at this time. When we see the three evil spirits at work gathering the nations of the world to battle, we should keep a very sharp look-out for the Coming of Christ, lest we be surprised and put to shame.

D. Revelation 16:16  And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. This verse reads in the Revised Version “and they gathered them together,” not “he gathered them.” *Were not these three evil movements in Germany, Italy and Vatican gathering all nations together in the War of Armageddon? We cannot interpret until all has been fulfilled, whether Armageddon is a period of great conflicts, or, a single great battle which will center around the Valley of Armageddon. Armageddon Valley in Palestine is only about 25 miles in length. The Battle of France in May and June 1940 extended over 600 miles in length. As Armageddon is to be the greatest Battle of all history, we must wait until it has been fought before we can interpret this verse unerringly.

* On this false translation has been built up the interpretation of a future Military Antichrist.


In 1576, Gregory XIII. appointed the Jesuit Cardinal Bellarmine to lecture on controversial theology in the new Roman College. He was a man of great learning,and the most powerful controversialist the Roman Church has ever produced. He and Ribera the Jesuit of Salamanca were the leaders in the Movement in the Church of Rome to change the interpretation of Prophecy. At the same time that Ribera published his Futurist commentary on the Apocalypse, Bellarmine published his three volumes of his lectures in the Roman College in the years 1581, 1582, and the third in 1593. Ribera published the three editions of his commentary in 1591, 1592 and 1603. These are now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford.

These works called forth a multitude of replies from the Protestant side, including that of Brightman, in England, in 1601.


Revelation xiv., xvii. and xviii.

“Babylon whose fall is here predicted, Babylon the purpled Harlot, Babylon the Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth, she that has made all nations to drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, this is indeed Rome; but not Rome Christian, not Rome obedient to the Pope, not Rome retaining and preserving within herself the See of the Apostle Peter . . . it is Rome the author and preserver of superstitions, the head of idolatry, the sink of all iniquity, the most bitter enemy of the Christian name, the murderer and slaughterer of the saints . . . such as she will be in the end of the world, after she has fallen away from the Pope.” “ Apocalypsin, cap. xiv. Ribera Num. 39. Bodleian Library, Oxford.

Bellarmine powerfully supported Ribera, as will be seen by the following extract from his “Disputations and Controversy.” The Year Day theory then rising into general notice was first attacked by Bellarmine.

He admits that Rome and her Ten Kingdoms is meant by Babylon in Rev. 17, but denies that it refers to Rome and the Popes, but to a Rome future, not Rome of the present, Here is what Cardinal Bellarmine, S.J., wrote 1586—96, A.D.

The Ten Kings who will share among them the Roman Empire, and in whose reign Antichrist will come, —these will hate the purple—bearing harlot, that is, Rome, and will make her desolate, and burn her with fire. How, therefore, can she be the seat of Antichrist, if at that very time she is to be overthrown and burnt?
Bellarmine continues: “By God’s wonderful Providence when the Roman Empire failed in the West, which was one of the legs of Daniel’s statue, it remained safe in the East, which was the other leg. But because the Eastern Empire was to be destroyed by the Turks, as we have seen, God once more set up in the West, the first leg, that is, the Western Empire, by Charlemagne; and this Empire still exists.”

Saint Robert Bellarmine Pray For Us

Jesuit Robert Bellermine, taken from a Catholic website.

Here, therefore is proof positive of the origin of the Futurist Interpretation of Daniel and Revelation. It is not mere hearsay evidence. This was part of the great Jesuit conspiracy of 1551 to destroy the Church of England by mixing the doctrines. The following is a copy of the Secret Instructions issued to the Jesuits of Paris, from the Council of Trent in 1551 A.D.


The following secret Instructions were sent in 1551 A.D. from the Council of Trent to the Jesuits in Paris.

“Ye are not to preach all after one method, but observe the place wherein you come. In England preach any that are contrary to the Holy See of St. Peter, by which your function will not be suspected, and yet you may still act on the interest of the Mother Church; there being, as the Council are agreed on, no better way to demolish that Church (the Church of England) of heresy than by mixtures of doctrines, and by adding of ceremonies more than be at present permitted. Some of you who undertook to be of this sort of heretical episcopal society, bring it as near to the Mother Church as you can, and be a means to reduce all in time to the Mother Church.”

The late Father Hugh Benson, son of an Archbishop of Canterbury, confessed before a vast audience in St. George’s Hall, Liverpool, in October, 1907, that whilst a Mirfield monk in the Church of England:—

Father Hugh Benson:—”On every point except the supremacy of the Pope we believed the teaching of the (Roman) Catholic Church, and taught most of her doctrines, as thousands of Anglican clergymen are doing today.”

Father Ronald Knox, son of Bishop Knox, followed Benson into the Church of Rome in 1917.

Father Woodlock, the Jesuit, stated that in 1924, that out of 1,345 converts at Westminster, 1,147 were from the High Church of England, and 144 from other Churches.—”Catholic Times,” 1/4/27

Father Buggy, of Halifax, states 15 out of 20 converts afterwards leave the Church of Rome.—‘‘ Daily Telegraph,” 21/10/29. Disillusioned!

Dean Goode, late Dean of Ripon, in “Rome’s Tactics,” shows that part of Rome’s tactics is to send disguised Roman priests to officiate as Church of England clergymen, and gradually introduce her ritual and doctrines.

About 9,000 out of the 12,000 Church of England Clergy are Anglo-Romanists who follow Romish practices and ritual today.

(Continued in The Scholars Behind the Promotion of the False Interpretations of the Books of Daniel and Revelation.)

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close

The Great Harlot’s Daughters

The Great Harlot’s Daughters

This is the continuation of the series, Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms – By Albert Close and the previous post, The Church of Rome Ignores the Challenge to Disprove She is the Great Whore of Revelation Chapter 17.

Revelation 17:5  And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

This verse, as stated in previous notes, implies that this great Harlot Church would have daughter harlot churches co-existing with herself.

Undoubtedly this refers to Ritualistic and apostate Churches, and especially to the High Church sections of the Churches of England and Scotland, and to the Greek and Eastern Churches, which all teach and practice many of the Church of Rome’s doctrines and abominations, and conform to much of her ritual. In hundreds of Churches in England and Scotland today, the High Church clergymen, contrary to the law, celebrate mass, hear confessions, offer up prayers for the dead, burn incense, creep to and adore the cross, and conduct the services arrayed in the millinery, robes and colours of the Church of Rome. In short, they are reviving the very Romish doctrines, ritual and abominations which were cast out at the Reformation.


Nowhere is this apostasy more deeply deplored than in the Church of England herself, where thousands of godly ministers and laymen are striving might and main to stem the rising tide of Romanism.

Since 1851, according to Roman Catholic records, over 580 High Church clergymen have been “made drunk” with Romish superstition, and have gone over to Rome. On the other hand, only forty-eight have gone over from all other Protestant Churches. Over 6,000, some authorities say 9,000, out of a total of 24,000 Church of England clergymen are practicing Romish rites or belong to ritualistic societies, from which perverts are flocking to Rome.

In the following pages are shown some of the Romish rites which are being practiced in the High Churches in England today.

Most of the Bishops are High Churchmen, who wink at and even encourage the rising tide of Romish practices in their churches. God only knows where it will end.

In 1866, Rev. Dr. F. G. Lee, a High Church Anglican clergyman, who afterwards joined the Church of Rome, wrote on p. 180 in his volume of Essays on the Re-union of Christendom:

“The marvel is that Roman Catholics . . . do not see the wisdom of aiding us to their utmost. . . . We are doing for England that which they cannot do. We are teaching men to endure willingly the pain of confession. which is an intense trial to the reserved Anglo-Saxon nature, and to believe that a man’s, ‘I absolve thee,’ is the voice of God.”

Speaking of his life as a Mirfield Monk in the Church of England, “Father” Hugh Benson (son of a former Archbishop of Canterbury), who went over to Rome in 1908, informed a Roman Catholic audience in St. George’s Hall, Liverpool, in October, 1907, that whilst still in the Church of England;—

“On every point except the supremacy of the Pope, we believed the teaching of the (Roman) Catholic Church, and taught most of her doctrines, as thousands of Anglican clergymen are doing today.”


This terrible revival of Romanism in this most Protestant land of all, is no mere passing temper or mood of the High Church party. It is that terrible Satanic revival which is to precede the Second Advent, and which is foretold in Rev. 16:13,14.

Revelation 16:13-14 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. {14} For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Our best commentators regard these three spirits as the three phases of the great final Satanic revival, first, of Paganism and Pantheism, under the guise of New Theology, Bahaism, Theosophism, Spiritualism, etc., etc., as originating and proceeding from the devil, under the symbol of the dragon, the symbol in Scripture of Paganism.

This is manifested today in the drawing together of New Theology, Spiritualism, Pantheism, Bahaism, and other Eastern Pagan religions, which are beginning to teach that one spirit animates all. So it is one “spirit,” but it is not the Spirit of God; it is a Satanic deceiving spirit. This explains why these strange heresies so mightily grip men, and firmly convince them that error is truth, and truth is error, or in other words perverts and inverts their spiritual vision. All this in direct opposition to the clear and emphatic teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ, who said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; no man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John 14:6).


Of course the Scriptures do not teach that the members of false religions will not be saved. In fact the Apostle Paul clearly teaches that the heathen will be judged by the light they have had in their own hearts and consciences. If a heathen has acted up to the light he has had in his own heart, God, who sees and knows the hearts of all men, will doubtless judge such men according to what He knows they would have done, had they heard of and known Christ. In such cases these souls will enter the kingdom of heaven through the merits of the atonement of Christ, just as we who have the fullness of gospel light will. See Rom. 2:12—16. That heathen religions are Divine in origin and character, as some men are teaching today, is quite another question; in fact their fruits show them to be the opposite. The same applies to the Church of Rome.

(Webmaster’s note: The preceding paragraph teaches a doctrine I have not heard in any church I’ve ever been to and especially not in Baptist churches. Let the reader decide if it’s so or not. One thing I know for sure, once a person hears the Gospel of Jesus Christ, their eternal fate is determined by whether they receive it or reject it.)

The Romish revival proceeds from the “Beast,” which we have seen in Rev. 17:3 prefigures the Satanic Papal power.

This probably refers particularly to the rising tide of Papal political power in Protestant lands, seeing it proceeds from the “Beast,” the symbol of political power. Since 1815, Rome’s political power has been mounting higher and higher in Protestant Britain and America. On the other hand, it has been all but extinguished in Papal countries, especially in Europe.

The “false prophet” spirit is regarded by Elliott, Wordsworth, Guinness, and other great expositors, as the Romish religious revival in Protestant lands, which has manifested itself especially in the ritualistic movement in Protestant churches simultaneously with the rise of Romish political power in Protestant lands. This “spirit” does not prefigure the Mohammedan revival, as the author at one time believed and wrote. That power is prefigured under another symbol in earlier chapters in Revelation. A “false prophet” in Scripture is one who in Christ’s name preaches and proclaims a false message as divine truth. See Matt. 7:22, 23; Matt. 24:11.

This “false prophet” is intimately associated with the “beast” all through his history, and like him symbolizes a dynastic body, and not an individual “false prophet.” The Church of Rome has about 500,000 priests at the present time, all proclaiming a false and apostate message to be Divine truth. When we remember that this mighty body of “false prophets” has existed for centuries in unbroken succession, and has misled and deceived untold millions of souls in every land, the reason for its awful doom as depicted in Rev. 19 will be apparent.

All three of these powers, or agencies, are witnessing at the present time a wonderful revival, and according to verse 14, their power is to mount higher and higher as the end approaches, just as an expiring candle flares up just before going out. They are to “work miracles,” or in other words, achieve such a measure of success, and in all ranks and stations of society, that it will seem like a real miracle.

What this really means only the future can reveal. Our best commentators regard it as a prediction which refers to a time of sore trial and sifting of the Church of Christ; to a time when the powers of Rationalism, Atheism, Socialism,* Romanism, and Pantheism and Paganism, under the guise of New Theology, Spiritualism, and other counterfeits of Christianity, will almost overwhelm the Church of Christ.

* The author distinguishes between the Social Reform spirit and Socialism. The former is Divine in origin and character, and its advocates (some of whom are outside the churches) labour amongst the poor, and by self-sacrifice do their part to help the down-trodden and discouraged. The latter is Satanic in origin and character, and its advocates in most instances are openly Atheistic in doctrine. Its advocates are, as a rule, fierce “fighters,” who profess great concern for the poor, but never go near them in their homes when in trouble and in need. The author has found this literally true, after traveling all over Britain, and after having repeatedly challenged Socialist agitators to produce evidence of having done any practical work amongst the poor.

Napoleon, it is said, once dressed some French buglers in Prussian uniforms and sent them into the Prussian lines to sound a retreat, thus causing great confusion.

So in the Christian Church there are preachers who are simply Atheists in a white tie and ministerial gown; men who know nothing of Divine revelation experimentally, polished, scholarly men, and in high positions very often, but men who are preachers by profession and not by Divine calling. In these lie the peril of the future, as the unthinking multitudes mistake them for the “broad-minded” ambassadors of Christ.

These are the men whom Jesus Christ has foretold us will come to Him at the Great Day and plead: “Lord, Lord, we have prophesied (or preached) in Thy name,” &c., and to whom He has said He will answer: “I never knew you, depart from Me,” &c.

Certainly the Scriptures warrant us in concluding that at the close of this age, and the Second Coming of Christ, as at His First Coming in the flesh, religious faith will be at a very low ebb.

The present generation of Christians may be those who will be “hungry, sick, naked, and in prison,” during the coming time of trial, when forces which are fast coming to the front shall gain the upper hand and overthrow all organized government. See Dan. 12;1,10; Luke 21:25,28; and Rev. 16:18.

(Continued in Our Position Today in the Divine Programme as Revealed in Prophecy.)

All sections of Antichrist And His Ten Kingdoms by Albert Close